Crawl, Build, Time travel, repeat Let's play Dark Chronicle

you know something I don’t think I ever showed off the magic sword ability at all oops.

So yeah as nidoking mentioned some swords have an ability where magic projectiles could be absorbed by monica and then thrown back at the enemy. the more absorbed the better the damage. Its pretty great which surprises me that i never caught it on camera for the lp

Did a bit of digging around myself, and you can catch that fish. Just it doesn’t have the trap detecting abilities, or at least there is no mention of it retaining them. It can be fished out at night in the fish monster swamp or cave of ancient murals.

The closest to its old function is getting Donny as a companion, he unlocks doors and chests for you automatically.

Ah, yes. I forgot about Donny, which is strange, because he’s one of the partners I actually bothered to use sometimes.

Chapter 18: Promotional consideration NOT paid for by the following

In which three idiots drive a joke into the ground. and yes we are not actually sponsored this is a dumb joke. As long as i am making these for fun there will never be a real sponsorship :smiley:

The funny thing is in an upcoming episode I will be talking about Lpers I like so err does that count as sponsorship?


Chapter 19: The claws of Tom Nook


no new episode i’ve been finishing recording ff7remake coming in may by the way. but we have enough episodes recorded now to do twice weekly so expect a new one on wednesday!

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chapter 20: The april foolish conversation street

Ah april 1st remember when not getting ff7 remake early was the most annoying thing in the world?

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Chapter 21: Emet Selchs house of memes

memes memes memes memes memes memes and golfing!


Chapter 22: Past Hals a jerk

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chapter 23: The sage who became a star

and thus the time loop is closed

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Chapter 24: The Water Area

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I’m still camped out in the server, waiting to see if there’s ever a recording session in the planning.

I was a bit behind in commenting, but Lin’s arc is one of the biggest mechanical issues I have with the game. The uselessness of Monster Badges and most of the minigames aside, there are things you’ll actually need to do to progress, like building up at least some weapons along the way. (Okay, you can steamroller most of the game with Steve, but there are a few times when that won’t be an option, and others when it really isn’t a good option.) For the best efficiency, you’ll usually want to bring specific partners with you depending on what weapon you’re focusing on. For each weapon type, there’s a partner who boosts the upgrade bonuses when you level up that weapon. I think they randomly raise one stat by one point per level, plus they give one additional Synth point, which can really add up if you’re trying to build a high-tier weapon. They may also improve the ABS accumulation for the weapon, but I don’t remember whether that’s the case or not.

For building up wrenches, guns, and swords, that’s really convenient. You just partner with the appropriate character and use that weapon as much as possible. However, the partner who boosts armband bonuses is Lin. She can only be your partner during the second half of Starlight Canyon, and then she leaves the party permanently to become Crest the Sage, and you can never partner with her again. This means that if you want to build up armbands with extra bonuses, that’s the only time when you can do it. An early-game grind might seem reasonable, but top-tier weapons can’t actually be upgraded until later in the game. So no joke, you just plain can’t do it at all. Not that this really locks you out of anything, but it’s another one of those minor details that make parts of a game seem like afterthoughts rather than intentional choices where someone looked at the design and said “Yes, it’s a good idea to have the character who’s only there for half a chapter be the one who boosts one of your weapons.”

Why couldn’t the lady who does nothing but sell clothes be the one who leaves the party forever? Nobody needs to buy new clothes that badly.

My Final Fantasy VI story: The first time I ever used Relm’s Sketch ability (aside from the time you’re required to use it), it missed. That’s just my luck, I guess, but I blundered into a bug that people have spent years studying and learning how to exploit. In my case, I ended up with a bunch of Excaliburs and I think Terra dual-wielding things that were never meant to be used as weapons, but half of my inventory turned into Dirks, including several irreplaceable tools. I think I just reloaded my previous save and never Sketched again, ever. When I got the Fake Moustache, it became a constant equip for Relm, not because it was any good, but because I didn’t want Sketch to be an option anymore.

your time is coming :smiley: promise

chapter 25: Covid Hearts 354 and a half: Taco bell is not crash

Do not listen to Edgar Friendlys lies…yeah this is a weird one even for us

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Chapter 26: OSMOND!!!

Today on this nice short episode we meet an old friend and learn of some major lore that i am sure will not affect future events…


chapter 27 The sweet episode

Today we talk about weird foreign sweets unaware of the utter stupid thing one of the hosts did that almost scuttled the lp…

On sunday the aftermath of that incident also featuring a very special guest host…

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The cereal I remember the most from my youth was a short-lived novelty from the heyday of the Muppets, “Swedish Chef’s Croonchy Stars”. Not so much for the cereal itself, which was pretty much the same as every other cereal in retrospect, but because the box was covered with jokes. There was an “Ingredients” panel with things like “No umbrellas, no shoe trees” and the actual nutritional information was headed with “Read carefully, you’ll be eating these words.” There were a lot of novelty cereals in the 80s, which probably saved them some trouble thinking up mascots. I remember when cereal commercials starting having arcs and cliffhangers. I don’t normally stop to reflect on how weird life is, but sometimes, I don’t have a choice.

I don’t get to eat much candy anymore, since I binged a few times too many and discovered that I’m borderline diabetic, but salted caramel is still a pretty wonderful flavor. Until recently, a company called Bigelow made a salted caramel tea that was one of my favorites, but I haven’t been able to find it for a while. They may still make it and I just can’t find it at the stores where I shop.

I am all up for anything salted caramel flavoured

Chapter 27.5 The lost episode

In which nidoking joins us as Hal explains why he lost an entire episode of an lp while presenting the cutscenes of said lost episode.

Note this episode was recorded after episodes 28 and 29

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chapter 28: I am ERROR CuRsEd

Well here we are folks the episode that almost scuttled the entire lp. what happened was i acidentally cut out an entire story chapter and at the time of this video i was freaking out about it. cooler heads prevailed and after the recording session i redownloaded the game and used a save file to rerecord the missing cutscenes and that was what you saw last week.