Steam-Powered Farming - Let's Play Stardew Valley & Slime Rancher

8357 completes everything that was available to her in version 1.2, while Drone takes a peek at some 1.3 additions before cementing himself as a monster.

Next week is the final update of the LP!

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Taking a quick look at some of my other player characters, the other farm types, and a handful of other extras. Then we clear up all of the version 1.3 additions before it’s finally time to say goodbye to 8357.

Thanks Yami and Irish for commentating it with me; thanks Yoshi and Dakota for doing multiplayer with me and Irish (and for the bit at the end); and thank you all for sitting through yet another one of these with us. Another farming LP is unlikely any time soon, and if I do decide I want to, it will probably be More Friends of Mineral Town so that the Best clan can continue.

I will keep the thread open in case Slime Rancher’s next big content patch, Viktor’s Experimental Update, gets announced soon. If not, then I will revive it for its own thread when it does. The video for Viktor will probably be it for the LP.

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One game that I have seen LP’d but abandoned by others that I would love to see is Gleaner Heights, a Twin Peaks inspired farming game. If and when you want to do another farming simulator maybe consider it?
You are one of the only people who actually finishes these games, and that one I would love to see. I could play it myself, I know but I just don’t seem to have the patience for them.

Anyway, thank you for this! Very happy to finally see the “end” of this game.

Oh hell, I nearly forgot about this.

So hey, when Stardew Valley released on the PS4, I bought my brother and sister-in-law a copy because I knew they’d have a good time with it. The three of us basically played the game in the same room, so we’d give commentary whenever the chance for a joke presented itself. I forgot who my brother went with, but my sister went for Sebastian, and holy shit, what a ride that was.

I don’t think you went over this in any of the videos, but when you get married and your spouse is really “unhappy,” they’ll spend the entire day in bed moping. I have no idea if something bugged out, but when my sister got hitched to Sebastian, he spent the first three days of their marriage in bed, saying asshole-ish things like “If you’re expecting coffee, make it yourself.” When he finally got out of bed? If RNG wasn’t making him jealous every time she gave a gift to someone, it decided to pick the least romantic lines for his daily dialogue, opting to have him talk about his motorcycle or how sweaty he got during the night.

Needless to say, she regretted marrying him very quickly, and the three of us had a field day making fun of Sebastian because fate decided to make him a complete turd. We wound up joking about everything that happened, and I eventually used his bedridden start as an excuse to give him Droopy’s voice (which we all accepted as his canonical voice), and maybe it doesn’t translate well into text, but we were dying when we stuck that voice to the jokes. A few little snippets I remember:

S: “Good morning, dear.”
N: “Good morning, honey.”
S: “Oh heavens, I was talking to the motorcycle.”

S: “Fuck off and make your own coffee, dear.”

S: “I hwent for a ride on my motorcycle today, dear.”
N: “Weren’t you supposed to be watching our son?”
S: “We have a son?”

[N goes to the village]
S: “She’s finally gone. Now I can be hwith my real wife.”
[Sebastian kisses his motorcycle]

Phenomenally stupid stuff, but we had a blast, and we still joke about Sebastian every once in a while.

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Quick update for the thread regarding Slime Rancher: I’ve put together a quickie update on the smaller content updates that have happened since Mochi, so that the thread can stick around a bit longer before the next major content pack. I’m hoping to have that ready to go next weekend depending on the guys’ availability.

Quickie update looking at the few small content updates in-between major additions. Let’s have a bee party with 1200 chickens.

A couple small updates for the thread, both of which came out today, fittingly enough:

  1. Stardew Valley has at last been archived! If you want to give it another whirl, there’s easy access.
  2. Slime Rancher shouldn’t be far behind it now, because the final content update and some cosmetic DLC have been announced for June 18. Like I mentioned before, because “Viktor’s Experimental Update” is the final major content update for the game (I believe), that will be the end of the LP. There will likely be more small content updates like the cosmetic DLC, but I’m happy to call it once the major stuff is all out.

Also, I’m considering LPing Graveyard Keeper in the future, and I would have included it in this thread if the Viktor update wasn’t just a month away, but that will instead be saved for another thread.

Slime Rancher returns at last for two final updates, today and Friday, starting with the Secret Styles DLC!

And that, at long last, does it. Thank you to all who stuck around after the year of waiting, thanks to Jacob and Torpo for joining me, and look forward to the likes of Star Fox Adventures, Sekiro, Graveyard Keeper, and more in the near future!