New Forums Game: The Worst Advice!

If you’d like a solution that’s less soul crushing, consider creating the eighth day of the week, Funday. I remember little of Doug outside of that, but I have no idea why Funday never took off. Anyway, just pull a lever and you’ll have an extra twenty four hours to relax.

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This might be less fun, but have you considered cocaine? It’s the drug of choice of cool and interesting people, and if you’re white, there’s little chance of legal repercussions!

Get all the energy you need and get rid of that pesky “sleeping” problem at the same time. I’m sure you’ll become life of the party as well.

Finally, you can share the habits of the wealthy and successful, destroying your nasal cavity one sniff at a time! Just make sure that your habit (cool people don’t have addictions, they have habits) doesn’t escalate to methanphetamines. That’s for the poors.

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Clearly the solution here is to learn to manipulate the fabric of space-time in order to give yourself more time to do things! Just make time around you stop until you’re finished with things, and everything’s solved!*

*user is not responsible for any extreme/sudden-to-loved ones aging due to performing such time wizardry for chores.

I’m late because I was doing my RGU write up and I’m not done yet!! ALSO I’M STILL PETTING MY CAT


  • Mas: Clone yourself.
  • Chowder: Get into the metaphysical plane and assassinate time.
  • Jenner: Foster and adopt a youngster and… this is really depressing I’m sorry.
  • Fefnir: Create an 8th day of the week called Funday.
  • thetoughestbean: Have you tried cocaine?
  • Rudje: Learn to manipulate the fabric of time.[/poll]

Happy voting!

@thetoughestbean wins and I promise not to make another depressing submission of bad advice!

Let us know your issue, friend.

oh man oh boy

Things have been a bit weird between me and my cousin for the last two years, after we had an argument where I got angry at her for reasons. We used to be pretty close but have drifted apart, and its not helped that she’s been going to college in Oregon (I live in MN) and she spends her summers at a camp in the Boundary Waters. How do I reconnect with her after a long time where we really didn’t talk to each other?

Since you had a falling out, you’re gonna need to start reconnecting via notes. No, I don’t mean send a letter. I mean write the note and give it to the person closest to you in the direction of Oregon. Then they should pass it to the closest person to them, and so on and so forth. The note will eventually reach her, and she can send a note back with the same method. In about a year or two, you’ll have communicated enough to be ready for telephone. And by that I do mean the game telephone.

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Hire a private investigator to pry into your cousin’s life and figure out everything she’s into and what she’s been up to for the last three years. Then call her up and chat with her intimately about all this stuff, ask her about her ex, lament to her about that co-worker she’s sick of, etc. Just pick back up where you left off. I’m sure your cousin won’t be remotely freaked out by you knowing all this personal shit out of the blue.

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Is your cousin on the popular social media Facebook? Because if so you can certainly reconnect with her there…

…by disagreeing with everything she posts and explaining why she’s wrong and dumb.

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I forgot to build the poll yesterday because I was working on my book all day.

But we only got three participants this time. Let me know if we’re done here.

  • Fefnir: Play telephone with notes!
  • Jenner: Hire a PI, learn all about your cousin, just start talking again like nbd.
  • That_Good_Good_Chris: Find your cousin on social media, disagree with everything she says and call her dumb.

0 voters

I’ll announce the winner around 2-3 AM Ok? Sorry for slipping.

Hey friends, do you feel like bringing your bad decisions into my friend’s thread and helping me burn this cabin to the ground?

The winner was @Fefnir! Also I ended it an hour early because I was falling asleep.

Regardless, let us know your issue!
and burn the cabin down :smiling_imp:

We’re rapidly approaching the Heat and Allergy and Bee Season, (or Death Season, for short.) The jobs I’m currently applying for are all within walking distance of my home, which is nice until you consider that I have to trudge through nature’s attempt to murder all its precious creations. How do I commute without becoming a horrible sweaty, sneezey mess?

I’m afraid this solution may require you to be sweaty at least once but hopefully only once: Torch everything around you.
Nature wants to murder all its precious creations? Get there first! Win that race and win it with man’s great power of SCIENCE! Or a flamethrower, that works too.

Wow, that all sounds terrible.

How about no to all that? Instead, move into your parents basement, eat unhealthily, and watch anime with me all day.

Pope mobile

EDIT: pope mobile, but a Segway

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Fuck, I got consumed by Tennessee and shit.

##This game is on hiatus until Tuesday, I apologize.

I’ll put up the vote on Tuesday and announce a winner Wednesday. Hopefully more folks will show up between now and then. I think the game might have run its course or be dying off and I’m not helping it any. I’m so sorry.

I hope you have all enjoyed it.

Hey this died I’m sorry it’s all my fault. Let’s find out who the last winner was:

  • Mas: Torch everything around you! With a flamethrower or something!
  • Jenner: Forget about outside, move into your parents basement and watch anime with me all day.
  • thetoughestbean: Pope Mobile but a Segway.

0 voters

Thank you all for playing, I apologize.

Hey no worries it was fun while it lasted

You were the final winner @thetoughestbean. :3:

If I ever restart this you can begin. But I think it ran it’s course. Congratulations and thanks everyone.