You See That Wall? You Can Go Through It - Let's Play Rainbow Six Siege

I’ve been wondering,are the defense operators terrorists given that they’re the ones who take hostages or are the scenarios presented entirely hypothetical.?

It’s great that our introduction to Doc has him shoot a man in the groin then teasing him with the life saving medicine while he bleeds out.

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The defenders are also counter-terrorists. There is no real explanation, the multiplayer and main focus of the game is totally divorced from the story.

Don’t worry about Rook’s groin he had on Rhino Armor. Rhino protects even there, just not the head. The head on top of his neck ok is what I mean.

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It looked like to me war games, or possibly when playing against bots, who are labelled terrorists, that the CT had obtained a hostage and were holding out for evac?

No, you see, Defenders protect assets, they don’t keep hostages. It’s very different. Just ignore that the assets are blindfolded and obviously not happy with being there.

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Update 6

Please welcome Mira! Mira is a defense operator that has really shaken up Siege. For the time being she is a must pick with players fighting over every opportunity to get to play as Mira. Her Black Mirror provides a lot of intel to the defenders and forces attackers to think twice about assaulting any point her mirror overlooks.

Unique Ability: Black Mirror. Deploys a one-way bulletproof mirror on breakable and reinforced walls. Also can be ejected to create a murder hole.
Armor: 3
Speed: 1
Operator Name: Elena Maria Alvarez
Nickname: Mira
Date of Birth: November 19th, 1977
Place of Birth: Madrid, Spain
Height: 1.65m
Weight: 60kg
Background: Working alongside her father in his mechanics store from a young age, Alvarez can find the weaker spot on any machinery and turn it int an edge. She joined the police force Cuerpo Nacional de Policia so that she could be of service to those in need of protection, and thus serve her country. Proving to have stellar strength endurance and knowledge of vehicles sparked her progress in the ballistic field. She joined the Grupo Especial de Operaciones (G.E.O.) to develop and test bulletproof materials on the field as well as enhancing bridging vehicles.
Psychological Profile: .Abandoned by her mother at birth, she was raised by her father in Madrid. Being an only child, she found her purpose working the family business.
Training: Specialized in armoring process for ballistic protection. Design overlap systems on vehicle openings and armor lates layering.
Relevant Experience: Cuerpo Nacional de Policia. Grupo Especial de Operaciones (G.E.O.). Competed at the SWAT EU QCB.
Notes: Following Operation Blue Orion, the two Operators Eliza Cohen and Alvarez have been persistent rivals. Further investigation is required to assess if such tension could become a risk in future cooperative missions.


War games are about as close as can make sense but I really just think they didn’t intend for there to be any real connection to the story.

Let’s be honest,Mira used to use a different code name and called the black mirror something else until sh watched Black Mirror for the first time.

“This is it,my gimick!”
“you aren’t allowed in Rainbow without one!”

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Hasn’t watched black mirror, sweating trying to interpret this
Yeah Black Mirror is it! I like that, TV show. Netflix, um, fuck fuck fuck, look its about mirrors right?

“Mira” is Spanish for “view”, “scope” (as in a gun’s scope) or “see” (as an imperative).

Also, how the heck does her black mirror pierce through reinforced walls, what the hell.

It’s why a lot of people first theorized she was going to be a sniper. I should also try and find again the multimedia stuff with her and Tachanka about how she built the shield on his gun for him.

Update 7

Another new face to Team Rainbow is the operator Jackal. Jackal is a part of the new Spanish CTU which was added during the Velvet Shell update. He is a powerful operator with all around viability who is able to track enemies by their footprints. He is a hard counter to most roamers and can easily hold his own in a firefight.

Unique Ability: Eyenox Model III. Tracking eyewear that locates targets by revealing and identifying recent footprints.
Armor: 2
Speed: 2
Operator Name: Ryad Ramirez Al-Hassar
Nickname: Jackal
Date of Birth: February 29th, 1968
Place of Birth: Ceuta, Spain
Height: 1.90m
Weight: 78kg
Background: Pushed from one family to the netx, Ryad emerged from the foster care system when his older brother, Faisal Remirez, turned 18 and became his legal guardian.
Blaming his shortcomings for the loss of his older brother, Ramirez decided to join the Policia Nacional. He passed the mandatory ESO (Secondary studies) and became a CNP (Cuerpo Nacional de Policia) at 19 years old. He is still investigating in his brother’s case and to this day, but was unable to find any solid evidence against his brother’s murderer.
With strong resolve and broad resourcefulness in difficult terrains, Ramirez joined the Grup Especial de Operaciones (G.E.O.) to track down HVTs and intercept narcotics shipments.

Psychological Profile: Suffers from chronic insomnia. Ramirez is at risk of developing acute symptoms such as muscular weariness, hallucinations, and/or double vision. He must be monitored closely.
Tactical Tracking Course for Law Enforcement;
Trans Sahara (OEF-TS) - Multinational Training Courses: Counter Tracking Training
Crime Scene Track Interpretation Course;
Specialized Combat Diving Course;

Relevant Experience:
Cuerpo Nacional de Policia;
Grupo Epecial de Operaciones (G.E.O);
2002 tracket a series of HVT for the International Tribunal or former Yugoslavia in the Hague;
2004 Madrid train bombing;
2009 Indonesia, Temanggung;

Notes: Ramirez’s insomnia results from the events that occurred on October 8th, 1985. Our experts have concluded that such trauma triggered an acute obsession with paterns in his immediate environment, in which he can detect impressive amounts of irregularities. It should be noted, however, that he is ill-equipped to cope with letting a target go free. He internalized the belief that he lost everything when he failled t follow the man who killed his brother.


That psych profile does not paint Jackal as particularly stable. I wouldn’t want someone with chronic insomnia as part of my super special counter-terrorist squad.

Neat detail, Jackal’s HUD while using his gimmick is in Spanish.

As long as it’s being managed like any problem I’d be fine with it.

Oh I actually didn’t notice that thanks for pointing it out!

Yeah, if it’s being properly handled it’s fine. I just instinctively don’t trust the somewhat shady, technically black-ops RAINBOW to care too much about stuff like handling mental health issues.

Wait till we get to operators who are more blatantly bad people. One specializes in torturing people. Caveira.

Also I’m reminded it’s time for a poll for the next operator to cover! I’ll also do a supplementary video as others have suggested of a map to add a bit more.

  • Ash
  • Blackbeard
  • Blitz
  • Capitao
  • Fuze
  • Glaz
  • Hibana
  • IQ
  • Montagne
  • Thatcher
  • Thermite
  • Twitch

0 voters

Is there an option to just hug an operative?

Jackal deserves one.

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I’m glad they’ve started to give the operators more in depth backgrounds like his. I think it overall makes them a bit more interesting.

Edit: oh yeah here was the Mira and Tachanka reference. Its at the bottom.


Update 8

Introducing Blackbeard, a former powerhouse of Rainbow Six Siege who has been nerfed into just being viable. Blackbeard has a shield he can attach to his primary guns which can absorb a few bullets or even a shotgun blast protecting him in combat. One on one you have to hope you’re not going toe to toe with a Blackbeard because if you are he has the edge.

Unique Ability: Rifle Shield. Has a backup mounted shield to swap if the first one gets damage.
Armor: 2
Speed: 2
Operator Name: Craig Jenson
Nickname: Blackbeard
Date of Birth: March 12, 1985
Place of Birth: Bellevue, Washingtno
Height: 1.80m
Weight: 84kg
Background: Jenson grew up in a comfortable upper middle class family with no military history. He decided that he wanted to be a Navy SEAL at a young age and devoted his life to achieving this goal. With the help of his father, a kinesilogy professor at University of Washington, he started training at twelve and enlisted in the Navy at eighteen.

Psychological Profile: The drive and discipline seen in SEAL team members is what drew Jenson to the group. He sees SEALs as an ideal blend of mental and physical abilities and strives to optimize both of these traits in himself.
NAVY Diver
Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training, Airborne jump school, Search and Rescue swimmer, CQB courses at Quantico

Relevant Experience:
Support role in counter-piracy operations during the Maersk Alabama Hijacking of 2009.
Deployed in Afghanistan
Took part in the raid of MV Morning Glory in Libya

Notes: None

I apologize for the slow time updating. Siege has been having a lot of connection issues on PS4, I also think I’m going to try and keep updates to once a week now since I was kinda of doing too many at once and burning myself out. This is much more manageable.


Guess what? Over a year ago I started this LP and it went unfinished due to a lot of technical problems and burnout on the game. As I am now on PC a lot of those limitations are gone, as well I can show off more of the game as there are now more operators, maps, and I have people to assist me. That’s right then, it’s time to revive Let’s Play Rainbow Six Siege!

So stay tuned for the return with the new Operation Para Bellum!