Breaking Out the Game Genie - Let's Play Shantae

Part 6: I Ran With a Zombie

Two stones are down, but there are still two to go. Thankfully, Shantae already has a clue as to where the next one lies. The bad news is, the only one with a lead lives in a place called the Zombie Caravan. The good news is, zombies can be civilized. The other bad news is, the zombie in question is… not the easiest to work with.


I forget which game it was which reveals the difference between “wild” and “civilized” zombies, but it’s pretty funny. The civilized zombies drink coffee. This allows them to keep their desire to eat brains under control somehow.

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Part 7: Shantae of the Dead

Shantae enters another labyrinth, thankfully with little interference from Rotty. Now, she must traverse… oh wow this just a big 'ol tomb, huh? Well, it’s not Shadow Temple levels of creepy or anything, but it IS filled with the undead and creatures of the purest darkness. That’s gotta count for something, right?


Part 8: Point/Mountain Point

Only one stone remains, and since we’ve already collected three, we may as well add the final one to our collection. But finding the location will be difficult; not only will Shantae have to overcome a dire lack of direction, but active misdirection as well.

Okay but seriously, Wayforward, how did you managed to obscure “go left” so much?


Part 9: Harpy on the Point

Well, it looks like we saved the, uh… least likely to be someone’s favorite labyrinth, for last. We’ve got ice, we’ve got an overwhelming layout, and we’ve got some familiar faces that make me think the developers ran out of time to make new assets. What more could you want?

I mean a better labyrinth would be nice, but eh…


I’m still trying to catch up on this but watching it makes me want to play it again. I got it on my ds and never finished it. Do you find some times it difficult to play or that you struggle against enemies? I always find myself struggling not to die in the overworld while traveling town to town.

Ohhhhhh definitely. The overworld is pretty much the most difficult part of the game, especially early on when you have no upgrades. Contact damage and high HP makes a lot of enemies more difficult than they should be.

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Thank god it’s not just me then. I found I enjoyed more the second Shantae game. I found I could manage better against enemies even though the difficulty was still high on it. I enjoyed it more.

Do you have a favorite dance? I know you say monkey is one of the best to use but is that your favorite because of its ability or is there another dance set you like better for any reason?

I like watching all the dances so I never had a preference when I played but monkey was the one I used the most I think.

Monkey is definitely my favorite. It’s the most versatile form Shantae has (normally). It makes platforming fun and you don’t have to change out of it as much. Elephant and Spider both feel like they’re used for one thing at a time before transforming back immediately, though Spider does have a unique advantage when it gets its attack item.

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Part 10: I Dream of Cleaning

Risky’s stolen the four stones, which means there’s only one thing we can do: travel the world and pick up collectables. That’s right, it’s time for the cleanup episode! And now not waiting for nighttime bites me as, like, half the items I need are fireflies.

Also, I lied! My real favorite transformation appears in this episode. I also mention that I never use the Spider’s attack, which is also untrue. I use it once.


I haven’t watched the episode yet but it sounds like to me that I’ve been lied to about a lot here. tsk tsk.

I paid a lotta good money to an oni to get these Advanced secrets, I can’t just spoil them willy nilly.

Also my one attack with Spider is very underwhelming.


“Bolos into the spikes” I gotta say I’m glad that in the sequels, “horny” is no longer Bolo’s only personality trait.

He’s still horny, but he talks about other things too.

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Maybe like right in the middle of the triangle. “I’m sick of barfing in your shadow” from Half-Genie Hero was quite possibly the greatest line written by God or man.


I think Risky is somewhere above horngry.


Part 11: Risky Business

Okay, we’ve got everything we can collect in the game. Now it’s time to find Risky and stop her plans before she rules the sea with an iron fist. But just what kind of inventions could Risky have prepared for the utilization of steam power?


Thanks for the LP!


Thanks for Lping this. I really enjoyed getting to see it finished, since I was unable to finish it myself.

I agree the game is not as mechanically as sound as some other games in the series but it was a good start for the series. I think the characters are memorable and lovable mostly as they develop further along in future installments. I really liked the design of the game, even though it may not be the best looking it has its own charm. You can feel the love and care that the creators put into it and that is really hard to convey sometimes in making a game.

Will you be Lping more from the Shantae series?

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At some point, yes. I already own Risky’s Revenge, and I’m interested in doing Pirate’s Curse and Half Genie Hero as well.

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