User testing: larger avatars in posts!

Hey there everyone! I made a change to the theme and would like to know if anything’s broken before I push it to everyone. This particular tweak makes the avatars in posts a little larger, and does nothing else! It looks like this:

So first off, I need members to test it out using their preferred browser of choice by following this link, which is a temporary preview for the new styles we’re using, and report back using the poll below:

  • All good
  • It’s broken (please elaborate in a post)

0 voters

If you want to stop testing, use this link.

If we’re all good, this should be applied by default to all visitors soon!

I’ll also be accepting comments in this topic regarding how large the avatars are (whether they’re too big, too small, or if you like them at their default size).

The border between posts is broken on smaller screens:

Conditionally moving the top border style from .topic-body and .topic-avatar to the parent <article> in the small layout might fix it.