Nice to be here.
This is too relevant and not off-topic enough. Reporting now.
Well, I had a good run.
Hello, Joe.
Good bye, Joe.
You did your best. Thank you for providing a place for us to figure out the posting system. You will be missed.
As we remember Joe, we remember just how Great he was.
Farewell Joe, and go softly into that good night.
RIP me, I guess
Gone too soon, Joe.
I can’t believe Geop has already done a murder on this forum.
This, my first post in LPZONE, is dedicated to the memory of poor Joe.
He wasn’t even that great
Geop is stone cold.
Is this thing on?
Edit: edit
- The preview is very handy.
What a beautiful forum!
Hi, I wanna say that I’m extremely excited for this forum right now because it’s so new. It feels like posting back in the 90s, haha.
It’s really got a lot of nifty bells! And whistles!
Hello. This is very new and exciting, although it will take some getting used to
I’m so excited!!!
Hmmmm, may I request ability to spoiler images, @bob ? Some people might wanna do that for joke reasons, or to hide a kinda seizurey gif like the one I just posted there. I dunno how difficult that is to do though!
EDIT: Oh! Hide Details! I didn’t notice that, that’s pretty much what I wanted, thanks for pointing it out, @Zaras!
EDIT EDIT: Wait, is it not working outside of the preview window? Or is that just me…
Using spoiler tags seems to leave the URL. Doing a test…
Looks like you might be able to do it with the Hide Details feature?
e: [details=Example][/ details]
(The format I put that gif in, minus the space in the closing details
@Geop @Voidburger try using spoiler tags now. Noticed an issue with our server and rebuilt to fix.
Testing! Still looks like a blurred URL from here though.