Lettuce Play Overcooked! (with Chef Cheezum)

Time for more Overcooked! It’s Pizzatime~


Never not gonna post this picture whenever it is relevant


i absolutely love how intense the haunted house level music is

I imagine Chip hearing the word “pizza” is akin to Strong Sad hearing the phrase “covered bridges.”

This game has some surprisingly good level design. 4-4 in particular struck me as being a really cool idea for a co-op stage, considering how easily it shifts the players’ roles.

Is it just me or does the music on that Haunted House level sound like a perfect mix of the soundtracks to the Harry Potter movies and like Kirby’s Dreamland?

How are they not asking you to put cheese on the burgers yet?

Because they’re selling hamburgers specifically.

Easy, son! Cheeseburgers already? You’re moving just a little too fast.

Cheese is impossible in the Overcooked universe.

Think about it, the cheese is only gotten in large slices and it is then sliced/chopped thinly. And then that whole mass is for a single dish.

The cooks in Overcooked do not work with half-portions, slices or distributing cheese, it’s all or nothing.

A cheeseburger wouldn’t be a burger with cheese, it would be bread caked with cheese around it, with a small piece of meat in the middle.

It looks for all the world to me that Cat Chef is carrying the food and ingredients in their mouth.



I wish that the people eating in the rotating table lava level would slowly melt over time.


Crumbling into lava doesn’t make it a bad kitchen, the lack of rice-cooking equipment does.


Tonight, we dine in Hell. But, like, literally. We’ll have burritos and everything.

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The audio on episode 5 appears to be desynced? Or is that just my mother-in-law’s shitty old lady internet?

geee oh boy i hope not cuz i would have to make chip fix it all for me :frowning:

EDIT: nope it’s you.

And they’d each have different kinds of skeletons. One would be a terminator, one a lizard person, etc.

One diner should melt to reveal a snowman underneath, who then looks at the camera and shrugs.
Chip mentioned elevated dining, which I remember seeing on the news: http://www.metronews.ca/news/vancouver/2016/09/29/dinner-in-the-sky-coming-to-vancouver.html
I know what your thinking: Can I get high while I eat and drink as I am suspended 50 metres off the ground? Well, thanks to Canada’s pending legalization of cannabis, restaurants are eagerly planning to have elevated edibles on the menu. Who knows what the next big thing will be.

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Who knows what the next big thing will be.

Diamond infused avocado toast.

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I’m glad it’s me, less work for you. :slight_smile:

I’ll just wait until we get home.

They should release a DLC where you make poutine.

I know lava is super hot and just melts pretty much everything but I still think falling in the lava should cook the food.