Streaming in the Game Of - Variety Streaming to Completion (Probably)

We continue fanning the flames of corporate rivalry with little regard as to how anyone might feel about it. Except for us. Conway’s well-being is very important, and not getting him implicated in a murder while still getting paid for trying to solve the murder is our top priority.

It’s Ornstein and Smough part 2. C’est la vie.

And so, we begin the Android 21 saga! I don’t know why I exclaimed that, because after the intro we’re quickly roped into fighting numerous clones. And with nary a Goku to be found, we’re dealing with a small group that doesn’t talk much in between all of those clone fights. Android 21 story, everyone.

In the final episode of Gunpoint, we continue getting tangled in this conspiracy. With everyone at each other’s throats, will Richard Conway be able to track down the real killer before the end of the night?

We’ve had two sessions of fighting The Boys, but it seems it’s their time to leave town at last. And with the two guys who just love causing trouble out of the way, the world has really opened up for us. Which can only mean one thing: choice paralysis.

It’s Petal Crash! While already a fun and easy-to-grasp puzzle game, Petal Crash also has a very charming cast of characters! Which means we’re playing story mode so we can see 'em in action. Today we cover Lilibri and Strelitz’s story modes, and discover that Strelitz is the best child. No contest, sorry to everyone else who participated.

With the Lordvessel in our possession, the world’s our oyster! … Or clam, given one of the first enemies we run into. Regardless, there’s a lot we can do, so we might as well go for the thing I’ve been wanting for like half the game. Said thing which, as it happens, is further into the graveyard. So I guess we’re chasing after Gravelord Nito first.

Whoops, forgot to post one of the updates! The Android 21 arc finally starts getting good, because things are happening. Strange how that works out. Anyway, session 11 sees a pretty big turnaround for the story, while 11.5 is exactly one map because my computer did not want to run anything well that night.

On today’s session of Petal Crash, we clear three stories as Penny and Deony, Ore Kid, and Daize go on their own journies. Hopefully Penny’s got plenty of confidence for you, because basically every other character extremely does not. But that’s okay, because that’s what the wish is for, right?

We delve deeper in to the Catacombs, and unfortunately, the Tomb of Giants. While we wait for ways to mitigate the dark, we fumble about and meet some friends, both new and old. And when I say “friends,” I should also mention that there is exactly one NPC that does not actively try to kill us this time. It be like that sometimes.

It’s the finale of Dragon Ball FighterZ, as we’ve finally defeated every clone on the planet. I guess all the ones we skipped died of heart disease. Regardless, we can finally face down Android 21 with the combined might of Android 18, the people’s champion Yamcha, and the good half of 21.

Oh dang, I’ve been LPing for ten years. Since I started with Nightmare in Dreamland, it seems like a pretty good time to take a quick lap through it once again! … but in Meta Knightmare mode this time, just for some variety.

With one Lord Soul in hand, we might as well take a detour back to the Undead Asylum. But going home can be hard to do, especially when you finally run into the giant demon living in the basement.

It’s gonna be the end of the world as we know it. Lenneth Valkyrie has been tasked with gathering warriors to face the upcoming threat of Ragnarok. While she cannot recruit living warriors, she can seek out those who are approaching death and aid them in their final hours. Her first recruit brings her to Artolia, where a gruff mercenary is about to find himself entangled in a conspiracy that’s only, like, 40% at fault for the conspiracy.

It’s the first session of [Prototype]! A notably dull man in a hoodie, Alex Mercer, wakes up in the middle of being dissected. As it turns out, he’s got some sort of strange, monstrous infection, and the military wants him dead! A pretty bad evening, all things considered.

Last time, we found a strange doll in the Undead Asylum. Which means we now have the chance to enter a world within a painting! As you do.

Now that we’ve got a party, it’s time to train 'em up in the first dungeon. Ragnarok might be priority #1, but that doesn’t mean we can’t take some time to kill some trouble-making vampires so our warriors can gain a few levels.

Somehow, Alex had a girlfriend before he died. I guess it’d be courteous to save her from the government and/or the supermutants, but we need to have a tank to escort her first. She will not accept anything less than a full-tank commute.

On today’s session of Dark Souls, Enid descends to Hell! That’s right, we’re finding the home of several types of demons that have been cropping up in the world above, and there are even some new species for us to get killed by as well. We also fight a boss, who’s been discharging a bit too much for my liking.

Freya has left the party, and now it’s time for Valkyrie to begin her job in earnest. Today, we gather two new souls after their tragic demises. And since their storylines are far shorter than Arngrim’s, we also have time for a dungeon and a half to train 'em up.