Taking a Byte Out of Crime! Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

Hope y’all like Suedou, because it’s time for a lot more of him.

Hunting down some Royal Knights, hoping to make some new friends!

I feel like this video needs more censorship than the VidPMs I just released.

Facing off against goblins, horses and former friends.

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  • Veemon is Furry
  • Veemon is Scaly

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Sometimes the journey from hitting record in Audacity to hitting play on the pre-recorded video is an adventure in and of itself:

This is one of our many exchanges.

No matter what, we can’t escape him. He’s always there, ranting about Eaters for way too long.

Our co-worker is going through some tough stuff…

We’ve also been through some tough stuff… apparently?

Our boss IS tough stuff.

Wash them separately. Wash along the grooves, not against them. Gentle wipes, not rough scrubbing, else you risk causing easily infected skin breakages.

Preparing for the endgame with a long conversation and the wrapping up of some loose ends.

Before taking on the Final Boss, we have to beat a whole bunch of optional fights that are WAY HARDER than it; this is an RPG after all. And I’m not even counting the brutal tournament fights or DLC missions that I don’t even touch in this playthrough…

Saving our former friend, taking on the Final Boss and halting the creation of a new world. All in a day’s wor-

Thanks for watching, everybody: it’s been a fun project!

And to wrap it up, Dan and I will poison ourselves! tw: spitting, retching

@moderators - Please can we file this one under Completed Let’s Plays!

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