The Politics Run on the Same Logic as the Physics - Let's Play Freedom Planet

It’s nearly universally derided and mocked among the fandom.

It might seem weird for me to claim to be an expert on the Freedom Planet fandom. But I more or less run GalaxyTrail’s community spaces for them, so I would know that type of thing.

not to be defensive or anything but on average they don’t really like it anymore than you do

Naturally it’s the favorite scene of a group of people I have hitherto identified as the Freedom Planet fandom but apparently was incorrect.

I just really distinctly remember seeing a group of people talking about how this scene above all others was The Most Mature And Dramatic and proved better than anything else in the world that a cartoony aesthetic could carry a serious storyline.

you are almost certainly reading the excerpts of a specific group of people who got banned from the wider community for being too intolerable to put up with


You know what, that tracks.


I understand what you mean - it’s bad in an “earnest” sort of way.

Hahaha, that’s kinda funny. It also makes me a little sad just how far reaching that specific group of people’s (who seriously do not number greater than like, 10-ish people) bullshit is and how it colours the perception of hundreds of other (relatively) normal people.

It’s not like it’s a perfect community or anything, I could tell you some stories about those chucklefucks, and they do skew fairly young so they can be kind of dumb. But I dunno, it’s just not representative. Makes me a little sad since I consider myself partially responsible for it.

I imagine being a community manager for a Sonic-like game to be real rough, in any case.

Do you have any plans to show how the other characters play? Not full playthroughs, just maybe a level or something.

Of course.

This time: Battle Glacier, one of the game’s hardest stages.

If you’d like to hear the track I talk about at the end of the video by itself, you can listen to it here: It’s lovely!


We’re nearly done. Enjoy!

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Final Dreadnought didn’t need to be four levels.

And just to be clear since an argument started the last time I expressed this sentiment, Final Dreadnought didn’t need to be four levels’ worth of material either. I thought it kinda overstayed its welcome.

Eh, it’s a lot more like two or three levels worth of content than four. There’s a reason we’re shoving all four rounds into just two videos.

And we’re done with our casual playthrough! This is only one chunk of our journey with Freedom Planet. Next up, we’ll be taking a break from the game and looking at some past efforts of Stephen DiDuro, the game’s developer.


Sorry about the wait! I gave myself a week break and then I forgot how picky I am when it comes to solo commentary. The next episode is coming very soon, but in the meantime, why not enjoy some old Freedom Planet exploits of mine?


First up, I have an overview of Stife’s overall dev history, with some gameplay of his earliest games that I can get footage of.

For the next three videos, I’ll be covering Jade Phoenix, Super Ecksdee Panic, and Christmas Time Heroes in their own separate videos. If you’d like to try these games before seeing my commentary over them, you can grab them here:


Whoops! Let’s get back on the saddle, shall we?

In this next part of our look into the history of GalaxyTrail, we’ll be taking a brief glance at the somewhat janky Jade Phoenix: Strife’s first ambitious project.

If you’d like to play Jade Phoenix for yourself, you can give it a try here:


This is Super Ecksdee Panic: a game made in 30 days which takes the form of a difficult and surprisingly lengthy platformer. This episode’s a bit of a doozy compared to the rest, but I hope you enjoy it!

If you’d like to give the game a shot, you can download it here:

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Do you know if the ending changes any if you’re able to hold on to the hidden Wepon, or is it such a frustrating task it’s not really worth the effort?

I went ahead and asked Strife about it; he can’t recall it making any difference, so I think it’s safe to say that it doesn’t. I’m definitely not willing to go back and try it myself - the boss rush portion has to be done in a single life, and recollecting all the puzzles pieces and then doing said boss rush without healing items would be enough of a pain to make it not especially worthwhile to me.