What are you playing this week?

You’re pretty good. :ocelot:

Thanks to @Highwang I’ve been playing through Darkest Dungeon and everyone is unhinged or dying because I suck and don’t have his luck

I also made my spouse play through To The Moon (if you haven’t played To The Moon, do that.)

Playing lots of Quiplash and Tee K.O. and ruining friendships and relationships with Duck Game and Overcooked

Just finished Pokemon Sun yesterday, I’m trying to finish stuff I have so instead of hitting the post game stuff I’m gonna hop back onto Monster Hunter and try and finish the main stuff.

I think I’m on the last mission of Shadowrun Hong Kong too so I’ll tackle that this weekend.

Oh my goosssh To The Moon. Whenever someone reminds me of that game I get all blubbery. Also I tried pickled olives after playing that game and they’re SO GROSS THO.

I am currently playing Dragon Quest VII, which is a good game, but man, the old school jrpg pacing is a killer sometimes. Like, Dragon Quest, maybe you could introduce that job system a little earlier than 15 hours in? I still love ya, but, come on.

I, like just about everyone at that time, played a lot of Doom and Doom II when it first came out. But I’ve kind of dismissed any Doom-related news since then given how awful Doom 3 was. However, the Doom speedrun at AGDQ 2017 made the game look SO GOOD. I’m excited to see that it may in fact actually be worth grabbing.

It’s definitely worth getting, especially at the $20-30 price range. It’s fun, although the back end of the game is hella repetitive. Then again it’s Doom, so that’s probably not too much of a surprise.

Just finished my Alolan Dex in PokeMoon, so now there’s a better chance that my attempts at The Perfect BagonTM will give me a shiny. I’ve also been playing a bunch of DRR Mario Mix as a way to relax in this hellworld and I just started a playthrough of Lost Kingdoms II (odd to play when I’m more used to the first game’s systems, but not in a bad way. FromSoft give me a HD remake of these games).

Gosh, me too! ;_;

@Jenner you’ll have to tell me what your spouse thinks of it when they finish it :3

I’ve been sucked deep into the Final Fantasy 14 hole lately and this week hasn’t changed that. There’s so much to do still that I’m finding ways to keep myself engaged and occupied to a worrying degree. Right now I’m clearing out the hard mode dungeons for those tomes. Also need to rope Handel into playing Palace of the Dead with me. That’s a fun time with friends. Or meatshields. One of the two!

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I’ll be coming back to FFXIV once Stormblood comes out. It’s all about that Red Mage, which looks like everything I could hope for an FFXIV Red Mage to be.


I bought Stardew Valley over the Xmas sale, and have slowly been working through that. Only just got to year two. It’s a nice, calm time sink and efficiency engine, which I suppose is all I wanted. It’s a very nice looking game and it amazes me that it’s all the work of one person.

My main complaint is that fishing is for the birds.


So far it’s been World of Warcraft, League of Legends, and desperately wishing I could play Persona 4 over again but I can’t because I lost my Playstation 2 :disappointed:

Getting into playing Devil May Cry 4 (the original PC release, since I have it in my steam library, as opposed to the recent Special Edition release), and man, I’ve missed this series. Platinum Games have been doing great with Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, Transformers Devastation, etc, but I’ve always had a soft spot for the Devil May Cry series in particular, and haven’t played one of these since beating DMC3: SE on my PS2 years ago. There’s something about the mix of the demonic survival horror-type setting, and the stylish protagonist that really doesn’t care for all the horror and just kills a bunch of demons that I really like.

Sometime after beating this game, I might look into playing DmC: Devil May Cry, but from everything I’ve seen out of that game’s characterization in videos really has me put off. Having an angsty-sounding Dante swearing a bunch just seems…wrong. But hell, I dunno. Maybe it’s better than I think it might be from those few videos I watched years ago.


I just got the guide one of my friends made over at fangamer for stardew, and if you have the spare bucks it’s real nice and super helpful

It hasn’t lived up to the hype for me yet. I still haven’t finished it tho, so there’s still time.
Also, I broke out of the level at one point, looking for those walls you can walk thru.

I’m not a fan of the cheap game mechanic of hiding stuff in walls you have to push against.
It’s not just that,… but the game is really pretty to look at. Top-notch pixel art.


My dude, DmC is definitely worth your time. As someone who enjoyed most of the DMCs before it, DmC is stupid in all the right ways, with some DAMN fine combat. Also I thought the OST was pretty great, and wish that Ninja Theory let the game speak for itself instead of making a bunch of dumb and edgy comments during development.

DmC was a good action game. I didn’t like some thing’s like the color coded enemies and everything about the plot but at least they fixed the former in the definitive edition.

The hostage scene is the worst thing.

Fire Emblem Heroes was just released, so I’m playing that. Need a break from just playing Pokemon Go during my commute.

Finished The Last Guardian for the third time just so I can Platinum the game. Not as good as the other Team Ico games, especially after over 8 years in the making, but I’m glad I played it in the end. It gets really frustrating at points, which was a detriment to many except for me.

If you’ve ever owned a rowdy dog as a pet, you tend to develop a high tolerance for disobedience and a ton of patience for getting an animal to listen to you.

When I get the spoons to actually play some games, I’ll go back to my nearly finished Deus Ex: Mankind Divided “I never asked for this” run. Just in time for the next story DLC I guess.