Stay a While and Let's Play Diablo

To whoever suggested that first speed-up music, thank you. You did good.


I’m glad there are people out there who are a fan of inventory tetris.


Inventory tetris is the national past-time of the pc gamer. One of the things I didn’t like about Diablo 3 was its complete removal of the sport.


terrible pedant voice uh its more like inventory SOKOBAN??


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No quests on floor 7, so it’s just 12 minutes of me and @Zeratanis discussing everything under the sun.


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On floor 8, all Rogue finds is a crazed hermit in a library. Featuring Aces High.

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The glorious speed-up tunes just keep on coming. This LP is a treasure.


I can’t believe that was Colonel Cambell talking about the SIN WAR.


Well that’s both my music choices in a row now. Thank you, very much!

We’ve already gone further than I remember this game, though I never got very far. Zhar the Mad was a surprise, though I’m not sure I get what his deal is. Any particular thing he drops that’s worthwhile?

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If you don’t touch Zhar the Mad’s bookshelf, he’s content to leave you alone and study in his library. He’s one of two “friendly” monster mini-quests you can get in the game, the other being the infamous Gharbad the Weak, back up on dungeon level 4. Both quests end when you kill the “friendly” monster, and they just drop a random magical (or rarely, a unique) item.

Just something random to add that extra little bit of flavor to the game world!

It’s worth noting that Zhar has a metric truckload of health, with 360 on the first difficulty and climbing from there. I guess that makes him the potential boss of level 8 in a way.

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@YappingEevee returns once again for floor 5 of the Diablo 3 anniversary event. Also present: the sole instance of speed-up music in the Diablo 3 sections. So blame @Bohampscious for the music choice.

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@Zeratanis returns for Diablo 3 floor 6. We like the Diablo series, so we spend a long time talking about Diablo 3 adventure mode stuff.

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Diablo 3, floor 7. @Bohampscious is back for this one. I also find that legendary I’ve been talking nonstop about.


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With this update, we’re now officially just past the halfway point of the LP! Aces High returns for Diablo 3, floor 8.


I’d like to agree with the general assessment that this tile set ain’t great. It’s been a while since my admittedly brief run through D3, but weren’t there more catacomb-y tile sets in the game? The logical progression in D1 of mausoleum labyrinth to catacombs buried beneath to lava caves below that and finally Hell doesn’t really feel present, here. It sort of jumps from church catacombs to future-past alien structure. Or at least that’s the vibe I got from it.

I will say, despite all my complaining about D3, the fact that they did this at all is pretty cool, and it even looks pretty fun to go romp through Tristram as a fully 3D murder god.


You know, you’re right. There’s a much more Catacomb-like tileset, one that has even shown up in the videos. The tileset used in the little level where we fought King Leoric would have been perfect to use. Also just wait until you see the shit they pull with the bottom levels of the D3 event. They had a perfect tileset to use and instead went with something completely non-fitting.

But yes, complaining aside, Diablo 3 is still fun as hell.


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Rogue descends into the lava caves in today’s video. @Zeratanis is also back for the next bunch of levels.


Yay, lava caves. I had a lot of runs end here. Or, well, restart. That always available new game + option was pretty great.


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@Zeratanis returns for floor 10. We spend a lot of time discussing Dr Who.

The speed-up music was changed between actually commenting over the video and publishing it. It used to be Dance of Maria by Elias Rahbani, but the mere act of having it on a video got me a copyright strike. Not Content ID either. I mean an actual copyright violation strike.

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Moffat was shit without anyone to restrain him, RTD was goofy and fun. There’s your obligatory grumbly opinion on Doctor Who, now we can all move onto better things, like more good Diablo LP content.