Why is everything a "+" these days? Let's Play Doki Doki Literature Club +

Episode 20: Wrapping up Yuri’s Route, and Getting an Annoying Secret

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

In Act II, there’s a secret that you can run into when you load the game. It took 90 minutes for the author of the guide I was using. Fortunately, it only took 20 minutes for me, and I edited out most of it.

Episode 21: You Can (Not) Get the Good Ending

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Nweismuller joins us for this stream. It’s great to have a friend co-hosting because there’s a lot of dialogue skipping this time through. Sadly, on my first attempt of this, I reset too soon on Sayori’s route, and I didn’t get her last picture, and didn’t get the good ending. Fortunately, I’ve edited down the two runs, so you don’t need to watch through two full playthroughs. Despite this being the good ending, we still have a lot more content, so this is far from over.

Episode 22: Cleanup and Files

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Nweismuller is still on the stream as it’s the same one as last time. This time, we get all but one achievement from the story mode by writing a poem to each girl during act 1. After that, we move on to cheese the towekeys minigame. I’d say play, but I just used the guide to get the texts unlocked. I didn’t bother actually trying to solve the puzzles.

Episode 23: TRUST the Sidestories

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

The sidestories turn out to be prequels to the game. Right now, we’re at the founding of the Literature Club. At first it’s… Just Monika, but Sayori joins, and that starts the plot of this sidestory.

Episode 24: Trust Monica (You really shouldn’t)

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Monica learns Sayori’s secret. It also makes it very clear that sidestories need to be done after the main story, even though they’re prequels.

Also, I just reached 100 subs on youtube. Woo!

Double-header day!
Two releases today. Episode 25 came out on time (it’s been scheduled for two weeks), but I’m going to be MCing a festival this weekend, and I just got the program Monday night, so I’ve been scrambling to get a script/outline done, and didn’t get around to posting it here.

Episode 25: Understanding Yuri

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Yuri finally follows up on the invitation she received from Monica and joins the club. It’s a rocky start at first, but she makes it through.

Episode 26: Understanding the Doki’s Problems More

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

What happens when Yuri admits that she hates people trying hard to make her happy, and Sayori admits that she loves trying hard to make people happy? A cute hug.

Another extra delayed double-header!
Two more releases today. Both episodes came out on time, but I basically have gone from festival prep, to festival cleanup, to wedding prep (not my wedding, but I am the best man, so I’m doing a bunch of stuff to get ready). Unfortunately, that also means I’m down to no backlog on this. In fact, I only have three days left in my backlog. I’m going to try to stream the next sidestory tonight if possible to make some more progress, but it’s completely possible that there will be a weeklong gap in my releases soon.

Episode 27: Respect the Manga Weeb

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Natsuki finally joins the Literature Club. However, her brash personality clashes with Monica’s and she is disrespected for liking manga.

Episode 28: R-E-S-P-E-C-T. Find out what it means to me

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Monika falls in love with manga, and apologizes to Natsuki. She also sees just how badly Natsuki is bullied by her “friends”.

Episode 29: The Dokis are out of Balance. They Might Fall Over

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Just like with Yuri, Sayori is a bit too pushy when it comes to making friends with Natsuki. Natsuki isn’t all too happy to open up and share the way Sayori is.

Episode 30: Perfectly Balanced. As All Things Should Be

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Sayori and Natsuki finally talk it out, even if it takes Natsuki writing her feelings out in poem form. This also gives us the last of the poems, filling up that section of the pictures menu

Episode 31: Reflecting Like a Vampire

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Monica tries to setup a dialogue between Yuri and Natsuki on how to better use language. She must have rolled a 1 because it was a critical failure. On the bright side, Natsuki just rocketed up to best Doki thanks to this side story. She’s correct on not wanting to censor herself.

Episode 32: Letters Are Not Mirrors, But They Reflect Feelings

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

It takes a lot of work on Sayori and Monika’s parts, but they attempt to heal the rift between Yuri and Natsuki. It does seem to work as they both get in better touch with their feelings, and Yuri even matures enough to try to reach out and start a connection with Natsuki.

Episode 33: No, Natsuki! Self-love is a sin!

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Natsuki just so happens to stop by near where Yuri is reading. Is it an accident? Either way, it leads to then starting to talk and hang out. We also learn more about Natsuki’s toxic friends.

We’re on the final stretch of episodes. The recordings are all done. The finale will be next Tuesday, and Thursday will be a bonus video grabbing the last achievement I didn’t get during normal play.

Episode 34: I guess that kind of Self Love is OK

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

Natsuki and Yrui develop their friendship even more. They realize they really are kindred souls, they just have very different coping mechanisms. Natsuki has put on a strong facade and became very extroverted. Yuri closed herself off to all but a few people.

This is the last regular sidestory mission. Next week is the finale and the bonus episode. After that, Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! is complete.

Episode 35 FINALE: This All Equals…

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

We have reached the end of the side stories with one last chapter that sums up all that the girls learned while setting up the club.

Last episode on Thursday will be an achievement hunt for the one achievement that I missed.

Episode 36 BONUS: One Missing Achievement

Preferred Hosts: Rumble, Odysee
Regular Host: Youtube

This is it. The final video of Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! We managed to get everything! All the pictures, all the achievements, all the tower keys, all the emails, all the endings, all the information.

We are finally complete. After being introduced to Doki Doki Literature Club in January 2021, it’s good to finally be done.

I’ll be fixing this thread for archiving next week or so. I was hoping to jump straight into Date A Live Rio Reincarnation for Tuesday/Thursday release starting next week, but I’m going to take a 2 week break from Tuesday/Thursday releases. I’ll have something special for Little Nightmares on Halloween, and then resume this slot the first full week of November.