Superstream/Megastream [Archives]

Not gonna lie champ, the lady with the iPhone was significantly harder than you. Oh well! Thanks for watching!

Time to pull up our bootstraps and crush some bugs… uh, I mean monsters!

Saving Tamriel with everybody’s favourite bland boy.

Not quite streams because they were recorded and edited, but a while back Vorzac and I recorded a bunch of Longplay commentaries! This is Nostalgia Trip!

After holding his postion for 7 minutes, remaining steadfast as he lay waste to oncoming foes, heroic Captain and Master Tactician, David John-Bores led a full on assault against enemy forces.

With the help of crewmates Molly C. Popkiss and Vorzac, none could stop the H.M.S.S.S. Ship. All hail the Empire or something!

I played through the entirety of Pokémon Sword on release day and decided to stream the whole dang thing. Started at 9am, finshed at 1am. And I still have a ways to go this Monday!

Continuing with the stream, apparently we have to deal with some bureaucracy before we start challenging gyms.

Finally it’s time to acquire our first badge.

while i never made it live to watch due to some bad buisiness involving tooth removal and a lot of pain i am indeed watching the youtube uploads

Oof, hope your recovery is going alright!

still sore but its more i’m getting better sore than the hell it was at the weekend

so you too favor the kenku for dnd my rookidee was female so i figured it was silly o call her corax

Smooth sailing so far…

No seriously, I cut out almost ten minutes of footage due to this jerk.

Taking our fashion game to the next level.

Enduring my first loss against an admittedly worthy adversary.

Another loss, a couple of evolutions and a bowl of curry. Eventful!

Phwoar, this place is a propa rough mate.

No more Victory Road? Neat!

i always called saek and throh the bert and erniemon

I wanna look the very worst, because I wanna die ~
The stream’s framerate is 12ps, and I do not know why ~