Let's Mech America Great Again! - Metal Wolf Chaos

Is the mech control similar to Armored Core or Otogi, or more its own thing?

Also, while looking up some stuff I was reminded they also made Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit, which I remember being really bad.

Can’t recall how Otogi handled but it’s basically AC controls (or just usual 3rd person controls).

There are a few buttons (which haven’t been used) that I plan on using in the next episode. They do special things :slight_smile:


Mobile Armor Randy Model is my favorite gundam.

So Jody’s pretty much the perfect pick for secretary. She and Michael share their lack of empathy for murdering former friends and also their love of finding their favorite candy.

I might be the only person under 65 years old who has seen John Ford’s My Darling Clementine… It has nothing to do with the level or anything. It’s a very romanticized version of the Wyatt Earp/OK Corral story; very well made, but there’s some unfortunate racial stereotyping in it. According to this movie the OK Corral was in Monument Valley because its a John Ford movie and everything was in Monument Valley. Criterion released it a few years ago, and there’s some very interesting aspects to its production, but this is not the place for that.

The reporter is just the president with different hair.


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Oh. So that’s why this LP was stalled. Getting all the toys from beating the game twice. Glad to see this back!

Me and my brother sat down and watched all these updates, at the point in episode 3 where Jody starts singing about aliens he started questioning if this game is real or not. Can’t wait to watch more. :ocelot:


I want to comment on these new episodes, but I don’t think anything I say will do this LP justuice.

Every time Jody speaks it’s like something out of a surreal nightmare. It’s perfect!

((west coast!))

Have a feeling this was what was playing in Jody’s head when she was singing that rendition of "Ten Little Indians"

I get the distinct impression that the writer of the English script was playing a joke on the rest of the dev team.

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Maybe we’re looking at another Ghost stories situation where the English VOs just went “Fuck it” and just went completely apeshit with the dub.

I’d like to think everyone did their best and were completely earnest. In these dark times we all need some magic in our lives.

With each new update, the dialogue gets even more amazing. The reporter has to be my favorite as of yet.

Just you wait, friend.

I can’t decide what I love more - the ten little aliens song or that scream.

All of it is the best. ((west coast))

It was hard to see clearly, but was one of the aliens swimming through the air like Lupin III after his UFO was blown up?

Haha yuuup. It’s tricky to get them on camera well due to their speed and size. Next update has a decent view of one swimming around.

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Somehow I’ve never heard of this game before, but holy shit, this is great. Jody is maybe the best female character in video games, I love her.