It’s that time of year again for the Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta to begin and so it’s time too for a thread on the topic.
What is the Four Job Fiesta? The Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta is basically a charity challenge run of Final Fantasy V based around that games Job System. The idea is that you will be assigned four of the jobs and you must then beat the game using only these four jobs assigned whenever you collect a new job set from a crystal. The point is also to do for charity as the idea for runners and viewers to donate to Child’s Play (You don’t have to, but it’s nice if you do).
How does it work? You need a Twitter account first off for most of this to work. Then, to sign up, you go to the Four Job Fiesta website and register for the type of run you want. What are the different run types? We’ll go over those now:
Normal Run: This is the most basic run as it keeps it simple in regards to what jobs you can get. So for example, at the Wind Crystal you’ll only get a Wind Job, at the Water Crystal you’ll only get a Water Job Etc. If this is your first time doing Fiesta this is probably a good run to start with.
Random Run: This one ups things a little, now instead of pulling from just whatever crystal you’ve just got you’ll one from the pool of all jobs you’ve unlocked. For example, at the Wind Crystal you’ll get a Wind Job, at the Water Crystal you can get either a Wind Job or a Water Job, at the Fire Crystal you can get a Wind Job, Water Job, or Fire Job Etc.
Chaos Run: This one ups things considerably, because for this run you can be assigned any job from the entire pool regardless of availability. Basically at the Wind Crystal you could very well end up with an Earth Crystal Job, at the Water Crystal you could end up with a Fire Job, at the Fire Crystal you could end up with a Wind Job etc. This run is also one of the few times that you can use the Freelancer Job past the prologue because if you end up with a job you can’t use right away you must use the Freelancer until you get to a job you can use (Up to the Earth Crystal dungeon at the latest depending on how your Job assignments go)
Team 750 Run: In this run you’ll only assigned jobs that can Break Rods AKA all the mage classes plus Dancers & Chemists (Not Ninja though) Freelancer rules apply here too
Team No 750 Run: Basically the exact opposite as this run only assigns you non rod breaking classes. Freelancer rules apply here too
Classic Run: In this run you will only be assigned job that were present in the very first Final Fantasy I.E. Fighter, Thief, Monk, White Mage, Black Mage, and Red Mage. With the exception of Red Mage all these jobs are Wind Crystal Jobs with Red Mage being a Water Job. It’s also possible in this run to get duplicates very easily.
Pure Chaos Run: The rules are the same as Chaos run except the Freelancer and Mime jobs are now included.
Popular Run: This one functions like Chaos except you are more likely to get jobs that were voted popular in a series of polls the Fiesta’s creator ran. (You’ll have to look at their twitter account to see those results)
Advance Run: This is a new run type for this year, one where the jobs from the Game Boy Advance version are in the job pool, you’ll need to be playing a version of the game that has the jobs hacked so that they can be used from the start.
In addition to these runs there are additional modifiers that can be added to your run:
Natural: With this modifier you must use specific jobs with specific characters. I.E. Bartz must use the Wind Crystal Job, Lenna the Water Job, Faris the Fire Job, and Galuf the Earth Job. Also you can’t use skills from other jobs in this run, only what’s available to that job.
Upgrade: I’m just going to quote this one verbatim from the website: “Upgrade can be added to any non Natural-run. To do so either tweet #upgrade to Gilgabot after registering or include it in your registration tweet. What this means it that you intend on playing with these extra rules in mind. You will only use your Wind Job until you unlock your Water Job. Water until you unlock Fire, and then Fire until you unlock Earth. Then once you unlock your Earth job will be the job you use until the end of the game. Any abilities learned from the previous jobs may be used. Of course, we here at the Fiesta do not want to force upgrades on our users. So you may tweet for your next crystal job when you are ready to #upgrade!”
Fifth Job: Basically when you get to the point in the game where you acquire the fifth party member you can apply for this and get your Earth Job rerolled into something new.
Forbidden: Once you arrive in World 3 you can tweet out for this run and you will lose access to one of your jobs and its corresponding abilites.
Berserker Risk: Berserkers are a pain in the ass class to get in Fiesta simply because they are totally uncontrollable. However this ups the challenge of the run and if you so choose you can apply for Berserker Risk to up the chances of getting Berserkers.
I’m just going to quote this last part verbatim “When the fiesta starts, for every $10 of donations, one player with BERSERKER RISK will get another Berserker. If there are more Berserkers to hand out than players with BERSERKER RISK players will end up with multiple Berserkers. This is the only way in the Fiesta to end up with a duplicate job. Once the fiesta has started, BERSERKER RISK is no longer an option.”
What’s this thread for? Help and strategy of course, if you don’t know what you’re doing or need help strategizing your way through your current run you can come here and strategise with your fellow runs and get help figuring out what you need to do next. Also if you wanted to advertise your stream or are looking for a streaming partner if you’re doing Fiesta you can do that here, that is fine.
As a Final Note If you want to talk about Final Fantasy V itself (I.E. the Story, the Characters, Etc.) Take it here to the Final Fantasy thread, we’ll save this thread for Fiesta discussion.