The Political Cartoons Thread: Still Somehow Blaming Obama!

Iā€™m the oddly detailed trump book at the bottom-left.

I kind of really like the third cartoon. Like, Iā€™m not entirely sure about what the cartoonist is trying to say about the situation theyā€™re portraying, but I like nonetheless

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Based on the name tag Iā€¦think itā€™s a Monica Lewensky joke, at least in part?

I donā€™t understand these things sometimes.

Iā€™m in much the same camp. I think itā€™s probably a sad commentary on how polarised all American media seems to have become in the last twenty years or so. Arguably that all started with the Clinton presidency which the nametag could be a reference to (with the bookseller being named during the impeachment debacle and so having lived her whole life in this state of affairs), but that might be reading too much into it.

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Too many comics needing explaining recently. Hereā€™s one that includes its own explanation.


That is really good and extremely accurate.


Still blaming Obama.


Iā€™m actually not sure if this is blaming Obama or painting Republicans as short-sighted, inept, and fanatic when it comes to reversing the ACA, considering Wile E. Coyoteā€™s character.

I guess it depends on whether the artist meant for that conclusion to be reached. And if not, then that wasnā€™t really the best cartoon analogy to use, was it?

I donā€™t think the cartoon is blaming Obama, my comment was more a reference to the Republican Party themselves (and a tie in to the thread title). The cartoon is Canadian so I think itā€™s just poking some fun at the whole affair.

I see. Itā€™s hard to tell intent without context lately considering other artists weā€™ve seen in this thread.

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The context is that Trump has nothing better to do than dismantle Obamaā€™s legacy and in the case of ACA, is really bad at it.

Shall we get Ben Garrisonā€™s take?

(thatā€™s supposed to be John McCain shouting there, by the way.)

Also this one is funny because itā€™s incredibly reminiscent of Stan Kelly. Right down to the Lady Liberty.

Meanwhile, in Actual Stan Kelly space:


Garrisonā€™s garbage as usual, but Iā€™m glad Kellyā€™s having a good time.


Tag yourself, iā€™m the freedom nipple

Ew ew ewe ew ew ewe ew ewew ew ewewwwwwwwww

Also, this doesnā€™t really look like Garrisonā€™s illustration style. Parody?

Ah, you may be right - I donā€™t see it on his blog, just a transphobic rant inspired by Shatner and this latest masterpiece.