Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: When the Moon Hits Your Eye…

…oh. We’re back to anime stills this episode, huh?

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Final episode this LP and the anime stills will still show up. I’m sure of it.

:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:

Today, the final battle begins against Madara Uchiha! As he’s backed up against the wall after his confrontation with Might Guy, an ethereal voice calls to him, telling him to harness the full power of the tree of life. With Madara back at full power, can Naruto and Sasuke possibly stand up to him? And what’s going on behind the scenes, pushing this plan ever forward?

Feel free to share your dream newspaper comic tie-in games, I realized after recording that mine is an open world adventure game based on Mark Trail.


I can’t believe you have to beat up so many old people in this game.

So a major boss battle was followed by the enemy ignoring that you kicked his ass and completes his plan AND a final boss coming out of nowhere?

Holy crap, Naruto was a JRPG all along!

I guess Naruto was Asura’s Wrath all along!

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All I need to say about this awful awful thing is that FutureFriend, who seems to dislike anime and Naruto specifically, gets the complete and total garbage that is Naruto being Ninja Jesus. When someone who could not care less notices your problem on a fundamental level, you fucked up.

And it gets worse.


I can’t believe we had to sit through ~1,000 hours of Madara fights and in the end he just gets grounded and has to go home.

sooo wait i gave up on naruto as an anime long ago…is the final villian really the bunny goddess of the moon who came out of nowwhere? thats insane

:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:

Today, it’s time for the perfectly ultimate final battle! With the path of history manipulated in order to revive Kaguya and have her rule over a peaceful earth, can the last remaining ninja stand against the mother of all chakra, and the creator of jutsu as we know it? Or are we all headed for a permanent time-out? The real true climax starts here!

Characters Introduced This Episode

Kaguya Otsutsuki
The former matriarch of a clan of dimensional travelers, and the first wielder of chakra on Earth. Kaguya originally was meant to gather chakra from the fruit of the Earth’s God Tree for her clan, but she was saddened by humanity’s never-ending wars and ate the fruit, granting her amazing powers and allowing her to rule over humanity and create peace. Eventually, she became fearful of her clan coming to retrieve her chakra, and so she raised an army to fight back, causing war to exist once again. She would later turn on her sons as well, in a desire to reclaim all chakra and be the only one with power on Earth. To protect humanity, her children sealed her away inside the moon, hoping that her power would never be revived.

Black Zetsu
The personified will of Kaguya Otsutsuki. Being created out of Kaguya’s will, Black Zetsu has acted as the arbiter of all history on Earth after Kaguya’s capture in order to lead to her revival. Predominantly, he has done this by pushing the family line would eventually become the Uchiha clan to awaken the Rinnegan and break the seal on the moon.


Turns out Moon mom was behind every bad thing to ever happen. Even the really petty stuff. That kid who stole your lunch? Moon mom was behind it all. All part of her glorious plan.

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You know, I have been waffling back and forth on whether or not Kaguya being the final boss would be more palatable if she had been a thing that was set up and referenced frequently. On one hand having the creation myth of the world be relevant to the rest of the story would have made a lot of these final chapters seem less like Kishimoto was pulling stuff out of thin air and expecting the reader to just go along with it. On the other hand it would have made the story even more predictable that it already was/is. Plus there is something to be said for the emotional impact of the stakes ramping up exponentially until it reaches an asymptote and being dragged along for the ride.

On a very different note, I now very much want an anime about Dr. Jupiter who came from Mars 1 million years ago.

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There’s something poetic about the one planting and pay-off that was done correctly in this series being Naruto’s recurring joke ability to transform into whatever makes his opponent horny.


Given some of the themes of the series, this would be a far better climax if that actually finished the fight.

Okay, I think I finally have to concede something here:

I have officially lost track of what the fuck is happening anymore.

The game kinda glossed over this but Kaguya can transport people to different dimensions such as: the Hot Dimension, the Cold Dimension, and the Gravity Dimension. That’s why the arena kept changing in the first fight.

Also lol at Kaguya being a weird dog.

big daddy red eyes got resurrected by a weird tree that is his bunny queen grandma to resurrect her by staring into the moon too hard and then she came out and she’s a crazy bunny woman who except for six people got all the magic in the world and then her great-great-grandchildren tried to punch her but she kept transporting them until she went even crazier and became a giant evil bunny made of ghost magic


Of course! It’s all so simple and clear!

Don’t forget the hyper deadly acid dimension, which she only ever uses to attack and never…you know, drops them into.

I know, can’t do that it’d just end the story etc etc look they’re basically gods at this point they could of done it.

That’s for Boruto to figure out.