Steam-Powered Farming - Let's Play Stardew Valley & Slime Rancher

So, just for reference, the Dwarf Scrolls showing up between different levels thing is really only for digging them up/getting them from boxes and such. Scroll IV can drop from all but like three monsters, which is why you were able to get it so high up.

I got two Dwarf Scrolls by digging them up once.

Slime Rancher

Today calls for expansions for the ranch, new ways to suck resources right from the ground, and some slight Jurassic Park-ing.

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Stardew Valley

When fighting your enemies, use their friends’ heads against them.

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Slime Rancher

What could be inside all of these treasure pods? And what’s on the other side of this ancient plort door? Stuff for me.

Stardew Valley

Nothing says Stardew Valley like an update with dancing, acid dreams, and alcoholic tragedy.

So I looked it up and the description of Royal Jelly references a couple bosses from Spiral Knights, which both Ian McConville and Nick Popovich worked on.

Also I vaguely recall Ian making a tweet implying that, essentially, it’s very hard to actually break the geometry in this game; they worked very hard to make sure that if you can get to someplace, they’re okay with you being able to get there.

Slime Rancher

This week, we choose a door.

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It’s spelled differently, but Hobson’s choice is a term for a choice that doesn’t matter, and that’s probably why Hobsten is called that.

Stardew Valley

The Summer heat is upon us, but luckily I can cool down in the snowy mines. And in all of the FUCKING STORMS.

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Slime Rancher

Now I’m sad.

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That credits song made me verklempt as well, although I do have a Severe Feels Disease and get choked up over everything.

To cheer us all up, I will point out that mosaic plorts kinda look like the item boxes from Mario Kart 64.

Stardew Valley

Hot melon soup for the soul

Slime Rancher

I’ve gotten pretty rich this LP. I clearly haven’t gotten rich enough.
Let’s get golden.

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Stardew Valley

The first steps towards romance, the first steps away from their parents.

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Slime Rancher

Treasure is mine, the Retreat is mine, the regret is mine.

Stardew Valley

Someone left their pants and drunk guy out in the rain

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I can’t believe Abigail uses the scarecam shtick for her Let’s Plays.


When you’re trying to make a living off of it, sometimes you’ve got to take shortcuts.

My sister pickled some fiddleheads a couple of years back. The result was “fascinating”…

Much tastier result was preparing them as you would with fresh asparagus.