What are you playing this week?

Surprisingly no, I was pretty balanced with the vr mode in it!

Iā€™m gonna be playing Digimon World: Next Order and Resident Evil 7 for the foreseeable future.

Iā€™ve been streaming my playthrough of RE because I am a weenie who canā€™t do horror on their own. And thankfully I got friends willing to sit in with me and help me when Iā€™m bad at puzzles. Plus, RE7 is a very VERY good game. only other RE Iā€™ve really played was RE5 and I just couldnā€™t get into it as much as I tried. But 7 is the first horror game since Call of Cthulhu that Iā€™ve actually kinda enjoyed playing.

Oh, Iā€™ll also probably be playing Yakuza 4 soon, since Iā€™ve had that game for a while and havenā€™t gotten very far in it ever, despite enjoying it a lot.

Iā€™ve been playing a lot of XComā€™s Long War mod lately. Itā€™s just got something to it that even when itā€™s kicking my teeth in it still feels like a mostly fair game. Trying to wrap it up before diving into Long War 2, which looks really good from everything Iā€™ve seen so far.

If you havenā€™t seen either and you like strategy games, or you have issues with vanilla XCom: Enemy Unknown/Within and vanilla XCom 2 you should take a look at the Long War mods.


Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE, in preparation for Persona 5. It kind of feels like this game was practice for Persona 5, kind of like how Persona Q felt. But TMS stands well on its own, and I highly recommend it for any SMT fan. Iā€™m not a Fire Emblem fan (only ever played a bit of Awakening), but so far it seems that itā€™s just has references to Fire Emblem stuff, so you donā€™t need to be a fan of FE to enjoy it. Everything else (other than the story, which is its own thing) is very SMT, but I wouldnā€™t say you need to know SMT to enjoy it either.

And hey, thereā€™s an LP of it here in this forum!

if on a DS Zelda kick I highly recommend Link Between Worlds! Iā€™m still reeling with how impressed I was by it and I played it like three years ago? its gameplay is just so smoooooothhhhhh. and the puzzles use the mechanic so well and I had so much fun with the puzzles!

Iā€™m finally getting around to finishing AssCreed III Liberation, which lost me a while back by introducing a lot of mechanics I thought would be interesting and then basically giving me very specific places to use them as opposed to trusting me with my own creativity. but Iā€™m in love with Aveline enough to keep playing so that I can at least finish the story. other than that my default game is L4D2, and I keep trying not to be the worst ever at Overwatch but I think itā€™s unavoidable.

Iā€™ve been meaning to get back into TMS, That game feels like the proper sequel to Persona 4 while 5 looks to be a bit more old school SMT game (I am hype as all hell for P5). I still have a hard time believing that with all the wait for ā€œFire Emblem x SMTā€ that THIS was the game that came outta it

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Oh hell yes, I didnā€™t know Odin Sphere Leifthrasir had a New Game+ that scaled things up to a higher level! Thatā€™s exactly what I was hoping forā€“I wanted to have more time to play with the super high-level skills you get towards the end of each characterā€™s story and now I get exactly that.

all I needed to know about Odin Sphere Leifthrasir was that I was able to juggle A LOT as Gwen right off the bat and that made me so happy. I was thrilled that they just took what they learned from Muramasa and Dragonā€™s Crown and were just like ā€œfuck it, throw it in our old game tooā€

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I actually played Link Between Worlds a few years ago and I was blown away by how good it is. Just everything about the game was amazing, especially how well they utilize the wall merge ability. Iā€™ve kinda wanted to try doing a Hero mode run of the game since I first beat it. Maybe after Phantom Hourglass Iā€™ll give it a try.

On a different note, tonight at Walmart I was browsing the cheap game bin and found a single copy of Pikmin 2 for $20. I think I know what Iā€™ll be playing on my day off tomorrow!

I got to the first town so I could drop a save on Dragon Quest VIII 3DS, then got wrapped up in other projects, but itā€™ll have its claws in me for probably all of February. I completed the post-game in the PS2 version, and got to the midpoint with a separate Fisticuffs Only run years ago. Itā€™s my favorite DQ from the main series, so this (technically third) playthrough is gonna rule.

I honestly donā€™t know what Iā€™m going to be playing this week, I keep trying to work on my writing so I try not to game too much, but of the things Iā€™ve been playing itā€™ll probably be some combination of Guild Wars 2, Warframe, Titanfall 2, and Overwatch.

This week ive played about 3 games lol

I played and finished Resident Evil 7 best RE game in years and have been going on and off with Tales of Berseria and HITMAN since I waited for the disc version.

Been playing some Paradox games lately, namely CKII and EUIV.

And by ā€œplayingā€ generally I mean ā€œmoddingā€ because Iā€™m a goddamn idiot who loves to bash their head against code for hours.

I just finished playing SMT Strange Journey and then loaded an old save of Persona 1 only to find out I was in the last dungeon so I beat that as well. Starting a new game of Persona 2 IS now. Extremely hyped for P5.

I had never played a Doom game I liked, but I was looking for a shooter because of reasons, and like a weirdo I trusted Polygonā€™s goatie list and bought Doom 2016 on sale. And holy fuck, what a good shooter. So cathartic, so full of good shooting, and I got really invested in the logs and lore. I beat that this weekend and Iā€™m considering going back to grab missed collectibles. Donā€™t have a lot of spare time this week, though.

The lack of spare time as I grow older makes me sad.

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Iā€™m not going to lie, Iā€™m totally overwhelmed by my backlog. The family bought a few games for Christmas (DOOM, Deus Ex, Titanfall 2, I already had Battlefieldā€¦), but Iā€™m hiding and just playing DOTA like always. ;_;

Link Between Worlds is really good. I havenā€™t enjoyed Zelda dungeons that much in a long time. A change as simple as just giving you the dungeon items outside of the dungeons let them be a lot more creative with dungeon layouts and how you progress through each one, and I really liked that.

I also love how well they introduce you to each dungeonā€™s central puzzle mechanics in the first room or two. Take the Dark Palace, for example. In the very first room, thereā€™s a gap you need to cross, right away. Thereā€™s a platform that youā€™ve seen before and you know that kind of platform usually moves back and forth on its ownā€“this one, though, is stationary. But thereā€™s also a switch on the left side of the room. So you hit the switch and it immediately moves the platform across the gap, then turns off after a short period of time and moves it back. The switch is blocked by a low wall that you canā€™t shoot over.

So how do you hit the switch while also getting on the platform in time? Bombs! You lay a bomb next to the switch, walk to the platform and stand on it before the bomb explodes, and the platform ushers you across. Nice! But now thereā€™s a locked door with two weird eye-shaped things to its left and right. The one on the left is open and has light shining on it from a window above it. The other is closed, but thereā€™s a window above it thatā€™s boarded up. Well, you just used a bomb, so you throw a bomb up to the window and blow up the boards, light shines on the eye switch, it opens, and the door opens.

Guess what? Youā€™ve just been introduced to the dungeonā€™s entire rule set. Youā€™re going to have to shine light from the top of the dungeon down on to six eye switches at the bottom to open the way to the boss by blowing up weak floor tiles and boarded-up windows. Along the way, youā€™ll need to use bombs to activate timed switches that you canā€™t hit while standing next to the thing you need the switch to open/activate/etc.

Thatā€™s clever as hell and I hope Breath of the Wildā€™s dungeon design trusts the player that much.


of all of those, I can give the highest praise to Titanfall 2, its story mode is actually pretty dang stellar and Iā€™m a huge fan of itā€™s multiplayer mode

So far only the Overwatch, as Iā€™m really enjoying Grab Ze Cock mode. Been with sticking with Torb, Junk and Sym, as Iā€™m the type of jerk who enjoys watching being die via well placed turrets, traps or lasers.

Aside from that, Iā€™ll probably dive back into Final Fantasys 14 & 15 this weekend.

Iā€™ve gotten back into FFXIV and am slowly dressing my character to look more and more like tiny Revolver Ocelot.

I only have Machinist at 52 so Iā€™m still getting to the good stuff for the ensemble.