Test topic

Video games have graced us with this. How can they not be good??

(also, whoa headphones warning for the last 15 seconds)

Video-games are a mistake

I love the spoiler blur

itā€™s just like one of my japanese animes

golly, itā€™s so fancy for all the ~video games~

Resident Evil 7 looks so good, but I am a real baby when it comes to survival horror, like the littlest of jump scares make me scared.

I couldnā€™t even handle the piano with sharp teeth in Mario 64. :dizzy_face:

I am seeing if the (Reply) on the bottom creates a new thread or replies as a new thing on the test-topic page.

I just finished RE7 today and it was super good. It leaves a lot of things kind of open and mysterious, though, which is kind of weird for Resident Evil! Thereā€™s still a lot of notes to read, but they donā€™t spell things out nearly as much as the other games. The ending left me with some questions that I wonder if theyā€™re going to answer in the DLC, or if itā€™s all myserious setup for a new multi-game plot arc.

Oh yeah, hereā€™s a song about video games:

I have been replaying Dragonā€™s Dogma Dark Arisen on PC because it is a fun video game and totally not a way to test if GIF embeds work as well.

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I like video games. I take them everywhere I go.

I recently finished RE7 and just started a Madhouse run. They donā€™t mess around with the remixed enemy placement. :cry:

Video games are precious works of art actually, and should be treated as such.

Iā€™ll take that ending and raise you this:


Hereā€™s my case for why videogames are not art


Are we posting fighting game endings, I love fighting game endings.

Iā€™m fairly sure this qualifies as an art gallery now.


This is in the Louvre, itā€™s true:


Hey I made a thread for fun videos if you guys wanted to move some of these over there! Or not, whatever~ :slight_smile:

fyi I said this privately to some folks but I disabled the featured link stuff

Iā€™ve been meaning to ask, did this topic ever pass its test? Iā€™m worried about it.

probably :neutral_face:


Iā€™m proud of our beautiful baby thread

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