Zodi Plays: Custom Robo (Redesign Your Robo, We Know What We're Doing)

Today’s super late video brought to you by doing silly voices for my cousin while he plays Dragon Quest Builders 2. Protip; screechy British skeletor voice BAD for your throat, do not do it.

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [11] Meat Robo

Video Length: 26:07

In today’s episode, we receive a call… after we sleep for almost an entire full day. Ernest wants us to investigate a strange disturbance at Bogey’s Cafe… and what we find there is actually pretty horrifying. The organic autonomous robo, shooting up the place and causing widespread- if localized- destruction. The only hope we have is to face it head on… which we do so, fighting within a strange, idyllic meadow.

After very probably nearly dying to this horrifying flesh machine, who should show up but that mysterious blue haired anime and his apparent boss, Oboro! Leader of the Z Syndicate, in contrast to Eliza’s Z Syndicate. He’s a far bit goofier in design for a number of reasons, but also kind of intimidating at the same time. We end up tussling, though Harry takes on Oboro. We’re left with Legato over there, and his illegal Lightning Sky and Eagle Gun, both of which make him a deadly foe to be reckoned with.

Thankfully we’re (barely) able to fight them off, and with little else to do Gyro decides that after slamming his brain against a highly advanced super robo and wanted criminals using dangerous, illegal parts, a single hour of waking time is all he needed for today and throws himself back in bed. Valid, honestly.

And that’s it for today! Hope you all enjoyed. No glossary this time because, once again, no glossary update! It’s super weird… ah well. I’ll see you all next time, take care!

also hey, don’t worry Warmal. I also didn’t touch basically any of this! Getting to explore how wonderfully jam-packed this game is has been an absolute treasure.

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Bit of a late video, but it is time for a Custom Robo

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [12] Two Too Tango

Video Length: 29:51

Last time, we discovered the horrible meat robo that has been going around eating negative energy and potentially killing people, as well as the criminals who are trying to capture it for no doubt nefarious purposes.

Today; bread and circus style 2v2 tournament arc! Sweet…? All things being equal I actually like this segment, it is just weirdly presented given what JUST happened yesterday. The game’s pacing is really weird and this sort of thing is the biggest example of that. Regardless, this DOES mean we’re gonna get a lot of fun dialogue, and actually kinda interesting fights. I’m not the biggest fan of 2v2 in this game, but it is a nice change up from the standard 1v1 fights.

Mechanical wank time! We get our first Funky Big Head model, the Seal Head! Funky Big Heads are… bad. They’re defensive, which is good, but they’re SO slow and they have minimized damage output, and the double jumps really are just not that good compared to the dashing! Funky Big Head almost works as an archetype, almost, but it just… isn’t quite there. The charge attacks they do are also this weird, lengthy float attack that makes no god damn sense but does have homing, meaning it is an easy charge attack to HIT with, just… not a good one.

And not much else to say this time. The contents kinda speak for itself. Hope you all enjoyed, I’ll see you next time for… more of this, and some INSANE fights.

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Time for another ye olde Custom Robo!

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [13] Wig Snatched

Video Length: 23:32

Shut up thinking of video titles is hard.

Anyway in this episode, we tear our way through three sets of fights! The first against two utterly incompetant cops, the second against Walt and Carmen (with Carmen finally earning name privileges!!) and lastly, against Bogey and the Waiter! In a shocking display of weird, weird game balance the fights have gotten easier as we’ve gone forward, and I don’t know if it is because of the part choices I’m taken or what. This game can randomly decide to be brutal as heck, or rather easy, and it is truthfully hard to gauge what trouble (or lack thereof) you’re gonna get with each fight.

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The first time I saw this game, it was when my cousin rented it from Blockbuster (remember Blockbuster?). He got up to around the point in the plot where you find out what the Meat Robo is. It wasn’t until last year that I finally got the game myself and played it all the way through.

The amount of optional dialogue in this game that literally no one has ever read before literally this LP is mind-blowing. It’s irrational, but it almost…bothers me, in a way? Like they should’ve put that effort somewhere else, even though that’s not how game development works. lol

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I’m not gonna lie, I kinda agree. I think the game is good, but I distinctly recall it getting… a little too much after a point, and pretty clunky all things considered. A very good… concept for a game, but executed without a lot of focus.

Oh man, more Custom Robo. Time to finish a tournament arc.

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [14] Bread And Circuses

Video Length: 39:32

This one goes a little long, because of expected reasons by this point.

Starting us off today, we’re going up against none other than Mira and Roy! This is uh, pretty tough a fight for the most part, but it’s exacerbated by me making use of the Swift, our first Little Raider robo.

Little Raiders are… uniquely bad. They’re incredibly fast on the ground, but their other stats are all pretty weak. They’re, I think, the only robo in the game with HALF stats, having a 1 and a half strength stat, and a And A Half in Down, meaning literally a single tap from anything will knock them into down status. There are certainly combinations you can do to make the Little Raider into an interesting bastard of a robo, and I’ll definitely be sure to show it off once I get the needed parts, but as is the Little Raider is… basically the worst robo in the game. Which is a shame because it is a pretty cute line, I think.

After dealing with the last of the cops, it’s time to face down Evil and his… minion? Except Harry pulls a stunt to replace himself with Marcia for genuinely good reasons, but Marcia has no desire to fight and Evil in his… unexpected gentleman nature, asks to just do a 1v1. We accept, even though the entire intent of the 2v2 was to show unity in things.

With Evil completely canned due to 1v1s being way easier and Evil not being that good of a commander, all that is left is the finale. But first, we have to have a… kind of bad scene with Marcia where Harry sorta brow beats her into realizing she needs to trust others and thus extend herself out to them. I’m honestly not super keen on this, especially since it seems like Marcia’s trust issues and desire to confide in no one but her brother seem to uh… not be the problem. The problem seems to be that she saw someone who is definitely probably her dead brother and it’s screwing her up inside. I guess the intent is that Harry is solving a different problem from that one, that was CAUSED by that one, but still. It feels a little weird.

And so… the tournament ends, and we prepare to go to Mira and Harry’s apartment for a party. But that’ll be for next time; hope you all enjoyed, I’ll see you guys then.

Oh, Glossary time!

Nothing super vital in this, but it is interesting to like, reflect on. Ernest is a genius and he works as a mercenary.

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If Custom Robo were long enough that all the plot elements got their proper space, it would have a genuinely epic story. Alternatively, it could stay the length it is and cut most/all of the pointless tournaments and stuff, and it would have a cool, tight plot like Pokemon Colosseum. Instead, Custom Robo’s plot is structured like it’s a 40+ hour game, but it very much isn’t. I think you’re halfway through by this point, right? Maybe even more?

Still, there are two plot/story-type-element-things that should be coming up fairly soon: one of them I like, one of them I really like.

The guy named ‘Evil’ actually being a fairly nice guy is a pretty good, and possibly completely unintentional, running joke. Also there’s the part where he betrays you.

I think the scene could work if Harry actually knew what was bothering her, instead of just shouting with passionate sincerity and sincere passion and everything happening to work out. Also, the whole thing is too long. The scene itself has too many words, and also Marcia spends a really really long time just sorta standing around mumbling to herself, which is #relatable and all but also a bit tiresome to sit through.

Maybe at the start of the tournament Marcia could leave, and then like Linda or Mira could get her some chamomile tea with honey. And then she’d show up at the finals and be all better, because she had some tea with honey and that solves all problems.

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God, really? I remember this game lasting forever as a kid… I can’t believe I’m almost half way.

No video today. A mix of not feeling well, and being thoroughly distracted with other things. I feel kinda bad about it… but given one of the distractions is my first novel being published, not 100% bad.

Speaking of which, you can find said novel here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1710730005

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Okay, back to the robos.

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [15] Dinner and a Show

Video Length: 38:19

In this episode, we go to Harry’s place, have a nice dinner, and then the next morning get told by Ernest that we’ve got to go beat up some cops. They apparently want us to do it, so… sure thing! Not muuuch to discuss at the moment, but the NPC round up we end up doing is pretty solidly funny. Everyone’s obsessing over the Z!


Time to resume one of my favorite activities; this video game.

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [16] Tests Upon Tests

Video Length: 27:51

In this exciting episode, we resume what we started last time, starting with a fight against Linda and her deadly bee weapon, sliding on to Roy and his Strike Vanisher, stepping on over to Mira, and then being so impressive that the chief of police decides he wants to have a go. We beat all of them, though the last two actually provide a bit of challenge.

With that all said and done, everyone decides that we’ve proven ourselves ready to learn… some knowledge. Specifically, about the super special S-class license that is so secret that really only the people in this room know about it, which we need to take another test for. But they’re confident we’re ready to take such test… and we’ll be doing that next time. Hope you all enjoyed, I’ll see you guys then.

Glossary time!

Ep 16 Glossary

This one was probably picked up last time and I just forgot to look at it, or missed it. There’s nothing specifically interesting about Father’s Watch as a glossary entry, beyond the fact that it took this long to get added TO the glossary. That at least is weird.

For the MOST part there’s nothing new here compared to what we learned from talking with the chief and friends, though there is some grandstanding about how S-Ranks are just better than regular people… except for that last sentence. The government officially disavows the existence of this rank, which is pretty telling that Something is going on. Now obviously that’s… obvious, but it’s still good to see them write it in this way, if that makes sense? There is obviously a twist coming, but the game at least lets you know it.

It is, I think, time for a Custom Robo…

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [17] Rahu

Video Length: 25:24

In this episode, we go to take the S-Rank test. The test in question is… to fight the combat data of the meat robot. A hard fight, made harder by the fact that the way I’m playing kinda cripples me into using weapons that aren’t the best for a clear Lightning Sky esque opponent. I manage to pull through, but it is pretty difficult.

And with meat defeated, it is time to learn the truth of the world.

A cruel reality

As a kid, this revelation blew my mind. The idea that a lot of the design elements of the game; from the obviously fake gardens to the weird overhanging ceiling to size and scale and scope of the world map, all of it plus the confusion about the natural world… it was all hinting towards something like this. This horrifying cyber punk like dystopia where there is only a singular patch of humanity left, living in an artificially controlled area, cut off from whatever counts as the rest of the world. It is an astounding reveal, considering that aside from the interactions we’ve spent WITH Rahu, the game has appeared to be a completely happy go lucky kid JRPG.

We fought criminals and they were like “aw shucks you beat me at robots now I can’t do a a steal” and went home, and now we’re being shown that the world functions like this because it was likely influenced to be, to avoid drawing in Rahu. Can’t have guns because the negativity associated will draw in meat robo. Can’t really train our police to be skilled because the power imbalance will cause what remains of humanity to break. Minimizing negative emotions so that Rahu can’t be attracted and eat them, and potentially kill one of the precious humans that remain. It is FASCINATING, seemingly comes out of nowhere, and makes 100% perfect sense.

I love Custom Robo. I hope you all enjoyed, I’ll see you all next time.

Would be remiss not to include the glossary entry we get this episode…

Ep 17 Glossary

A bit more explanation of what, exactly, our enemy is. The horrifying realization that it is growing should be evident.


Like I said before, I beat this game like a year or two ago. This LP made me want to play it again and, uh…it’s still hard. I lost my first fight way before whenever you had your first loss.

I like this game’s twist. It’s really good. I don’t like how it starts revealing the twist and then is like “Actually you know what you need a nap first you’ve had a hard day, champ.”

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There’s something unending hilarious about the chief of police just going "hey so everything you’ve ever known and loved was artifice created after a singular robot destroyed the entire world and did a near genocide of the entire planet. Have a good sleep we’ll finish this in the future.

Okay, time for Lore Dump, part two.

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [18] Outside

Video Length: 37:24

In this episode, after we wake up from the initial burst of horrible truths, we get a call from Ernest telling us that the source of said truths is here, again, at Dendai Don’s, again! Horrible murder death robo aside this is actually pretty hilarious. Don’s been open for less than a day and Rahu has already returned to absorb thet abundant negative energy radiating from the place. I don’t know if it’s because of his customers eating week old sushi and immediately regretting it, or Don’s complaining about his closed restaurant just being that alluring, but it is honestly pretty funny.

Less funny; Evil is here fighting Rahu himself… and he WINS, knocking the robo out! Then he reveals he’s going to take Rahu for hismelf… in order to give to the Z Syndicate! Dun dun duuun! Who would have guessed that Evil would do us a traitor like this. And as if on cue, Eliza shows up… only she doesn’t recognize him, which destroys him utterly, and we go to engage her in pitched robo combat! Beating her rather soundly, we go to take Rahu for ourselves… only for Oboro and, as we finally learn, Sergei to arrive! The Zed Syndicate leader fights us next, in a two v two with Marcia helping us so she can fight her brother, which she just outright says. This one is a fair bit harder, but we manage it… only for Oboro to outsmart us with a flashbang, and for NotEliza to escape during the fight. Welp.

With that uh, abject failure out of the way, we return to the police to report that hey we encountered Rahu and the bad guys got it. This is… bad, but they table the discussion so they can talk us through the rest of the super secret plot stuff. The reveal of what the outside world is like, the scope and scale of how big, and yet how small, the world that remains is, it’s all really impressive to me, I think. And after that… we kind of get into some deeper philisophical topics like the idea of “ignorance is bliss” and how that can apply to different folk for different reasons. It is honestly rather interesting, and while the game is obviously not going to delve super deeply into it, it’s still worth thinking about.

Philosophy and Police Wank

While I call Harry a sort of shallow person here, his “laissez faire” lifestyle isn’t actually called BAD here, it’s just noted that for someone like him this secret information is irrelevant, begging the question of “why should he ever learn it?”. Whereas Marcia, empath that she is, takes one look at the outside and realizes society as a whole is ultimately fragile. What good has this done for her, to know? Now, an answer to this (one that I believe in by the way) is that while ignorance is bliss, it is also limiting. I do feel like knowledge for the sake of knowledge is important, that you SHOULD want to learn about the world, even if much of what you end up learning turns out to be “wow civilization could crumble at any moment due to all these horrible factors”. Because knowing lets you prepare, adapt, understand. Sure, not knowing won’t help Harry, but it won’t HURT either. Yes, Marcia is terrified of the implications… but it’s steeling her resolve to fix it. Ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power.

It’s just interesting to me, this contrast that the game sets up and never really fully elaborates on- and it’s also super interesting since it is presented by people who are genuinely kinda shitty, but still ostensibly on the good guy side. The police chief says in THIS EPISODE that closing Don’s restaurant was a punitive measure due to him not calling the police. But he DID call the police, and the cover story from the police is that they closed it due to the body. So all the police did was punish him for no good reason. So when the Rahu situation happened again, he didn’t call the police at all because the police have shown that calling them does nothing but make his life worse. It’s a situation the police directly caused themselves and they really don’t get it. It is truly fascinating to me that the cops can acknowledge that they are wholly incompetent, and then note that they would prefer if only they were called in, not bounty hunters.

Anyway, all that aside, I hope you enjoyed. Next time, we’re going on a walk about while we think about the horrible truths we have learned, and whether or not we can actually continue and try to save the world. I hope you all enjoyed, I’ll see you next time.


I can’t believe Evil was…evil!

It is eminently frustrating how long it takes the game to go over the twist. They start talking about it, then go to the bathroom, talk about how they’re in the bathroom, then open a secret door to the train, talk about the train, take the train to the door, talk about the door, and then finally the cool stuff happens. JRPGs almost always have WORDS problems but this is pretty egregious.

Regarding the police and Daimon, that sounds like two different scenario writers failing to quite line up the details. That’s my interpretation, anyway. Though the idea of failing to contact the police in an emergency being illegal is an interesting dystopian idea. I’ve got to remember that for my own use…

Regarding the twist

its good

A while back I said there was one story thing this game does that I like, and one that I really like. The Big Twist is the one I like. The one I really like would probably have been better mentioned in the last video, but it’s this.

This game has a real rhythmic design to it: it’s broken up into days, starting when you wake up and ending when you go to bed. I like that by itself. But what’s really great is how the hero Gyro waking up changes over time. There’s a gradual shift from him being woken up by his mom landlady, to him being woken up by being called in for work, to at least one of the most recent days, where he wakes up by himself. This represents his maturation, and runs parallel to both the escalating danger present in the plot and the unfolding of the nature of the world. The Extraordinary World, one might even call it.

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Okay, time to kick up into end game. Lets do this!

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [19] Endgame

Video Length: 22:27

In this episode, we get a call from Ernest about another job. I… for some reason, initially thought it would be another non story related job because it’s been way too long since I played this game fully, so yeah. The job in question is to go off to the police station for their… special task. Ernest, while he’s not privy to the details, can see a dangerous situation when it comes up, and tells us we don’t HAVE to take it if we’re afraid. He actually cares for us, and it’s super sweet!

And with that… we head off to the police station, to face our fate. Which we do with the expected level of grace and elegance. We head to the toilet and high five the weird handpainting, and leave the safety of our world and head off into the darkness of the Outside, take our first steps into the Z Syndicate headquarters, and begin the attack!

But that’ll be for next time. Hope you all enjoyed, I’ll see you guys then.

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That would be in the Custom Robo spirit.

Oh, by the way, your Custom Robo playlist on YT is missing episode 11.

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I’ll be honest I think I put basically every single event that happens in this game before the Rahu reveal. I’m genuinely shocked it’s sped to this so quickly.

Thanks, this has been fixed! Hate when that happens.

And so it begins!

Zodi Plays: Custom Robo [20] The Zed Syndicate

Video Length: 23:04

In this episode, we begin the assault on our enemies! Marcia and Roy branch off to go fight the Zee Dyndicate, while Gyro, Harry, and Mira go to fight the Zed Syndicate. Though for some reason I’m predicting we’ll end up having to take both of them out ourselves…

If you were concerned about last episode not having any fighting, worry not! This one is almost entirely fighting, and that won’t be changing any time soon! We’re up against Oboro’s ninjas, and while the fights aren’t necessarily hard they can be a little grueling if you’re not careful. And after beating up some ninjas, Shiner appears! Because of trying out new parts I discovered a pretty damn good combo to deal with him though so he’s about as worthless as he expected. Unfortunately, afterwards, Mira falls against one of the stronger ninjas, and it’s up to us to go it alone as Harry treats his sister’s injuries.

We also fight a man with no pants. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed, I’ll see you all next time!

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