Alright, we’ve healed our dragon. But now what do we do? Well, Krile’s got a fever because a sage is calling, so that seems like a good thing to address. Just as long as the island the sage lives on doesn’t sink, of course.
Xezat’s plan has gotten us into a barrier tower. Now we just have to figure out how to take the thing down so we can actually reach Exdeath’s Castle. But it seems Xezat has a plan for that too, and it involves us climbing all the way to the top of the place. Well, we’d either have to deal with that or a large basement, because these romps are never simple.
Well, here’s some good news: we inherited a submarine! And thanks to that, we have some new places to explore, and for some reason a notable chunk of what we do today is turtle-themed!
Exdeath has returned to his birthplace, the Forest of Moore. What he plans on doing there is a mystery to even Sage Ghido, but it’s safe to say we want to put a stop to him there as soon as possible.
After what transpired in the Forest of Moore, the Warriors of Light are on a direct trip to Exdeath’s Castle. It’s not all what it seems, but at this point Bartz and crew are more than ready for what the warlock has to throw at them. But are they prepared for… Excalibur?
The Warriors of Light have passed all of the traps in Exdeath’s castle, and now all that’s left is to take out the warlock himself. Of course, nobody knows what Exdeath’s actually planning, and in addition to the uncertainty, we already know full well that he’s extremely powerful. So, in what is definitely the final battle, we’ll see just how hard he is to take down.
Exdeath has fully realized his what was, what is, and what will be. Having done so he has transformed into Jesus Ford the Teal. His power over his emptions from a year of meditation, and torture engulfs the warriors of light sll there attacks he merely sidesteps. In the final showdown he allows them to draw a knife across his throat and then he transcends in whole light. Becomeing one with whats all he stands there Peter, the immortal, Peter the Rock. He now resides outside of all lets plays. Safe in his time from the bored spirits from the end, until he wishes to join again.
I have no idea what you’re on about. 10/10 bit.
Exdeath was defeated, and the gang’s all back home. Except for Krile, who is distinctly not home. But there’s still a lot of uncertainty about what’s going on, so Bartz and Krile have set off on another journey to figure out why the game hasn’t ended yet.
RIP to Lenna, but the rest of the Warriors of Light have to move on to the Pyramid of Moore. The first of the four tablets rests there, but getting to it won’t be easy. There’s a ton of traps in there, and so, so many Damneds as well. Figures we’re down a person for this.
Exdeath is getting ever-closer to being able to show the full power of the Void, and in the meantime he isn’t shy showing what it can do even before preparations have been finished. So, what better time than now to travel the world for all the little things we can collect around the map?
With Lenna back on board, half the world gone and the final dungeon technically being available, it’s time we move on to the second of the sealed temples! This one’s got a vent and Exdeath sent the most annoying guy you can imagine to stop you from getting the temple’s tablet!
One of the perks of the last tablet was access to the Fork Tower on the no-longer-island Crescent Island. The strongest white and black magics await at the top of these two towers, but both must be removed simultaneously or the whole place explodes. And to make matters more interesting, it seems this tower also appeared over our old ship shack, and not everyone living there was expecting to be trapped underneath a big tower so suddenly.
Thanks to our resident nerds, we have a combination airship/regular boat/submarine. And with this fine feat of technology, the Warriors of Light can reach the third of the tablet dungeons. This one’s inside a crevice at the bottom of the ocean, and filled with unimaginable horrors. Also magma. Lots and lots of magma.
We’ve got three out of four dungeons done, but as always there’s a few tasks in the overworld that need to be seen to. For example, there was that tower that sank into the sea ages ago. Or that locked door in Castle Bal. Oh, and Bahamut’s been waiting to challenge us for a while now, so we should probably get that done too.
One tablet remains, and this one lies within Istory Falls. What dangers lurk within these caverns, and just how iconic might they become in the Final Fantasy series? Well, considering their competition consists of Chocobos and Moogles, said dangers certainly aren’t messing around, that’s for sure.
All four dungeons are done and dusted, and we collected all the weapons we wanted long ago. But there’s a few things left to do in the Overworld, so before we head off for the Void, let’s get a little more animal-based trauma into this storyline!
We’ve got just about every single thing we could possibly obtain, which means it’s finally time to take on the Void! The Interdimensional Rift leading to it is certainly full of tough monsters, but the Warriors of Light are nothing to mess with at this point. It would take some kind of superboss to even remotely challenge them now.
The Warriors of Light continue their way through the Interdimensional Rift. And after the battle with Omega, it seems pretty unlikely that any of the dozens of minions Exdeath is sending will put up much of a fight, but we’ll let 'em try anyway.
Hey. You know that Interdimensional Rift we’ve been traveling through? We’re still at it. This time, though, we’ve reached a unique tile set, which can only mean we’re near the end. All we have to do is figure out what’s lurking in these halls… and particular treasure chests.