What are you listening to? (another music thread)

Chromelodeon’s “Heart of Sawdust” is one of the best albums I’ve heard. It’s a continuous play album, so if you listen to it I advise grabbing a download instead of listening on YouTube.

They also have a bunch of other great songs that you may have heard at one point or another without realising.

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A consistent favourite of mine has got to be Carpenter Brut. In particular, “347 Midnight Demons” is an excellent tune:

I also recently discovered an artist going by the name of “MASTER BOOT RECORD” or MBR for short, who does a mixture of heavy metal and classical music in an electronic format, and wraps it all up in a DOS aesthetic. “NWOSHM.TXT” (New Wave Of Synthesized Heavy Metal) is a favourite there:

Lastly, to round off the selection of aggressive electro music, the full length version of “electroheist” from the {hackmud} soundtrack is simply amazing, and really nails the feeling of just smashing and grabbing stuff in the game’s “hardline mode”:


I’ve been on an instrumental hip hop kick as of late. (As evident of my heavy use of those types of tracks in my LPs’ bonus content.) I’ve been searching the net for anything with a good beat. This is what I’m currently listening.


yo, horn in the middle is my favorite track from nujabes~

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Going to be seeing them soon! They’re playing in Nashville next month. I can’t wait.


Oh, and in order to keep the thread rolling… if you like Carpenter Brut, this has been my jam for a minute.

I stumbled over entire channels dedicated to this 80s synth stuff on youtube. A lot of it is honestly pretty good, though similar to the Stoner/Doom channels, it tends to feel rather same-y after a while.

Talking about stoner, I’m playing that sort of stuff myself. Not gonna promote my own stuff here (saving that for when we have actual recordings to present, not just bad live cuts), but here are two fantastic bands we’re friends with:

And yes, Ultimate Warrior is exactly what you think it’s about.

I’m having one of those morning, so I feel like something dark. I’m listening to avant-garde drone metal: Big Church [[megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért]] by Sunn O))).

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Ah, the old “let Sun O))) vibrate me out of bed” trick.


It works! It’s also really good at getting the neighbors to blast their music in retaliation.

Little do they know white noise drowns everything, even Little Wayne. Which incitentally is what should always happen when someone plays Little Wayne.

Well seeing as THE BEST BAND AJJ has already been mentioned, I’ll post my other current kick, harsh noise/hiphop group clipping.


Also I saw Ghost Mice being posted, but not my most favorite song by them.


Like a lot of people, I went on a Bandcamp rampage yesterday and finally collected a bunch of stuff I’ve been meaning to get for years, including some stuff befitting the Doom day a few other people seem to be having.


I’m not done listening to or flipping the fuck out about Postmodern Jukebox sorry not sorry aaaaaa

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I don’t see this one here yet, so here’s my favorite Postmodern Jukebox track.


Since I am at their show right now, have some White Lies!

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This was part of this morning’s soundtrack as I made breakfast. This song really makes me want to play the contrabass clarinet.

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