Drowning, with options - Let's Play HITMAN™

I great more fond of Marrakesh in hindsight, as I played the next two levels. Like if I had to grade them, it would be:
Paris B+
Sapienza A
Marrakesh B-
Bangkok C
Colorado D
Hokkaido (Haven’t really played it)

On the plus side, it’s a fun level to walk around in. When I went back to do some escalations it used more of the map and involved the marketplace area more so that was good.

You guys are right though that the school and embassy are far apart. On top of that, they’re dead ends. You can’t really make any interesting routes to hit both targets. And the locations themselves are pretty boring, especially the school. They’re also a little too full of bottlenecks and suspicious guys which makes them a pain to move around in (unless you’re in the slowwww newbie opportunity disguises which are kind of annoyingly too good.)

Anyway there’s probably lots of shit I missed on these remaining levels so looking forward to more videos.

That is one Swedish looking guy. Now if they’d only named him Claes or Klas instead, (Unlike Claus, those are Swedish names,) it would be even better.

Oh, and all the Swedish surnames are mispronounced but “person” is closer than pearson. Paersson is more like the real pronounciation.

So it seems Hitman 2016 could be the last Hitman game ever: http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/11/hitman-developer-io-interactive-dumped-by-square-enix-6629832/

In hindsight I should’ve expected something like this after they murdered Sleeping Dogs and United Front Games. :frowning: Pouring one out for Hitman and hoping they’re going to implement a proper offline mode.

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As a swede, I have it on good authority that there are several office chairs sold.

…Of course, you just need to go to any Ikea in any country to find this out. I just wanted to feel special.

Oh, something you might not know, Lasse is a common version of Lars. In the same way that Jonny is a version of John, and Dick of Richard.

(if Claes had a Swedish nickname it would be Classe)

((My teacher, Clas Göran, during grade 4-6 was called Classe by us, his students))

04 - Bangkok
Club 27

And here’s the link to the soundcloud mentioned in the video!

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I don’t know what you are talking about, that outfit was precious

This is good, I like it! Adding it to a new fan-art section up top!

15 - Intervention

This is a little late because I spent basically all of yesterday on a plane. Related, this LP will take a short hiatus for 3-4 weeks while I’m away because I spent most of my free time editing for my NieR LP instead and also because I hate the next map. Also I’m an idiot who forgot to upload the video thumbnail to my host so this text link will have to do. Unfortunately, because I’m going to be away, I’ll have to miss the upcoming ET, but Jobbo should have that covered at least, so look forward to that.

Just a quick heads up, this LP’s not dead, I came back from vacation almost 2 weeks ago and I’ve gotten started recording the next mission. There’s also an ET going on for the bonus Marrakesh mission, A House Built on Sand, and I’ve got that recorded too. I’ve never played that mission either, just like The Icon, so I recorded commentary too, but Shadowplay doesn’t exactly play nice with this game at times so I think the recording might be a bit too garbled for a clean Intel run. :frowning: At the very least, the final video should probably be ok. ET video should be up by Wednesday, Freedom Fighters should probably start next Wednesday, and we’ll go from there.


You can actually find out where Mr. Giggles’ assistant is by listening to him call her on the phone after poisoning the dude.

Here’s the launch trailer for the next main mission, since we’re coming up on that this week.

Freedom Fighters

Yeah that’s along the lines of how I found out. I accidentally walked past her while she was on the phone and that tipped me off.

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So is Erich also a weird sexless clone, like 47?