This one weird trick, discovered by a mom, adds a fresh new spin on Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I honestly never doubted you, because fuck those missions.

22: Jetpack

Also we tried recording the commentary a little differently. Hopefully it sounds good because it made the editing process way easier.

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Dude, I live in Pennsylvania, and while apparently you do need a permit to use actual fireworks, I’ve heard a ton of shows going on outside my house that happened at least a few days outside of the actual holidays where they usually happen.

I seem to remember at least one or two happening on a completely random day, where there was absolutely no reason for them to happen.

The NJ/PA fireworks situation is turbofucked, basically.

Go on…

23: Architectural

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24: Goof Troop

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God, that Wolverine model is perfect for Rosenberg. With the way his bottom lip’s fucked up, it makes him look more petulant than angry.

So, when do you turn off push to talk?

literally fucking never, deal with it

i dealt with the time i accidentally used push to talk, took about 2 minutes so figured id ask

I have been using push to talk since 2008

all the hip young kids use voice activity detection, get with the times daddy-o :sunglasses:

As my family often barges into my room to ask me inane shit, that’s not ideal

ptt 4 lyfe

That’s a bad situaysh, but I thought the early episodes didn’t have a click every time you spoke. Maybe I just have the crazy ears.

Mumble’s built in recording does some automatic volume adjustment on it and it makes my keyboard sound way louder but its like 10x more convenient than going the discord + sync check + audacity + wait 5 days for mike to send me his audio method.

25: Charizard


26: Madd Dogg