The LP Zone Moneythread: Grunty's Finance Fun!

Welcome to the Moneythread! Financial transparency is very important to us, so we created this thread to keep you updated on all the going-ons in the P’Zone Purse. Here you can learn all you’ve ever wanted to know about the LP Zone’s finances, as well as find out the next big feature we’re saving up for! Get excited!

Where is the money going?

Running this site means there’s a few things we need to pay for every month. This includes our hosting and backup, Amazon storage, and maildrop fees, as well as what gets set aside for income taxes.
If you want a more detailed breakdown of where the money has gone every month, as well as our current balance, check out this spreadsheet:

After these are paid whatever’s left will be put in the fund towards new site upgrades or whatever site-related project’s being saved up for at the moment.

The Current Roadmap

Current Project: LP Update Tag

Description: This plugin will allow LPers to mark posts they make in their thread as being “LP Updates”. This will allow threads to display a separate notification when the LP has updated as well as allow users to jump to the oldest unread update and choose to only display posts marked as updates.

Goal: $2,385
Current Progress: $2,280.24

How Can I help?

If you want to help these upgrades to happen even sooner consider throwing us a buck on Patreon! Every little bit counts!
If you can’t pledge at the moment, no sweat, you can still help out by telling your friends, family, disapproving grandmas, or anyone else you think would be interested in the LP Zone.

Read through this thread and still have more questions about our finances? Ask them here! -> Finance FAQS: Got LPZ money questions? Ask 'em here