50 Shades of Grayscale: Let's Play 50 Game Boy Games!

Another uncut entry, in which we beat a witch and robot…eventually! God it took a while, didn’t it?


Is everyone ready for MORE PUZZLES? Of course you are! We’re back at it in the catgirl dungeons to bring you the underrated classic CATRAP. I was delighted to dig in and find the surprising amount of history attached to this game. Hardcore Gaming 101 has a great article on its general history and creator, including a download link to the original magazine article featuring the source code of its first incarnation! The link still works last I checked, but in case something gets lost down the line I can at least put it up on imgur. If you know enough japanese and feel like manually inputting the code yourself, please post your results! :v

Finally, HG101 also conducted an interview with the developer himself, presenting him the original magazine as well as discussing his other work for Namco. It’s a lovely watch.

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Another one for the uncut vault! The Gargoyle’s Quest was long, but we…were longer.

Welcome back to the dungeon of puzzles, everyone! No amount of sand or rocks could keep us from OUR happy end, and you are no different! Fight on, brave viewer, for there are only eight more games to go! The rest should be short, right? :v

Wordse did mention crafting a Cat Rap for Catrap but he has yet to record it. Stay tuned on any potential updates. If nothing else, we have notes to share!

Another back to back set of uncuts! Watch as I shatter everyone’s expectations, then proceed to do entirely average at the next task! So it goes in these things.

(forgot to post these on wednesday oops)

Final Fantasy Adventure

Welcome back and happy holidays everyone! I got an entry for you that’s bound to overstuff your stocking: Square’s highly successful spinoff Final Fantasy Adventure! The beginnings of the Mana series have a layered history of their own, and I did my best to cover it all in the video itself. That said, I had to source a lot of materials from the fine folks at Lost Media Wiki and Legends of Localization. I can never undersell how excited I am to see some proper archived history when doing my research. This game is STACKED with lore and future big names alike. It’s pretty insane to have such a hyped release be entirely wiped out of production. I wonder if any bits of the original concept got morphed into other things?

Until next time!

Wow I COMPLETELY neglected to post the latest uncut entry! Well, here ya go folks. Enjoy the long trek to the devil himself. See ya tomorrow!

Part two of Final Fantasy Adventure is officially live! The saga of BOFA involves a lot of things. Falling, snakes, pathos, falling…but our hardened hero keeps finding ways tog et back up. I genuinely would love to know his secret! Anyways, as previously alluded to, we finally get to bump up the snake count! A HAPPY NEW YEAR INDEED.

Snake Count: 27

Quick lil post of the uncut I forgot to put out.

Welcome back tot he grand finale of Final Fantasy Adventure! Thrill as the tragedy keeps on piling, filling the world with a dire post-apocalypse. But hey, at least we get a chocobo love story. Yayyyy.

To add to the tragedy, I’m also here to let you know that updates will be put on hold for a couple weeks. It’ll be over before you know it though! See ya then.

Snake Count: 29

The hiatus draws to a close with another UNCUT entry! Experience the highs and lows of finding very stupid images, followed by getting uncomfortably heated discussing Kingdom Hearts. You’re welcome, and also I am sorry!

Mole Mania

We are finally back in action with a brand new episode! Can you dig it, sucka? I sure hope you can because we’re gonna be here for a while. In an act of true ignorance towards pacing, I have slotted THREE long video games in a row for this block. So grab some cabbages, hug your family, and strap in for some PUZZLES. Fun fact: Sakurai wanted Muddy Mole in Brawl back in the day! I’m sad we never got so much as an assist trophy, but at least we got a nice render of Muddy as a spirit. So that’s something.

Small bit of history to accompany this: on the road to Mole Mania’s release, Nintendo Power was absolutely convinced Muddy’s name was Digger D. Whether this was a misconception or a last minute change, there’s supposedly still a portion of people who just fully assume that’s the canon name. Weird!

ALSO: there’s no official boss portraits past the first three and Jinbe, so the crew and I decided to draw our own! Here’s a full res version of my take on MAD WRENCHER:

Snake count: 30

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fuck the robo ghost xenomorph all my homies hate the robo ghost xenomorph

Please enjoy another part of Mole Mania, in which we discuss such topics as: puppy chow, Smurfs, narrow hips, old forum rp, the meat bear, euphemisms for killing, Raid: Shadow Legends, Saw makeovers, Tarzan’s immortality, Batman Beyond, and frog asses.

ALSO FEATURED: beautiful boss art by our very own Beedrops and PublicOpinion!

It’s time for more UNCUT entries! This time featuring a run of a game that’s barely distinguishable from the edited version, and a run where the entire back end was cut! Funny how that works.

It’s time to dig our way to a conclusion. The culmination of another 15 hours of gameplay, cut down to the 9-10 range. I’m never doing another puzzle game ever again, so long as I live. At least this one had charm.

One last member contributed art for the road! This one from Wordse! I think everyone on board did an amazing job capturing that old Nintendo manual style for these images. I am quite lucky to have the friends that I do, truly and genuinely.

See you next week for one more sequel of a previous entry!

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BEHOLD the true capacity of bullshit that goemon threw at us!!!

Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3

WAHAHelcome back folks to another monumental entry for the series! 43 episodes in the making, we finally tackle the third entry of SUPER MARIO LAND, and truly its end as it metamorphosed into something much different. Wario truly came into his own going forward, occupying the portable sector for years to come. There were allegedly plans to make a new Super Mario Land for the Virtual Boy, but in the end Wario was chosen as a less tarnishable property for the experimental system.

As a lil bonus, here’s a pre-release advertisement from Japan, with an alternate title! (and also an ad for kirby pinball)

Plugging along with another UNCUT entry. Enjoy the full debate of beef and chicken, and probably some dinosaurs or something!

The thrilling and bounteous conclusion of WARIO LAND is here. Go for the gold as we power through group sickness to do this episode for some goddamn reason?? I don’t know what possessed us to actually power through so I hope you enjoy our loopy energy for most of this. I hope you also enjoy multiple endings! I hope you also also enjoy sexy Wario fanart!! Apologies if you hate every single one of these things.

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