What's the story behind your username?


I wasn’t around to see this but I heard Dean Ambrose (the ginger guy) call Seth Rollins (the blonde/black haired guy) this in a August 2016 episode of RAW and decided it was miles ahead of my old SA username. I never got around to changing it, and now I never will.

Fun fact: I hate Seth Rollins.

Mine I actually owe to my younger sister. When I was 13 (maybe?) she started calling me Shmemaloo, which was based on a nickname my mom called me. Not too long after (six months at the most), my sister starts calling me Shmoo because, according to her, Shmemaloo was too many syllables. It stuck and I’ve used a variation on it for a lot of my web handles since since most websites already have a “Shmoo,” surprisingly.

I only found out a few years later that there is already a much more famous Shmoo


I really liked the French gargoyle throw away gag on Futurama. But Pazuzu is also the name of a Babylonian wind demon so it’s taken most everywhere. I needed to make it unique and didn’t want to use numbers. I don’t know how I wound up on “That” as a preface but I like it because it’s kind of self depreciating.

I’m also Tommy Hellfinger on Hitbox because I thought that was a funny, Crypt Keeper play on Tommy Hilfiger. I don’t think anyone got the joke because if they did they’d be fawning over me and agreeing that, yes, it is a funny, Crypt Keeper play on Tommy Hilfiger.


I also make my usernames from my initials, TB, but I use whatever combination of words appeal to me atm. I dont like spaces in handles and 8 stands out nicer than a capital B, so :smile:


I wanted a simple username and the first thing that came to mind was reindeers. I typed Prancer and since it was available, I used it. Also I think it sounds funny.


it comes from my username on gamefaqs, HeadBasherMonk
when i was 13, i had just watched monty python and the holy grail again, and thought making a new gamefaqs account based on those monk guys that hit themselves on the head with boards would be funny

people on there started calling me either “monk” or “hbm”, so i started slapping the two together for a username on other sites.

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I have a few different nicks, but this one’s… okay, so a diptych is a work of art in two parts, especially in a traditional style where they’re connected in the centre like a book, right? So, well, to borrow a phrase, I was trying to say something about the duality of man. Two distinct facets, but inseparable from the whole - the whole, essentially, forming a third element, which is in turn defined by the two… inspired by my interest in transcendental philosophy, but there’s also a gender aspect to it? Also it sounds faintly rude, which is fun in a self-deprecating way.

Y’know, I’ve always wanted to know the story behind your handle but I didn’t want to bother you with asking for it, and I have to admit it’s every bit as wonderful as I hoped.

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So I used to have this pet cat (well technically she was a stray but she was my pet God damn it) . She was a pretty great cat and never really used to get into fights or anything. So one day a stray dog (Or he might have been owned by someone, I don’t really know) comes to my road and starts causing havoc. No matter how much we tried, we couldn’t get rid of this stupid dog.

One day, out of nowhere, My cat decides to fight this dumb dog twice its size.

The fight apparently lasted a great while (I was at school at the time so I didn’t see it) and it ended with MY CAT WINNING. She lost her right eye and became badly injured but that dog never came back.

Anyways when I told my friend this story, He remarked that my cat must be indestructible and that’s pretty much how I picked my username.

God bless that stupid cat


I thought antagonists in media being flamboyant and over-designed compared to protagonist amusing. Also Flamboyantvillain doesn’t fit in most username character limits and doesn’t roll off the tongue as well.

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Mine has nothing to do with The Big Lebowski.

Back in '07, I signed up for gamefaqs (blech!) because I wanted to discuss Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. I went for what was pretty much the lamest username ever, “Dialgadude”. Obviously, I got sick of it once my interest in the game wore down (like, 3 months later). Unfortunately, the site didn’t allow name-changing.

Years later, I decided to change it up when I made other forums accounts. Too many already knew me as the “Dialga” guy, so I still had to keep it somewhat familiar. The name you see now is what I settled with.

It means absolutely nothing.


In 7th grade a classmate decided he would refer to me only as “Arp” so that stuck as my online persona. When signing up for an account on Quizzila (does anyone else remember that or was that a terrible terrible fever dream?) they wanted a longer user name so I slammed my palm on the keypad and got 1033.


Mine’s just my first name. I’m not good at usernames! At least I got to this forum early, so I can just be “Leon”. I usually have to add a bunch of letters or numbers to the end.


Felt the need for a new username and brainstormed a dozen. Quite a few candidates were inspired from the imagery evoked from WHY?
I settled on a bit from the chorus of Gemini (Birthday Song).

[quote=“Leon, post:53, topic:1080, full:true”]
Mine’s just my first name. I’m not good at usernames![/quote]

I’m only a little bit better at usernames; mine’s just my first name, backwards.

(I’m onto you, Noel)


I used to play a lot of City of Heroes/Villains in high school and college. You had universal handles that were the true name behind the character. So one day the devs are giving everyone renames so they can change their universal handle and at the time I was mostly playing a Super Strength/Willpower Brute in City of Villains that I named Hostile Vengeance and had other characters with the Vengeance surname. Decided to change my global handle to HostileVengeance but the character limit wouldn’t allow it so it became HostileV with the occasional space or _ thrown in wherever I go because I kept running into tech problems and laptop issues and using the same name helped keep me in touch with people I knew. Well until I lost track of them anyway. C’est la vie.

I also use the same avatar a lot (not this one), so much so that whenever I rGIS it I’m unable to find the original source. It’s weird, once upon a time it was only associated with this guy’s art page where he did stained glass pictures of scenes from The Big Lebowski and other art and now it’s permanently associated with some rando’s various online accounts.


When I went to join Twitter, my previous standard handle (Kloro, which is what I had on SA) was already taken. I didn’t want to add numbers to the end so I decided to come up with a new one. I’d recently started shaving my head, and the line “Oh, look at his shiny empty head” from an obscure 90s anime called “Dragon Half” suddenly occurred to me. (I’m not sure why, I don’t really remember much else from it but the sing-song delivery of that line has always stuck with me.) I liked the new handle enough that I started using it pretty much everywhere.

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“We’ll share anecdotes,” is a line in this song.

I was pretty attached to this artist at the time. I still am, a bit.

Sometimes, it gets truncated to ShareAnecdotes when there’s a character limit. At this point, I’ve had this username since i was an idiot teen though and I’m not sure how I feel about being accountable for whatever I posted back then. Might be that i’m due for a new moniker.

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It’s my name, but all smooshed up.

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I used to use CreamyGoodness but it was taken on SA so GoldenGoat sounded neat.

Yes I only looked up GoldenGoat after I started using it as a username.