Gotta Get Those Sweet Day 1 LP Bucks With The Evil Within 2

This is by far the most Evil Within this game has felt to me. I’m not sure, but I think this game would feel better had the first one not been made.

Yeah but if the first one wasn’t made we wouldn’t have all these fun jumps and speculations over stuff like WHERE’S RUVIK

Turns out safe rooms are only really effective if you stay in them. WHO KNEW?

28: Unsafe Room/Polsy

So, is there a reason that you keep referring to Hoffman as a he in this episode? Not judging but it was kind of confusing.

Probably a potent mix of not paying attention and getting mixed up by “Hoffman” having man in the name or something. Live commentary is hard.

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Prepare to face the past.

29: Memories/Polsy

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I am just gonna give this guy the biggest wedgie oh man

30: Flame On!/Polsy

Been enjoying watching. :slight_smile: Hoping to see how you react to the later stuff, can’t wait for you to see what’s coming up in the game.


I’m finally interested in the game. These last bits actually make me see more draw to the story. I can’t wait to see what horrible things we need to kill next.

My home internet fell apart so the thread updates will be a bit delayed. I can still put the stuff out on YouTube on time but the posts will be about 12 hours+ late :v

If this was a deeper game I’d tie this to Lily being a teenager and some sort of puberty awakening and whatnot, but it’s this game. Massive amounts of blood is just par for the course.

31: Mandatory Blood Level/Polsy

Find a friend, lose a friend. It’s the way of the world!

32: Forgiveness/Polsy

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This whole “no internet” thing is starting to get real old.

33: Barbeque/Polsy
34: Psych-Out/Polsy

He’s alive, apparently!

35: Loose Ends/Polsy

Maybe we will get a Joseph dlc detailing what happened to him eventually?

My home internet is back on so I’m updating early. We’re real close to the end of the game!

36: Emergency Psychoanalysis/Polsy
37: Sequel Power Up/Polsy

Also yes I did miss a perfect opportunity to use something. I KNOW.

Halfway through the first video and I am kind of pissed. The killing off of all the npc’s is getting old.

Hell yeah. I’ve been waiting for you to get to the Father Theodore boss fight. I love your reaction to all the Evil Within 1 stuff. I thought it was so cool that they went and brought those bosses, filters, and memories back.

Are you ready for the end

Because we’re not there yet, but pretty soon yeah

38: Everything’s Gonna be All White/Polsy

It’s the end of the LP as we know it, and I feel fine!

39: Domestic Dispute/Polsy

Post-credits talk: Seems like that final scene is in Beacon hospital with the old STEM system booting up. RUVIK???


There is Ruvik and there is Joseph who we know are still out there… I am still believing Joseph is a DLC teaser though.

Anyways, thank you for the LP, of yet another game I would never play myself! It’s been good!

@admins Oh yeah I should ask for this to be added to the completed LP’s.

I’m a bit busy but I’m slowly working towards the next project. If there’s DLC out for this I’ll probably play through it at some point!