WoW: I've spent how much in sub fees?

My priest has the best name. That is all.


Iā€™ve been playing off-and-on since the start of Wrath. I stopped playing halfway through Cataclysm because my laptop was a piece of garbage, and started playing again mid-Mists, then quit again a couple months into WoD. I started again with Legion, and played a lot for a couple months, but I havenā€™t had much motivation to play for the past couple months.

Holy shit, are you me?

If I recall correctly I actually participated in the beta of this game, or at least the newborn vanilla. I mained an orc hunter until my friends and I hit a wall because my boar couldnā€™t tank instances for us any more (around level 50, I think.) Made a Tauren warrior so my friends would have a tank and mained her all the way to Cataclysm adapting and relearning how to tank as a warrior almost every update. Onyxia never dropped my helmet.

I hit another wall in Cataclysm where, even though a followed all the instructions and learned all the right rotations and programmed in all the right macros, I just couldnā€™t tank any more and Iā€™m not sure why. It may have been a gear thing but my gear score was fine and I had gotten most of the recommended gear you could get outside of instances via quests and crafting. But I couldnā€™t hold aggro anymore no matter what I did and I kept taking huge damage even though I didnā€™t stand in the fire and such. I was already growing a bit disenchanted because Death Knights had seized the majority of tanking roles all across Wrath and I had gone from being one of the top five tanks on my server in Burning Crusade to completely ignored and swept under the rug in Wrath. But yeah, cry more warrior main qq I know. Anyway, I assumed it was me and pretty much stopped playing but kept up my subscription until an absolutely awful lore decision on Blizzardā€™s end that I donā€™t want to talk about made me cancel my subscription and I havenā€™t gone back.

that sucks :c yeah - around cata was when they removed defense rating, right? i recall that being pretty tough on warriors. i was tanking, too as a warrior. heroic firelands and stuff was just really AWFUL for us. i ended up having to change to paladin to satisfy my guildā€™s progression needs