Streaming in the Game Of - Variety Streaming to Completion (Probably)

It seems Geo can’t escape socializing forever. It turns out our recent winged acquaintance is actually friends with Mr. Boreal, and now the latter has decided to show Geo his workplace. And if that wasn’t anxiety-inducing enough, Luna and her cronies have caught wind of that visit, and intend to follow Geo there to continue badgering him about going to school. And this is why Geo Stelar doesn’t typically talk to people.

Bulk day has arrived! We’ve got a bit of talking around to finish up, but once that’s done it’s time to take on Okumura’s palace. Our goal is to save Haru from the skeeviest arranged marriage of 2016, but what if she could save… herself? I mean, considering that kinda thing has happened several times already, I think there’s a pretty good chance of it.

It’s Christmas once again, which means it’s time for Sonic 3! Hope you’re ready for a year in review, where all the while Tails keeps getting ahead of us and burning bridges on his way.

Due to an unfortunate timing for an eavesdrop, it seems our horrible FM-ian has convinced Tom Dubius that all humans are selfish backstabbers. So while Geo and the other kids following him around are touring AMAKEN, somebody’s plotting swift vengeance in the background.

We continue our way through the Okumura Mind Space Station, where Haru’s already proven to be pretty handy in a fight. But merely fighting won’t be enough for the Phantom Thieves to progress; they’re going to need to strategically assassinate management for IDs if they want to get ahead.

So last time, we played pretty nonchalantly about being set up. But actually, between Maelstrom and the Militech, we should really be siding with the guys who are just weirdos, not cops. But when that alternate timeline’s out of the way, what are the final pieces of our grand plan going to look like?

Our museum tour’s in danger, and Geo’s the only one who can save them! Together with Mega, they’ll face down their second big opponent… after dealing with some space ducks, of course.

Yeah, you know the drill. We’re still in the space burger palace, and Haru gets to learn just how much her dad loves workers’ rights violations.

I hope you’re ready for some hotel robbery, because we are going to rob the hell out of Yorinobu! This is all gonna go so… oh. Oh dear.

The knock knock knockin’ at Geo’s door was, unfortunately, a cop. It seems the recent FM-ian antics haven’t gone unnoticed by the world, and the wave police are here to check out certain points of interest. So it’s probably for the best that Omega-Xis decided to take a walk today, or this would be a more difficult conversation.

The time has come to take on Okumura! Surely the nerd dressed up like a 50s Si-Fi alien won’t put up that much of a fight, right?

… right?!

Things have gone from bad to worse for V, but the days will go on regardless. We’ve got things to do, but chore day isn’t going to go so smoothly if we don’t have a vehicle. And, uh, funny story about that car we usually have.