The Politics Run on the Same Logic as the Physics - Let's Play Freedom Planet

There is that. The fact that you don’t NEED the story is a big plus, all things considered.

We, uh, struggle to make fun of the video game.

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Yo so now that the next video’s out can I just say I’m really mad that everyone ignored my great “fixed the dog” joke? I didn’t even plan that going into that spiel, it just happened.

Jade Creek is a good level, and the story gets some much-needed momentum.

I stand by it.

F’real though some of the enemies make me think of Mega Man? You can’t just charge in and kick the shit out of them, you need to think about what you’re doing and plan your angle of attack.

This would seem more reasonable if the combat abilities didn’t invite charging in and kicking the shit out of them.

Doesn’t just invite it, it actively mechanically incentivises you to do this via an extremely arcane and totally undocumented anywhere in game set of gameplay mechanics/variables that I will not explain now because it’s fucking complicated and I will have ample time to discuss it later.

But what I am saying is that the game is literally designed for that. It totally wants you to do that.

and just gonna take a moment to reply to a kind post in the Recommendation Thread because I thought it’d be gauche to reply to it there, but I still wanted to reply. Maybe this is itself gauche, I don’t care.

Thank you! Seriously, that’s really nice. But also this is slightly hilarious because the videos you see are a result of me deliberately trying to play as simplistically as I can. Stick with us, I will blow your fucking mind later on.

Honestly, and this is probably just me, but I’m not usually as impressed by speedrunning as I am by thorough, well-paced demonstration of the game. I’m sure this game has a ludicrously high skill ceiling, though, and having a baseline of “normal” gameplay to compare with the speedrun will make it all the more impressive, so I’m definitely looking forward to when you get to that part as well.



In the spirit of opposite day, this video features both criticisms of a boss fight and (backhanded) praises of a cutscene!


I actually kinda like the tonal whiplash this game goes through. It feels very genuine(???) and unique.

That’s my bad opinion for the day.

Never mind tonal whiplash. I just really want to know how they got all the way to release and never had a discussion about including a scene where a 14-year-old girl gets brutally, graphically tortured that didn’t end “yeah totals.”

Like, in a game/movie/whatever that was explicitly meant to be graphic and disturbing that would be considered in poor taste. This game, for clarity, is not.

Naturally it’s the Freedom Planet fandom’s favorite scene.

Side note: subtle, unaddressed worldbuilding can be real real good, but this game didn’t do such a good job at it.

Pangu Lagoon is a rad level though I agree.

It’s nearly universally derided and mocked among the fandom.

It might seem weird for me to claim to be an expert on the Freedom Planet fandom. But I more or less run GalaxyTrail’s community spaces for them, so I would know that type of thing.

not to be defensive or anything but on average they don’t really like it anymore than you do

Naturally it’s the favorite scene of a group of people I have hitherto identified as the Freedom Planet fandom but apparently was incorrect.

I just really distinctly remember seeing a group of people talking about how this scene above all others was The Most Mature And Dramatic and proved better than anything else in the world that a cartoony aesthetic could carry a serious storyline.

you are almost certainly reading the excerpts of a specific group of people who got banned from the wider community for being too intolerable to put up with


You know what, that tracks.


I understand what you mean - it’s bad in an “earnest” sort of way.

Hahaha, that’s kinda funny. It also makes me a little sad just how far reaching that specific group of people’s (who seriously do not number greater than like, 10-ish people) bullshit is and how it colours the perception of hundreds of other (relatively) normal people.

It’s not like it’s a perfect community or anything, I could tell you some stories about those chucklefucks, and they do skew fairly young so they can be kind of dumb. But I dunno, it’s just not representative. Makes me a little sad since I consider myself partially responsible for it.

I imagine being a community manager for a Sonic-like game to be real rough, in any case.

Do you have any plans to show how the other characters play? Not full playthroughs, just maybe a level or something.

Of course.

This time: Battle Glacier, one of the game’s hardest stages.

If you’d like to hear the track I talk about at the end of the video by itself, you can listen to it here: It’s lovely!