Roll to Save Against Hama, Let's Beta Test Persona: The Tabletop RPG

I figure I might as well make a general announcement here for those who are interested in using the current PDF to run their own games:

The Skill/Spell Creation is going to be getting a very heavy set of rewrites. My players have been very creative in coming up with abilities for them to use, and while some of them still fall under “ask your GM” (namely one of Hiroko’s Skills that she just got), a lot of them are things I should’ve thought of beforehand. So, if you’re looking to try running this yourself, I’d recommend keeping that in mind.

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And the party has done it. They’ve managed to beat the first dungeon.

Of course that won’t stop Kariudo from mocking the hell out of Kaito and Sebastian.

Part 1
Part 2


fuck that bird

We can’t even social link the bird to unlock their tragic backstory!

There is no tragic backstory. Bird is just a jerk.

Things get very gay this session.

Part 1
Part 2


I think this was my favourite social phase of the entire campaign to date. Oh and also we entered a new dungeon and one of us almost died. You know, the usual.

Yeah this was probably one of the most fun sessions we’ve had.

Yeah, this session was all around great and a lot of fun.

In this session…well let’s just say this session happened.

Part 1
Part 2

Additionally, the Skill/Spell system has gone through a slight rework: the changes and such (as well as some other minor changes) can be found here.

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That is the perfect picture to describe this session.

We make some mistakes

Oh man, this is really, really neat. I only read through the guidebook at the time of posting this, but as a person who only knows a little bit about tabletop rules and mechanics, this might be the thing that gets me into tabletop. I’m very familiar with the Persona series, so whenever this is ready for the public, I’m gonna hop on this train like in the opening to P5.

You know you’ve done a good job when someone who has never been in a campaign can understand just about everything written down on the guidebook.

I’m gonna watch the sessions afterwards. Keep up the fantastic work, and I hope to make a session with my friends soon!

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Holy shit, this means so much to me! My design goal for this entire system was to make it simple to understand, and to hear I not only succeeded in that but also might have gotten someone into tabletop is amazing to me


It looks like a fun system, though I unfortunately know nothing of persona so this has gotten me rather curious about the series.

Welp, I got good news and bad news. The good news is a new episode should be going up tonight.

The bad news is somehow my capture fucked up and not all of the screen is shown on the recording. I’m not sure how this happened, but, massive apologies.

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Okay, SO, apologies for this being late but I was out until now. However, as you might’ve seen from my twitter, here is Session 9.

Part 1
Part 2


Quick note, due to the capture clipping oddly, you might want to post the benefits people got this session from social links. We can’t read them on screen like normal.

This whole dungeon theme you’re going for is interesting to try and take apart really. I can tell the shadow masters in these dungeons are exaggerated and the little vignettes they play out are too, but by how much and in what ways is a bit harder to figure. We can’t really talk to the originals about it though… so far.

From my character sheet to this thread, here’s Yumi Oshirou’s ability:

Level 1 Ability: Investigation
By using this ability while you’re in a dungeon, you may ask the GM to point out something important to the puzzle at hand. This ability can only be used once per Session.

Also known as the “halp we stuck” button.