Roll to Save Against Hama, Let's Beta Test Persona: The Tabletop RPG

So I’m a game designer or something along those lines.

Well, I say that, but uh, this currently is the only game I’m designing. As I explain in the first video, there’s surprisingly very few fan-made Persona RPGs. And the ones I have found are either A. Not complete or ready for testing, or B. Just weirdly complex. After playing Persona 5 this year I wanted to do something with Persona in a tabletop RPG format, and seeing that all my choices aren’t something I’d really enjoy, I opted to say “fuck it” and went about to create my own.

So how does it work?

My design philosophy going into this was to make it akin to “A Powered by the Apocalypse game by day, and a dungeon crawling RPG by night”. I took inspiration heavily from games like Monsterhearts and MASKS for the social (and of course Social Link) aspect of the game, while also looking at combat heavy games like Last Stand and Double Cross for the dungeon crawl aspect of it. I wanted things to be simple, and combat to be fast paced. Considering how there will chaff encounters in the dungeons, I didn’t want combat taking hours to finish.

The rolling is simple; 2d10 for everything. Any roll the player does is 2d10 + whatever stat modifier they have. The stats are divided into two “sections”, as I like to call it. Your Social stats (Knowledge, Guts, Proficiency, Kindness, and Charm) and your Combat Stats (Strength, Magic, Endurance, and Agility).

Things get a bit more in-depth on the combat side when we factor in creating Skills and Spells, choosing your Arcana, etc. But you can read up on that in the PDF which I will link below.

The Campaign Itself:

Everyone has dealt with loss in some form; lost a precious item, the life of a close one, or even loss of their own life. Certain forces in the world however…cannot seem to let go. They keep hunting or mourning for the thing they’ve lost, and even through death they continue to hunt and mourn. These strong attachments then manifest in unfortunate ways if left unchecked.

A big thing that I discuss (a lot) in the PDF is that Persona centers itself a lot around themes. Going off this, a tabletop rpg based around the game should be no different. In a pre-character creation discussion I had with my players, we decided on a theme of loss and reclaiming what was lost. We then decided that the delivery method of this theme for the dungeons and antagonists, would be ghosts. Much like how the themes in Persona 5 were delivered with the method of “phantom thieves”.

So our players live in the fictional town of Kihaku, a once bustling, popular city that’s been on the decline for some time now.

So where’s the book?

That’d be right here!

However, one thing I strongly should state here, is that Persona: The Tabletop is not really ready for public testing yet. There’s still the very real possibility that things will be changed, clarified, or even removed. (Hell, it happens right in the middle of this first session.) Also, I haven’t written any sort of bestiary or rules to designing monsters and bosses yet, or at least not in this book. The reason why I’m putting this here is so that people can look and give feedback, but also so that this entire first post isn’t just a list of rules and mechanics.

The Players:

BellaDante as Hiroko Himura (Persona: Artemis, Arcana: Strength)
Grasslamb as Hisae Yoshiyuki (Persona: Bul Gae, Arcana: The Chariot)
Handel as Katherine Davidson (Persona: Ruth, Arcana: Justice)
Miijhal as Sachiko Sugiyama (Persona: Oiwa, Arcana: The Moon)
Phoenix as Kaito Sumisu (Persona: The Headless Horseman, Arcana: The Emperor)
Albis as Sebastian Tsukimoto (Persona: Til Eulenspiegel, Arcana: The Hanged Man)

The Sessions:

Part 1
Part 2

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Part 2

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Part 2

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Part 2

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Part 2

Only Part

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Only Part

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Only Part

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Part 2


For those wondering, the turnaround from us having out first session to this thread being a thing was around 20 and a half hours. This is some ground-floor level shit right here and I can’t wait to see where we go next with it.

I know very little about Persona so I was wondering how into the meat of the series are you getting with it? Are you going to talk spoilers at all or any lore, etc? Or are we gonna focus more on this game than the series as a whole?

The Persona games don’t really tend to have a unifying thread throughout them aside from a couple of things, (exceptions being 1 and 2) so, the most you’ll probably see/hear in regards to other games is maybe few references or callbacks. Kind of like Final Fantasy in that regard, but, the main focus is just going to be on this campaign’s story rather than any sort of attempt to “link it” to the series on a whole.

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Let Katherine say fuck!!!

This is super neat to see, and I’m looking forward to future episodes! :cheer:


Iii’ll probably get around to updating my character’s rushed, messy ass profile at some point.


Just giving y’all the heads up, due to one of our players feeling under the weather and scheduling conflicts every other day of the week, there will be no session going up this week.

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Fucking invincible kawaii nurses grumble grumble.

And we have an update! This time featuring the players going into their first dungeon, and also a combat encounter that went on for too fuckin’ long.

Part 1
Part 2


I feel like “the teachers are just the worst” is going to be the most important unwritten rule of the book. It’s very integral to a Persona game.

If there are any signs of a computer possibly becoming too aware, it’s Roll 20 feeling regret over drawing out a combat encounter.

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The worst part was that it wasn’t even supposed to be a difficult encounter. It was supposed to introduce the players to magic using enemies, sure, but the rolls kept making it so the Shadow Nurse would get stupid good rolls on her attacks and defense and the players kept rolling evenly and doing no damage. It was effectively a pokemon battle where your pokemon got repeatedly hit with Sand Attack.

Speaking of combat encounters, let’s have another one and also let’s start SOCIAL LINKS

Session 3:

Part 1
Part 2

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Handel has been so excited to get to social linking you have no idea.

i hope y’all enjoy the lack of horrific dice luck this time

The Weird Session™

I can’t even begin to explain what happened here aside from they cleared the second floor.

Part 1
Part 2

Also, on that note, we will be taking a two week hiatus. This is due to the fact that work and my sickness has been kicking my ass so I didn’t have time to prepare anything, and the fact that the next Monday that we could play is motherfucking christmas.


yeah that last session definitely got away from us, but hey we didn’t die

And after a lengthy hiatus, we have returned. This time with a new player, sleep deprivation, and very brief Metal Gear Rising music.

Part 1
Part 2


I’m pretty sure Sebastian still doesn’t know Kaito’s name after all that.

It will take until the end of the campaign for Sebastian to learn Kaito’s name.