Let's Play 13th Age: Time to Cry Edition

This week’s update is a very nice and simple fireside chat, since both Roy and Beelz were away doing cool sword shit! Blaze and Hugh get to know each other a bit better and a couple Icons get involved!


Hi, Heave!:wave:

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The party is finally in the Queen’s Woods but, as always, something stands in their way. This time its a hellhole opening up in the middle of a fey city, a giant black spire rising from the ground, and a road block set up by the Fey Queen. Will the adventurers be able to divert disaster or are demons and mortals fated to fight?

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No update this week, because everyone got kinda busy with vacations or family engagements on Sunday, one of which was me, so I couldn’t even record a filler episode. Sorry, but we will return next week with the thrilling conclusion to demonic diplomacy!

Hey its the thrilling conclusion to diplomacy! Will there be peace between the strange demons of Onyran Alora and the Fey Queen or will there be war? Also, why are these demons so… elvish? Find out on this week’s episode!

And when you’re done listening to the episode, feel free to take a look at this new player race: the spire elves! Caught between the demonic and the fey, the spire elves embody both the fey and demoic, even if they don’t really have complete control over when and how they do so.

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The party is forced to stop in the small fey town of Ath Shantar, where they confront a “gift” left by Nulthra and the General, one that threatens to destroy the town. Will they be able to stop the spreading taint or will the town be consumed? Find out in this week’s episode!

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A chaos elemental is on the loose again, this time in the basement of Aurora’s Beautiful Books! Can the party navigate the basement’s pitfalls and traps to save Aurora or will they be forced to abandon her to her fate? Find out now!

As a side note, the coming months might have a bit of a slower update schedule, as a couple things are happening; two players are going on vacations at the same time, and my girlfriend and I are navigating buying a house and preparing to move in. Next week there should be a normal update, but after that it might get a bit patchy. We appreciate your understanding!

I fell behind on this, but I gotta say, Elvish being both beautiful and incredibly literal feels like a callout. :V

Listen, it’s not my fault that Icelandic is beautiful to listen to but also very funny once you have it translated. Love that Nordic language, from all sides!

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The party has finally arrived in the Court of Stars, and their quest seems to finally be at an end: with the exchanging of the hunting horn, they will finally be free of the obligations that bind them and lauded as heroes of the fey realm.

Important news: The next couple of weeks there won’t be any updates, as all the people involved with the game are going on vacation or working or doing both! We’ll be back with new episodes when we’re all fully refreshed and ready to absolutely make you all sad.

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and of course by a couple week break you mean forever because the quest is over certainly nothing bad is going to happen

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The quest may be over, but what about the epilogue that is surely coming next???

Can’t believe you’d just drop that huge reveal right at that last minute, I’m drowning in questions right now.

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Is there a write up for Blaze Fox’s weasel race? Would love to add it to my bag of player options!

Heave and I mostly hashed it out in private messages unfortunately! Next time I talk to them, I’ll get the info and do a proper write up.

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Hi everyone, just a quick heads up for those who want to know when the next episode is going to be posted: if everything goes according to plan, our next session will be posted on the strangely thematic Friday the 13th (so in about two weeks or so). Everyone should be back from their vacations, so we’ll see you then!


Wild Hunt is back! When we last left our adventurers they were squaring off against the General in the middle of the Fey Queen’s throne room; how will they best this monster from the dawn of time, who literally wields a sword named Genocide? And who is the mysterious new friend they make this session?

Also, introducing our newest character! This is spoilers, so read at your own peril.

Spawn is a fusion of Hugh and Dawn and almost certainly knows everything about anything, which is why they’re constantly bored out of their skull. They combine Dawn and Hugh’s mother hen tendency to become the ultimate parent!
Spawn is played by both beelzeboob and dijon du jour.

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Oh also I promised to post this art by beelz and immediately forgot to do that! So here’s her art of Spawn and their children.


I was not expecting to feel this sad about losing the Fae queen. I also wasn’t expecting to feel so delighted by the end of this episode! Really excited for the next one!

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The party enters the mindscape of a sword named Genocide in this week’s episode! They try to find out where everything went wrong for the sword and attempt to fix it. But really, can you fix something literally named Genocide?