There Are a Few Problems - Let's Play Sven Co-op!

I really identify with Panzer dying of laughter at the absurdity of that last map.


I actually cannot stress enough how much I agree.

Thank you for this delicious garbage! Wonderful garbage maps!!!

To clarify the second map to you, this is Alien Sex Fiend;

Batcave era Goth band. No idea what the map had to do with it though. They might have been a instrumental song of theirs in the background? Not one I recognised though.

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i remembered i have an account in this place and why’s this have the “informative tag” kaubocks. what are you informing us about. is the information in question a warning about the kinds of things people make for sven co-op because if so you’re are succeeding with magnificent, flying, soaring colours


You have the right to remain LP silent. If you give up the right to remain LP silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of LP law. You have the right to an LP attorney. If you desire an LP attorney and cannot afford one, an LP attorney will be obtained for you before LP police questioning.


Editing goofs happen to all of us, but I don’t see how you could miss the second half of the episode being just episode 1 of the SR2 LP? Hope you can upload a fixed version soon, good episode otherwise.

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Isn’t there a cheat to just make the crowbar super powerful?

Hey it’s my favorite fanfic, “Renamon and Optimus Prime Break Out of Jail”

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The problem with Frogger was the no clip, which makes you unable to interact with the buttons and also seemingly allows you to dodge some code. That said, goodness you didn’t need to do this to yourselves for making a minor error about dumb anime titty frogger.

i’m amazed this is like the fourth time i’ve said this among both threads but i have great news about the next episode


Insurance Fraud map???

Finally, Return of Donny.

Renamon x Optimus prime OTP

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It’s time to terrorize the streets of Stilwater in Sven Co-op!

…hey, wait a minute…


That last map was amazing in concept but also amazing that someone decided that yes, I want to make Hotline Miami in sven co-op.

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Ah, memories. That fucker Donnie made my ribs hurt.

While it is, overall, mechanically kinda bad the last map you take on in this set is actually really cool.

It’s the first day of March! You know what that means? Let’s celebrate Christmas for some reason!

P.S.: There’s like a ten-second section in this vid that’s kinda NSFW so be careful out there!


We’ve just had a solid two days of blizzard after almost the whole winter of no snow at all, so this video is very timely for that, at least.

Well that was a roller coaster ride of emotion.