Oh man I love this movie. Let's Riff The Order: 1886

Video 3, 16:31 in “I’m pretty sure this is a war crime!” Nope. That’s One hundred years later.

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And who knows if they’ll ever outlaw it in this timeline.

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If it’s not done by 1980 in that timeline, it ain’t happening.

Partake of the water…CHUG, CHUG, CHUG. CHUG, CHUG!!!

Just wait until they discover Butt Chugging. They’ll be invincible.

Also, It seems to me that the Thermite might work but there is one problem. Doesn’t the “Thermite” look and act more like magnesium powder? Didn’t they use magnesium powder for taking pictures to make the flash for cameras?

Some of the finest commentary I’ve heard in a long time. Good stuff.