Summer Vacation 1975 - Let's Play Boku no Natsuyasumi 2: Umi no Bouken Hen

Boku no Nasuyatsumi 2 (English: My Summer Vacation 2: Adventure by the Sea) is the second of four games in the Boku no Nasuyatsumi series, developed by Millennium Kitchen and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Japan, and released in July of 2002 for the Playstation 2. Despite the name, it’s not really a sequel - while all four of the games share an art style and are all about being on summer vacation in mid-1970s Japan, they do not share a continuity and are closer to being remakes of each other. For reference, the third game was PS3-exclusive and the fourth was on the PSP.

The game was fan-translated by a group called Hilltop in late 2023 using some rather extensive modding, and from what I saw of their development logs, this looked like the kind of game I’d want to LP. Boku no Nasuyatsumi 2 has been compared to Animal Crossing, but really it’s more like Shenmue if Shenmue didn’t have a linear story or a win condition. The game itself is about a Japanese third-grader (who is only ever referred to as “Boku”) on summer vacation in a small seaside town in August of 1975, with your only goal being to fill Boku’s picture diary with memories.

The reason I chose to LP this game over Persona 3 is that it makes a rather unique and also annoying use of the PS2’s controller - namely the pressure-sensitive face buttons, which it uses for movement. Unfortunately, no one makes pressure-sensitive controllers anymore as they haven’t been part of a console spec for over a decade: Sony themselves dropped pressure-sensitive buttons as of the PS4’s release, Microsoft dropped them as of the XBox 360, and Nintendo never really used them outside of the shoulder buttons on the Gamecube controller.

While the game is beatable on an emulator (all existing PS2 emulators have a hotkey system you can use in place of the pressure-sensitivity), it’s kinda awkward to play unless you’re using real hardware (it’s still a bit awkward even then), and real hardware is exactly what I’m going to be playing this on. If you’re planning on playing this yourself, a good alternative is to buy a Dualshock 3 (which appear to be fairly cheap still and have USB support), which I believe all of the existing PS2 emulators support. Worst comes to worst, you can probably sell it for a profit in like 20 years because that’s how the western retro market works.


newmascotresized: Millennium Kitchen still very much exists as a developer - they released a game based on Crayon Shin-Chan a couple of years ago on the PS4 and Switch. I hope they eventually translate the rest of their games.

newmascotresized: Before we start the game, I’m going to go into the menu and just do one thing.

newmascotresized: We’re going to set the time speed to “Slow”. Boku no Nasuyatsumi 2 has a timer much like Shenmue’s, and because of the controls we’re going to want to slow that down a bit.

newmascotresized: The first thing we’re prompted to do is enter a class number and a name for the save file. I don’t think there are any in-game effects based on what you pick - this game was marketed at adults, so my guess is they did this so that you could put your actual third grade class in if you remembered it.

newmascotresized: By “Frank” I’m referring to Frank’s… I guess they’d be grandsons if it’s 1975. If his first son is Frankruto, I guess this would be short for “Borfrankruto”.

newmascotresized: All of the Boku no Nasuyatsumi games, as far as I’m aware, use this same artstyle.

newmascotresized: The song she’s humming is Frere Jacques. I think that’s how you spell it, minus the accent marks.

newmascotresized: And here’s who we’ll be playing the entire game as.

newmascotresized: There’s no way, unless…

newmascotresized: You know how the Ryu ga Gotoku games never tell you who the first chairman of the Tojo Clan was? Yeah, that was Boku.

newmascotresized: I did a quick search to see if Shiodate Harbor is real, and as far as I can tell it isn’t.

newmascotresized: I mean, by videogame standards she’s old enough to join an adventuring party and kill God.

newmascotresized: Hell yeah, it’s vacation time.

newmascotresized: This game really is delightful.

newmascotresized: There’s a song that plays during this cutscene, and I should also mention that every line of dialog in this game is voiced. Fortunately, I got a recording of it.

newmascotresized: That’s a nice beach. I hate the beach, but that’s a nice beach.

newmascotresized: It’s nice to see Dog.png from Ace Combat 7 early in his career, back when he was merely Dog.jpg.

newmascotresized: Damn, $4 watermelons?

newmascotresized: This kinda reminds me of one year when I was a kid and stayed for a week at a relative’s house on Long Island.

newmascotresized: We’ll see a lot of Takeshi and Shigeru in this game.

newmascotresized: This game had a couple of surprisingly big-name voiceactors backing it - Shigeru is voiced by Ikue Otani, who is also the Japanese voice for Morgana in Persona 5.

newmascotresized: Simon has different subtitles because he’s a foreigner - the subtitles are like this even in the original Japanese.

newmascotresized: This is voiceacted, but all I could hear in my head is Johnny’s Snap voiceline from Shadow Hearts.

newmascotresized: Takeshi: “Yeah, I remember the good old days, back in the 70s when you could hover for a few seconds after a jump. They, ah… they don’t let you do that no more.”

newmascotresized: Welcome to Akane House, where Boku will be staying until he departs the town at the end of August. I looked it up, and typically schools in Japan do summer break from the third week of July or so until the end of August.

newmascotresized: I’m not sure if that poster on the wall is meant to be a reference to an actual movie or not.

newmascotresized: I tried to find a scan of the manual for this game, but unfortunately all I’ve been able to find are a couple of translated pages - one of which is the map for the guest house. Let’s take a look.

newmascotresized: There are a bunch of houses around here that have piers on the back, and I’ve always liked them except for the fact that they become mosquito hell in the summer.

newmascotresized: If you look at the map, you’ll notice that Boku’s room is directly across from the downstairs kitchen.

newmascotresized: Right now, we’re in this weird sort of limbo - usually, Boku can go pretty much anywhere before dinner, which is served at 6PM every day.

newmascotresized: And now it’s time for me to talk about the one thing in this game that really sucks - the controls. Instead of just using the analog sticks like every other game was doing around this time, Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 has tank controls that are operated with the D-Pad.

newmascotresized: However, you don’t move with the D-Pad. Oh no, that’s just for turning. Movement is done by holding down X - you can hold it down gently to walk or push it all the way down to run. This is why I have the time scale set to “slow”, because the controls definitely take some getting used to.

newmascotresized: I should mention that on “normal”, you get about 7 minutes until the first day ends. I wind up using probably a full two of them to show off a neat little thing you can do before you even leave Boku’s room.

newmascotresized: If you walk up to the window right by Boku’s desk, you can sit on the little balcony outside. At first, Boku will sit facing inside, but after a few minutes, he’ll face outside like this.

newmascotresized: If, from there, you try to get down from the windowsill, Boku will fall out backwards. This doesn’t happen if you do it while Boku is still facing inside.

newmascotresized: Anyway, let’s get going. There’s a lot of stuff we want to do on the first day that I don’t get around to doing - I might do a second update that is a “perfect run” on Slow where we try to get everything.

newmascotresized: The most important thing we can do today is this: you see that clock on the table? I don’t wind up grabbing it until after dinner, but let’s do that because it’s a fairly important and useful item.

newmascotresized: If we open the menu at the start of the game, you can see that we have a number of options: from the left is the game options, the bug catching net (which we don’t have yet), items (in the yellow bag), the fishing rod, the bug box, and the shirt. You see, I wasn’t kidding when I said that Boku is a yakuza boss.

newmascotresized: Just for a second, I’m going to go forward to when we got the clock so I can show off what the shirt does.

newmascotresized: At any point, Boku can take his shirt off. As far as I’m aware, Boku can take his shirt off right at the start of the game and keep it off the entire game if you want.

newmascotresized: Once we pick up the clock, it shows up in the menu.

newmascotresized: There’s another item outside which we could pick up, but I didn’t do so until night. If you look over on the left, you’ll see where all the shoes are - to get down there, we have to walk over and hit Circle.

newmascotresized: This gets us the first of the game’s collectible items - you may have seen the counter for bottle caps on the pause screen.

newmascotresized: Bottle caps are very important for a couple of diary entries later on. We don’t need all 25, but I think there’s a diary entry if you get all of them.

newmascotresized: There are three in the house. I think you can get all three on the first day, but one of them might be blocked off.

newmascotresized: The only thing I really had time for today was visiting the kitchen. The kitchen is this game’s shop, and is another way you can get bottle caps.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, we don’t have any money just yet. Boku does get some tomorrow, but for right now we’re not going to be able to buy anything.

newmascotresized: I don’t even make it out of the kitchen before Aunt Mitsuko calls us for dinner.

newmascotresized: They’re saying “Itadakimasu” here, and everyone but Boku says it together.

newmascotresized: I just want to pause here for a second and show you how much work went into this translation hack. Let’s take a look at what this scene looks like in the untouched Japanese version - I found a screenshot of it in an interview Hilltop did about the game.


newmascotresized: The translator had to hack in an entire thing just to make horizontal text.

newmascotresized: It’s funny how untrue that is of rural America, where you need a car to get anywhere.

newmascotresized: Bug collecting is a thing we can do, which is the only real grind in this game unless you want all the bottle caps. We need to do it for a couple of diary entries.

newmascotresized: Boku goes back to his class and tells them he saw 200 cars a day in this extremely rural area of Japan with one car per household if that.

newmascotresized: And with that, it’s now night time. At night, the gate to the house closes, limiting where you can go. That tree near the house will be a major destination for catching bugs later.

newmascotresized: This is the outside of the kitchen. I want to note, by the way, that those signs didn’t originally have English on them - the translator wrote a program to dump all the textures and then manually edited them.

newmascotresized: I spent what little time we have at night grabbing those items and futzing about trying to find the rest of the bottlecaps and the one other thing I wanted to accomplish today, but couldn’t find any of them in time.

newmascotresized: The second bottlecap is in one of the guest rooms, and we need to get it fairly quickly before it becomes locked off, but I didn’t quite make it there.

newmascotresized: Immediately after we finish the dialog, we get warped back to Boku’s room. Normally, Boku can stay up until… I think midnight… but we want to ideally make it to bed by 11PM each night.

newmascotresized: The diary is the game’s only save point.

newmascotresized: You can flip through to see each entry, but we only have the one so it flips us to the end instead.

newmascotresized: Let me explain briefly how the diary works. Each event in the game has a priority level, and at the end of each day, the highest priority event is the one that gets recorded.

newmascotresized: Now, you might ask “What happens if you don’t do anything and just, say, have Boku sit by the window until he goes to bed?”

newmascotresized: You see that little diary picture there? That’s what happens. There are 12 different “non-entry” entries like that, and getting too many of those is effectively the game’s bad ending.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll play our first full day of the game, though a lot of it will be on rails.


newmascotresized: While trying to do an optimal run of the first day, I found out something I wish I had known from the start - namely that the in-game timer doesn’t actually run on real time.

newmascotresized: I also find out that you can find Takeshi’s math test in the garbage can in Boku’s room, which would explain the comment about him needing help with his math homework.

newmascotresized: Anyway, the way it works is that time progresses only when you transition screens, which explains why I only got about 7 minutes out of the first day the first time I did it.

newmascotresized: The good news is that with the time scaling set to “Slow” (I checked my save and somehow the game was on “Fast”) you get enough screen transitions that even without being hyper-optimal we can easily get to everything I wanted to do today.

newmascotresized: I also find out that you can return the clock if you want.

newmascotresized: I then go and pick up the bottle cap we got in the previous update, the one by the front door.

newmascotresized: Our next stop is up these stairs - I had these confused for the other set of stairs near the kitchen.

newmascotresized: Both of the places we want to go are conveniently right next to each other. We’ll head into the bath first.

newmascotresized: If you examine the shelves inside, you can have Boku take a bath, but that’d take time and we can do that some other day. Instead, this locker outside will give us a second bottle cap.

newmascotresized: It also occurred to me that I never explained what the bottle caps do. Each bottle cap increases Boku’s air meter by two pips, which lets us dive underwater for longer.

newmascotresized: Next, we want to head into Guest Room 3, which is right next to the entrance to the bath.

newmascotresized: This gets us the third and final bottlecap in the house itself. There is one more free bottlecap we can get, but it’s in a location we can’t reach until tomorrow.

newmascotresized: The last stop I want to make today is down here, on the other side of the house.

newmascotresized: These are the morning glories. We can water them once a day. This will eventually get us a diary entry. Let’s just turn the hose on, and…

newmascotresized: Well, that didn’t work.

newmascotresized: What we have to do is have Boku kick the hose, which puts it into position to water the plants. The hitbox for this is INCREDIBLY small, so the best way is to just mash circle near the end of the hose.

newmascotresized: In total, we have to do this three times, once for each plant. I should mention that there is a slightly different (and hard to get) diary entry if you water the right-most plant but not the other two.

newmascotresized: If we head right from where the morning glories are, we can find Takeshi and Shigeru hanging out by this abandoned house. I’m not sure it’s possible to do everything we just did and make it here if the time scaling isn’t on “Slow”.

newmascotresized: Even though the game tells us this, as far as I’m aware you do not need bait to fish.

newmascotresized: I just pop in here for a bit because we don’t have enough time left to get anywhere else.

newmascotresized: There’s not much in here but a couple of cats.

newmascotresized: This is as far as we can get before Genta comes to take Boku to dinner. We’ll just skip ahead to night.

newmascotresized: You might have noticed at the end of the last update that when Mitsuko comes to put Boku to bed, there’s a box on the table that wasn’t there this morning.

newmascotresized: If this was Resident Evil, this box would definitely have gun parts in it.

newmascotresized: Hell yeah. It’s not really optimal to grab the bug kit tonight because we can do that on the morning of the 2nd, but we’re in kind of a non-canon run right now.

newmascotresized: On the non-optimal run, you can head up to the playground, at which point you’ll start hearing this one classical song - I forget what it is, but it’s the same song that plays in the Velvet Room in Innocent Sin.

newmascotresized: Right next door to the playground is this weird house. This is where Yasuko and her sister live. Their dog’s name is Kenbo, and is the key to a diary entry much later in the game.

newmascotresized: Gramps is the doctor at the local clinic, which is right next door. He works there until 7PM, at which point he leaves and comes back home.

newmascotresized: Anyway, the reason I came here was to see if we could get the fourth bottlecap, but as it turns out, we can’t.

newmascotresized: That door by the TV is where we’d need to go in order to do that, and we can’t get there because it’s locked.

newmascotresized: We can, however, walk in and see Yasuko’s sister sleeping. Boku won’t wake her up.

newmascotresized: The clinic is next door. While I’m here, I should talk more about the diary entries.

newmascotresized: As I mentioned in the last update, the diary entries work on a priority system. Each event you see in the game has a priority level from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest. The highest-priority event you see each day is the one that gets recorded.

newmascotresized: Seeing the fireflies here is a possible diary entry, but it only has a priority of 3. The event we automatically get today (arriving in town on the boat) is a priority 1. As far as I am aware, the game will record that we saw the fireflies even if we don’t get the diary entry, so this effectively locks us off from getting the entry for the fireflies.

newmascotresized: My goal with this LP is going to be seeing all of the priority 1 events, or at least as many of them as possible. There’s a priority 1 for catching all the bugs, but you’d basically need to do a playthrough solely for that if you really wanted to get that entry.

newmascotresized: After seeing the fireflies, I reloaded a savestate (the recording for this update was done on an emulator to scout out for the console run) and tried to find the stuff we’d need to catch beetles.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, we can’t get any bait for them, but we can go to the tree (which is around the corner from the morning glories) and kick it to get a beetle.

newmascotresized: Now, there is one caveat to this: catching a beetle for the first time is a diary entry with a priority of 2, meaning that theoretically we could get screwed out of two diary entries today.

newmascotresized: However, we need a small army of beetles in order to achieve one of the two major goals (that aren’t getting all the bugs) in the game, so I’ll leave getting that diary entry for the emulator.

newmascotresized: And this is how we optimize our first day - getting all three bottle caps, watering the plants, and getting our first beetle.

newmascotresized: There was one other thing I found kind of amusing while trying to book it to Yasuko’s house to see if I could get that fourth bottlecap - her sister will be sleeping even during the day.


newmascotresized: Day 2 has two major diary entries we can get - the first is a priority 2, the second is a priority 1. We’ll wind up seeing both, but I’m going for the priority 1 on the console run.

newmascotresized: There’s a lot of things we could do on Day 2, but we don’t want to do most of them because we get the priority 1 entry as the first thing we do today. We could skip the priority 1 event, but it’s kind of plot-critical.

newmascotresized: This shot’s kind of blurry but that’s what happens when you capture off real hardware.

newmascotresized: If you make it to bed by 11pm, Boku will automatically wake up at 6:30 the following morning to do radio exercises.

newmascotresized: In fact, you have the attendance card from the moment you start the game. Ignore the chalk, we’ll get to that.

newmascotresized: Mitsuko is correct. We can’t actually meet Yoh for a few days, but helping him is one of the two (really three) major goals in this game.

newmascotresized: Swimming to Yoh’s house from Akane House is a diary entry, but it’s a priority 5, meaning we’re probably not going to see it.

newmascotresized: All of a sudden, there’s a noise, and Boku ducks his head.

newmascotresized: That must be a big rocket if you can see it from across the ocean.

newmascotresized: The rocket sails off to an area we haven’t seen before.

newmascotresized: We can’t reach Okusawa yet, but we’ll be going there as soon as we can because there is a lot of stuff there. In fact, just going there is a priority 1 diary entry.

newmascotresized: Dammit Morgana, we have several million yen and… oh, right. In any case, seeing the rocket launch is a priority 2 diary entry - we could do nothing else and we’d have a diary entry.

newmascotresized: And this is our new main quest: finding Yoh’s rocket valves. There are three of them, and I think we can reach one right now if we really wanted to.

newmascotresized: What the hell, Yasuko? It’s like, probably seven or eight in the morning. Everyone knows ice cream is for like 8:00 at night when you go browse YouTube to watch dumb speedruns.

newmascotresized: I believe this is the first time you can learn Genta and Mitsuko’s last name outside of reading the manual.

newmascotresized: This is from the console run, where I immediately went to bed after getting the first beetles so as not to lock out any diary entries. I’ll see when I do the emulator run whether or not this dialog changes if you’ve already been to Yasuko’s house.

newmascotresized: Well, that’s… kinda depressing.

newmascotresized: We do, but Boku doesn’t on this run because I never went that far.

newmascotresized: She tells us how to get to the park, but we already know that so I’ll skip it.

newmascotresized: Yasuko points out what I’ll call the “lower route” to the park - there’s also the “upper route” which goes past the cat house we saw in the optimized version of Day 1 I did. This takes us past Genta’s tool shed.

newmascotresized: I got a little confused here because I know we were supposed to find a bug net - and as it turns out, we had it the whole time. You just press R1.

newmascotresized: I missed a line immediately before this. It’s just Boku saying “I’m here!”.

newmascotresized: It’s weird to me that in a game this relaxed, they have all these undertones that insinuate that maybe life in a town like this isn’t all that great after all.

newmascotresized: I have absolutely zero clue what Boku is talking about. When I was doing the test run on the emulator, I ran all around the dock area and never saw anyone.

newmascotresized: I don’t remember if I got a shot of the front of the house, but the gate where Yasuko is standing is locked if you come up here on the first day.

newmascotresized: This part right here is the important part, and is in fact what tonight’s diary entry will be about.

newmascotresized: That’s the problem with symbolism doors - you can’t just pull them off the hinges and then replace the lock, or failing that just bash them in with something.

newmascotresized: This spot here is kind of hard to know about unless Yasuko shows it to you, or you just happen to poke around in her backyard a lot. You can’t see it from the ground level, at least as far as I know.

newmascotresized: We can also see Yasuko’s sister from up here. I got a little confused thinking this was some area on the other side of the house, but it’s actually not - this is the playground, just viewed from a weird angle.

newmascotresized: This is also one of those things that irks me a little bit, because structurally it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. I mean, you have this dirt area that’s going to fill with weeds as soon as spring hits, which you have no apparent way to access apart from a ladder.

newmascotresized: She made a grave for a stray cat? I guess now we know where all that food in the abandoned house came from.

newmascotresized: I skipped a couple of lines confirming which door is the locked one - it’s the wooden one near Boku.

newmascotresized: That’s what she thinks. In fact, we’re about to burglarize something from her room.

newmascotresized: That’s four caps out of the seven or eight we’ll need to accomplish one of the game’s big goals. We could get up to 7 today without even going into the water, but we don’t necessarily want to do that.

newmascotresized: The top of Yasuko’s room is nice, but it could use an actual bed.

newmascotresized: No, I didn’t miss any lines - the game just kind of tells you that her name is Hikari without her ever saying it. Hikari’s fortune telling is the game’s built-in hint system.

newmascotresized: You can pick a number and it will give you a time and place. I remember when kids made these back when I was in elementary school. I could never figure out how to fold them. I am not good at origami.

newmascotresized: Again, not much of a point doing this because we already have a priority 1. Doing Hikari’s fortune telling for the first time is also a potential diary entry, but it’s a priority 5 and will be overwritten by anything else.

newmascotresized: On the way back, we find a really big crayfish. I think these are used to catch some of the bigger fish, some of which can potentially yield priority 1 entries if they’re big enough.

newmascotresized: On the way back, I grab the chalk off the chalkboard near Takeshi and Shigeru’s room - it’s right behind the stairs we took on Day 1 to get the two bottlecaps upstairs.

newmascotresized: We can then examine the chalkboard to show Takeshi and Shigeru what happens when they cross the yakuza. That’ll teach them.

newmascotresized: After watering the morning glories (not pictured), we’re going to go swimming for the first time. This is where I colossally fuck up and accidentally accomplish one of the major goals of the game.

newmascotresized: We enter the water right next to Genta’s tool shed, near the stairs going up to the playground. It’s bottle cap hunting time, but first there’s something we can grab early.

newmascotresized: There’s no camera control while swimming so all of these will look like ass, but if you swim directly to the right from that screen, you wind up right underneath the kitchen. See that glowy spot?

newmascotresized: Now, if we wanted, we could immediately cash this in for two more bottlecaps, but there are a few bottlecaps around here that are pretty easy to find.

newmascotresized: The sea is divided into two areas - the “inner bay”, which is the area near Akane House, and the “outer bay”. The outer bay is found by swimming toward these little islands in the distance.

newmascotresized: In the Outer Bay, there’s a sunken ship. It’s not particularly hard to find given how big it is.

newmascotresized: There’s a hole in the back of the ship that leads inside. This can be a little dangerous if you’re low on bottlecaps, but we find it all the same. Finding a bottlecap fully refills your oxygen.

newmascotresized: I should mention that the oxygen meter isn’t really accurate, either. You get the oxygen meter plus 10 additional seconds once the meter runs dry. If you don’t get to the surface in time, you lose a day.

newmascotresized: What we really came out here for, though, is this:

newmascotresized: The rocket valve is roughly right here, if you’re facing the smaller island. You just dive down into a little trench and it’s right there.

newmascotresized: This is one of three valves, and is in fact the only one we can get to right now. We don’t necessarily need to get this today, but it’s a good idea to have it on us.

newmascotresized: Now, here is my advice to you if you decide to play this on your own. Once you get the rocket valve and the ship bottlecap, turn around and do not come back to the Outer Bay.

newmascotresized: This one is really easy to find. If you go from where we entered the water and go straight across the Inner Bay, it’s underwater near a house across from Akane House.

newmascotresized: Also a super easy find. All you have to do is get in the water and follow the pier.

newmascotresized: This one’s kind of near where we found the Kentrosaurus, it’s in a cave underwater. We now have enough caps that we can easily accomplish the major goal… and that’s what I accidentally do.

newmascotresized: There’s one more easy bottlecap here, though. These stairs are right near Akane House, and if you swim away from the side of the stairs in a straight line…

newmascotresized: Now, here’s where I fuck up. The guide tells me there are three different bottlecaps in the Outer Bay that are all in tunnels.

newmascotresized: While trying to find a completely different area, I stumble across this deep tunnel. Going through this tunnel is one of the major goals we can accomplish, and is considered a priority 1 entry.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, this overwrites the previous priority 1 entry we got by talking to Yasuko, which is very bad, especially considering I’d been diving for like an hour real time at this point.

newmascotresized: What we did here is reach an area called the “Secret Bay”. You can’t get here by land, and you can’t get out of the water here either. There’s zero indication you’ve reached it other than finding the bottlecap.

newmascotresized: At the time, I didn’t realize what I had done, because the guide told me there was a different bottlecap here and I assumed this was some other place.

newmascotresized: Our next stop is the clinic, which we’ll be stopping by every day. This is because another of the big goals in this game requires us to have 350 yen.

newmascotresized: Let’s talk to Gramps again.

newmascotresized: We can extort Gramps for money every day by massaging his shoulders.

newmascotresized: You do this by hitting left and right on the D-Pad at a certain tempo - the game will tell you if you’re too slow or too fast.

newmascotresized: I’d like to put things into perspective a little bit. Most anime/manga translators these days will tell you that the general rule for converting yen to dollars is that 100 yen is around a dollar.

newmascotresized: That hasn’t been true for a while - 100 yen is, at time of writing, about 66 cents in USD. In 1975, though, the yen was MUCH weaker than it is today. In fact, we can find out exactly what the exchange rate was.


newmascotresized: It was 297.82 yen to one dollar, which means Boku is carrying around something like 36 cents counting the hundred yen we found earlier.

newmascotresized: This is… admittedly a pretty important detail hidden behind a conversation with a character you have almost no reason to run into.

newmascotresized: There are two more things I want to show off before I make like Philemon and reset the PS2 without saving.

newmascotresized: If you talk to Mitsuko in the kitchen at any point after noon but before dinner, you can play the dinner quiz.

newmascotresized: Oh christ no. It’s Persona 4 all over again!

newmascotresized: The fridge isn’t exactly helping, either. Let me explain how you’d know the answer, assuming you’re a middle-aged Japanese guy playing this in 2002.

newmascotresized: We know that this is a fishing village - Yasuko told us as much earlier. Tekone zushi is a dish that originates in Mie prefecture, which is known for fishing.

newmascotresized: The dish itself is associated with fishermen, because it was meant for preparation on a fishing boat - you’d bring some vinegar sushi rice and a bottle of soy sauce, cut up a tuna you caught that day, and then marinate the tuna steaks in the soy sauce before chopping them up and mixing them with rice.

newmascotresized: Now, you can see that Mitsuko also has what appear to be salmon steaks, but she couldn’t make salmon meuniere because a key ingredient of salmon meuniere is lemon, and there’s no lemon.

newmascotresized: Also, Mitsuko works at a Japanese beach house and I don’t think you’ll find too many Japanese beach houses serving French dishes. Maybe I’m wrong on that, but I just kinda suspect it.

newmascotresized: This also tells us that this game probably takes place in Mie.

newmascotresized: Yeah, we uh… we sure tried fishing.

newmascotresized: Morgana is correct in that catching a fish over 50 cm is a diary entry.

newmascotresized: It’s a neat little detail that Boku says it with everyone else this time.

newmascotresized: If you walk into the kitchen area after dinner, Boku will automatically make a thing of sugar water.

newmascotresized: You can use this on trees to get more beetles, but this tree is the only one we can reach right now due to the front gate being closed.

newmascotresized: Finally, we can give Mitsuko a massage at night for another 10 yen. Now let’s just go to bed and get the diary entry for talking to Yasuko about the key…

newmascotresized: Well, shit. I’m going to have to get all those bottlecaps again (minus, of course, the one in the secret bay) and get the correct diary entry for today.


newmascotresized: Now that we’re on the emulator, let’s see what happens when we do Day 2… the horribly incorrect way.

newmascotresized: Let’s assume that on Day 2, instead of going to Yasuko’s house, Boku just kinda re-enacts the opening to King of the Hill. Let me show you the fastest way to skip time on an emulator.

newmascotresized: Time spent while swimming works differently than walking around - it always takes a set amount of time regardless of how much time you actually spend in the water. I think it also takes time if you swim between the Inner Bay and Outer Bay.

newmascotresized: On “Slow”, swimming takes only 15 minutes. On “Normal” it’s 30, and on “Fast” it’s 51 minutes. This applies even if all you do is get into the water and then immediately get out.

newmascotresized: On actual hardware, there’s a load time when you get in the water (meaning that just spamming screen transitions on land is faster) but on an emulator you can turn the frame limiter off and bypass that.

newmascotresized: This is the diary entry you get on Day 2 assuming you skip time from the moment you have control until the moment Boku can go to sleep without doing anything else and without talking to Yasuko.

newmascotresized: By the way, I checked and the dialog with Yasuko is not different if you’ve already been to her house.

newmascotresized: On my second run to get the Yasuko entry, I find another bottlecap - this one is down deep near the secret bay.

newmascotresized: There’s another easy to find bottlecap I missed in the Inner Bay in the last update. You see that ship there? If you swim down underneath the front of it (the front being the side further from Boku in this shot) there’s another cap down there that’s easy to reach. This is right next to the kitchen where we found the 100 yen.

newmascotresized: There are a total of 16 bottlecaps we can reach, and I get 14 of them on the emulator. One of the remaining two is in the secret bay. The other I have not come across in 3+ hours of looking.

newmascotresized: Finally, we get the entry we were meant to get for Day 2. Now I just have to do this all over again on the console, and we’ll be set for Day 3.

newmascotresized: On the console’s second attempt at Day 2, I realize that you can talk to Simon in his room in the morning.

newmascotresized: This shot is a minor improvement Hilltop made over the original game. You see, that is an actual National Geographic cover… from 1996.

newmascotresized: In the unpatched Japanese version, you can see the 1996 date, which Hilltop greyed out.


newmascotresized: With that done, let’s move on to Day 3.

newmascotresized: Day 3 is going to be largely uneventful until after dinner - there’s an automatic priority 2 entry at that point, and the only things that will overwrite it are either catching a big fish or finding the secret bay.

newmascotresized: I’m going to do Day 3 on the emulator first, only because I forgot to get the sugar water on the console after spending like two hours trying to find all the bottlecaps again.

newmascotresized: I also realized that my emulator save was still on Day 2, and as it turns out there’s a process you have to go through to get the ability to make sugar water, so let’s do that quick. We’re going to make this same trip on Day 3 anyway.

newmascotresized: This screen is just past the front gate of Akane House, and is (apparently) important if you plan on getting any of the diary entries for the big fish.

newmascotresized: These jizo statues can give you a fortune once a day - if you get “excellent luck” it supposedly gives you a higher chance of getting bigger fish and bigger bugs.

newmascotresized: One screen to the left of that is the graveyard, which we have no real reason to visit other than to pass through it.

newmascotresized: If we keep on going to the right, we end up at Takeshi and Shigeru’s tree house. Going in there the first time is a priority 2 diary entry, but because we can’t get here at night, it can’t overwrite today’s event.

newmascotresized: This is the second tree where you can catch beetles, which is one screen beyond the treehouse. If we talk to Takeshi and Shigeru here…

newmascotresized: As it turns out, this is a lie. Each tree holds a maximum of 3 beetles per day. All sugar water does is make it require fewer kicks to catch all three.

newmascotresized: While we’re out, let me show you the third tree.

newmascotresized: If you go to the clinic during the day, the back door will be open. From there, you can jump across some stones to this place, which is underneath the freeway.

newmascotresized: This area will become important later, but for now it has our third and final accessible beetle tree. There are two more that we can’t reach and one of them only becomes accessible once you no longer need beetles.

newmascotresized: With that done, we can now skip the rest of the day because I don’t think good beetles spawn this early in the game.

newmascotresized: Yasuko and the doctor have new dialog, so I talk to them while skipping to dinner.

newmascotresized: We can follow her, but she doesn’t really have anything interesting to say.

newmascotresized: Nagisa also has new dialog.

newmascotresized: This… isn’t true at all. Heat exhaustion is caused by your body losing salt due to excessive sweating caused by high temperatures. This is why doctors will tell you to drink sports drinks rather than water to treat heat exhaustion, because sports drinks have salt in them.

newmascotresized: Anyway, let’s skip to dinner, because dinner is what gives us the diary entry.

newmascotresized: I wish the developers had thought to add dialog for situations like this, where we already have the rocket valve from the ocean.

newmascotresized: I also figure out an additional quirk of the diary system, which explains why the secret bay overwrote the event with Yasuko on Day 2.

newmascotresized: If you have two events that are of the same priority, the most recent one is the one that gets recorded. We can test this on the emulator, where I hadn’t caught any beetles yet.

newmascotresized: Catching a beetle for the first time is also a priority 2 entry, so if we catch one after dinner…

newmascotresized: We get this entry instead, because we caught the beetle after the conversation at dinner. Originally, I was going to cut the update here, but instead I’d like to show off the main event of Day 4, which is another Priority 1 entry.

newmascotresized: Day 4 is the first day you can get any entry under Priority 2, but you’re kind of limited as to where you can go… kinda. You’ll see in a minute.

newmascotresized: At the start of Day 4, there’s an FMV of jellyfish that plays to music. It’s nothing special and some of it is recycled CG from the Day 1 intro movie.

newmascotresized: Day 4 starts like any other, except that right after breakfast, Hikari shows up wanting ice cream. What is it with people in this village and wanting ice cream at like 7AM?

newmascotresized: I believe this is the first point at which you can learn Hikari’s name short of the subtitles telling it to you if you talk to her in the park on Day 2 or Day 3.

newmascotresized: It’d probably be a good thing. I know a couple of people who have multiple boys and that alone was enough to keep me from ever wanting kids. I’ve heard all girls is even worse.

newmascotresized: I’d say “What the fuck is this, the 70s?” except it… actually is the 70s.

newmascotresized: Oh, it’s cat puns. Because Hikari is the one who feeds the cats.

newmascotresized: This is another part where the game really, really should’ve had a conditional thing if you’ve already met Hikari. We have on the console, but not on the emulator because I want to get a diary entry.

newmascotresized: Oh, it’s the old “He picks on her because he likes her” thing.

newmascotresized: Because he’s a tsundere and this was made in 2005, before tsundere got overplayed to hell and back and wound up in the same bottomless pit as zombie movies and ska not by bands named “The Planet Smashers”.

newmascotresized: Someday, I hope that we as a society can push isekai into that pit, and also that the Planet Smashers come back.

newmascotresized: We definitely want to do this event, because it fulfills one of the side goals - we’ll see what that is when we reach the end. It’s also VERY plot relevant.

newmascotresized: Yasuko is only two screens away, so we can catch right up to her.

newmascotresized: I figured out how the jizo statues work, and as it turns out it’s kind of like the fortune teller in Animal Crossing - you have a hidden luck value assigned to you each day, and the statues merely tell you what it is.

newmascotresized: We get a good fortune, which I kind of already suspected because I did some bug catching by accident off-screen. This would make today a good day for beetles.

newmascotresized: Now, the weird thing about this to me is that they waited until Day 4 to do this. At this point, even if you’re not playing on Slow, you’ve probably already ventured outside the house, and this is all of two screens outside the front gate.

newmascotresized: I’m not entirely sure how this makes sense, given that they’re running away from the graveyard. This game also has kind of a screwed up sense of scale. Take a look at that signpost in the top-right corner.

newmascotresized: You see the sign here? I’m reasonably sure that’s the same sign we saw on the last screen. Yasuko has run all of like, ten feet. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised if she’s the kind of person who eats ice cream at 8:00 in the morning.

newmascotresized: Nobody makes fun of the Boku family. I’m surprised he didn’t toss his shirt into the ocean first.

newmascotresized: This is Yoh’s house, which we can get to pretty easily over land. If you’re planning on avoiding Yasuko to do some of the other entries today, one way you can do that is by swimming here from Akane House.

newmascotresized: Yoh’s house honestly looks abandoned, and if I didn’t know it’s his house, I would’ve guessed his house was somewhere else and this was some kind of “secret base” type area.

newmascotresized: I mean, they’d probably be in the same building for all but a year at each level… but clearly this is one of those dumbass anime rom-com situations.

newmascotresized: This is a song sung to the tune of Frere Jacques, which would probably explain why that plays on the save menu.

newmascotresized: She hops three times, and at this point other than it being a clear allegory for something, I have no idea what she’s doing.

newmascotresized: I mean, it’s clearly an allegory for Tatsuya and Jun from Persona 2: Innocent Sin. Even though I’m not doing Persona 3 Reload, I did have Salty Vanilla do a picture for that.

newmascotresized: This kind of reminds me of the final chapter of this one Osamu Tezuka manga called Unico, which began publication in 1976.

newmascotresized: Unico is about a unicorn who pisses off Venus/Aphrodite for existing, and continually gets banished to different worlds. The final chapter takes place in a world where only one other creature exists.

newmascotresized: The single remaining creature is called “Solitude” and it’s a little green demon that learns the meaning of friendship only to have Unico get taken away immediately afterward.

newmascotresized: I will forever associate the pose she’s making here with Final Fantasy 8 because Rinoa does that pose a lot.

newmascotresized: One thing I forgot to get a shot of is that if you go to Yoh’s house on Day 2, the rocket launchpad to Yasuko’s left will be smoking.

newmascotresized: This is the side goal I was talking about. There are 14 possible photos you can have Simon take, and most of them require that you go out of the way to get them.

newmascotresized: Just over half of those photos are directly related to the morning glories, which is another reason to water them.

newmascotresized: We can pick them up from Simon at night, but I’m going to wait until we have the fourth photo, because that way we don’t waste any time and can get them all at once.

newmascotresized: This line makes me think that this event was probably originally meant for an earlier day, and that the event we saw on Day 2 where Yasuko invites us to her house took place after this one.

newmascotresized: We now have a pretty good idea of how the area is laid out - in fact, we’ve seen almost every screen we can reach until Okusawa unlocks. Let’s skip to dinner.

newmascotresized: This is 1975, before inflation was invented, so that’s probably their mortgage payment plus enough to buy three weeks of groceries.

newmascotresized: Boku has one hand wrapped firmly around the keys to the 1976 Camaro he bought for 140 yen. Once he finds another 40 yen he’s going to get a turbocharger installed.

newmascotresized: Takeshi: “I miss the good old days when embezzlement wasn’t illegal.”

newmascotresized: This is one of the few instances we’ve run into so far with variable dialogue. If you haven’t already picked up the 100 yen coin from the ocean, this scene ends here. But if you have…

newmascotresized: [Dramatic music]

newmascotresized: I tried catching some beetles offscreen, but didn’t get anything good - just more sawtooth stags.

newmascotresized: And there’s our canonical priority 1 diary entry for 08/04. There’s another one we can get tomorrow, but I might have to fiddle around with it a little since it involves Simon.

newmascotresized: Next time, I’ll show off a couple of the really low priority diary entries you can get by ignoring Yasuko entirely. There are a couple of possible entries I’m going to miss on both the emulator and console, so I’ll explain what they are:

newmascotresized: There’s a Priority 3 for going to the Outer Bay for the first time, a Priority 5 for catching a crayfish for the first time, a second Priority 3 specifically for finding the rocket valve in the ocean, and a Priority 5 for giving Mitsuko a massage for the first time.


newmascotresized: It’s Day 4 again. Now, let’s see what happens if instead of talking to Yasuko and following the plot, we were to immediately jump in the water off the dock near the kitchen and swim to Yoh’s house instead.

newmascotresized: The game will call this a shortcut, and it is, but not by much.

newmascotresized: There’s two or three screens from here to the entrance to Yoh’s house, and by the time all is said and done you save around 8 minutes or so over walking (on slow mode).

newmascotresized: There’s nothing we can do in Yoh’s house - we can enter this kind of weird garage-type area but can’t go anywhere else. Let’s turn around and go back.

newmascotresized: Boku can climb up the front part of the dock here, and this is how you’d get around on Day 4 without running into Yasuko, which we’d ordinarily have to do if we were taking the land route.

newmascotresized: We might want to keep this shortcut in mind, because we will need to come back here at least once for a different priority 1 entry.

newmascotresized: What’s funny to me about this entry is that it’s kind of a time paradox if we get it today - Boku has no way of knowing whose house that is if Yasuko hasn’t told him, since we can’t meet Yoh until Day 5.

newmascotresized: Speaking of skipping time, there’s a mechanic I should talk about that I call the “six-o-clock lock” that applies if you try and skip time too close to Akane House.

newmascotresized: The way to explain it is like this: Genta will only show up on certain screens to take Boku back for dinner at 6:00. The screen with the morning glories and the screen with the beetle tree are exempt from this.

newmascotresized: What this means is that you can walk between those screens at 6:00 and time will not progress no matter how many times you move between them.

newmascotresized: Remember on Day 1 how I said that coming up here locks us out of a diary entry? Today is the first day we can get that entry, which is a priority 3.

newmascotresized: We also catch our first “crown-sized” bug. Each bug has three possible sizes: normal, “BIG!” and crown. I’m not sure what the cutoff for “BIG!” is, but crown is the absolute largest you can get.

newmascotresized: Big Oil hates this one trick: find out how to get free power now!

newmascotresized: Our third possible entry today (apart from all the ones I already did by accident) is doing Hikari’s fortune telling for the first time and then immediately going to sleep because it’s a priority 5.

newmascotresized: By the way, we COULD get the secret hideout entry today, but I’m going to save that for a day when I can run right there and not have to circumnavigate the globe to avoid Yasuko.

newmascotresized: There’s one more priority 5 entry we can get today, and it’s kind of an obscure one.

newmascotresized: Once you have the fishing rod, you can press triangle near pretty much any body of water to have Boku enter fishing mode. Fishing mode takes time - either 10, 20, or 33 minutes depending on the speed setting.

newmascotresized: You can also change the kind of line to use, which is really impressive for a 9 year old. Sabiki doesn’t use bait because it’s lure-based.

newmascotresized: Sabiki is also apparently a gigantic pain in the ass to use in real life - people primarily use it to catch smaller fish to use as bait, and because there’s multiple hooks involved it’s a good way to slice your hand.

newmascotresized: Tight-lining is how I was taught to fish. I don’t like fishing much, mostly because I fished out of a canoe and hauling a canoe sucks.

newmascotresized: Finally, we have Long Cast, which does use bait and is the primary method (at least, so far as I am aware) for catching the 50+ cm fish that net you a priority 1 entry.

newmascotresized: From what I’ve read, you have to be in specific spots to do that, so there’s little to no chance we screw ourselves over by accidentally catching something big.

newmascotresized: We have three kinds of bait: bloodworms (which as far as I know are infinite), crayfish, and red rock crabs. Red rock crabs can be gathered from the beach near Akane House at night.

newmascotresized: For this entry, we specifically need to use a crayfish to catch a fish, so let’s do that.

newmascotresized: Fishing in this game is kind of annoying. It works sort of like Animal Crossing, except your only indicator you have a fish is the controller vibrating. Sometimes, the vibration is a fake.

newmascotresized: I’m not sure what the deal with the perspective in this drawing is - either the sky is green, or Boku is lying on his side trying fish.

newmascotresized: Now, there are some more entries we could get today - except that they’re all things we already did on the earlier days. Fortunately, Hilltop had the assets for them, so I can show them off.


newmascotresized: This one is a priority 3, and is for swimming to the Outer Bay area for the first time. It’s another one you’d have to go out of your way to get, since finding Rocket Valve A is another priority 3 entry. Speaking of…


newmascotresized: It’s weird to me that this entry isn’t a higher priority. At first I thought that was because it could create a paradox of Boku knowing about the rockets before the first rocket launch, but that’s not possible since the rocket launch happens first thing on day 2, which is the first day we can go swimming.


newmascotresized: This one is another one we’d have to go way out of the way to get, and is a priority 5 entry for finding your first crayfish. I’m not sure how you’d be expected to know this one exists, especially given that you’re likely to learn about catching them on day 1.


newmascotresized: Our final possible entry is for giving a massage for the first time - I believe this has to be gotten off Mitsuko rather than the doctor at the clinic. This is another priority 5 entry.

newmascotresized: Now that we’re all caught up, next time I’m going to record Day 5, which also has a large amount of low-priority entries.


newmascotresized: Welcome to Day 5. Day 5 is the first day where we have to find something to make a diary entry out of, or we will end up with a generic entry. Fortunately, we now have access to one that’s very easy to get.

newmascotresized: This is another good day to use things like the secret bay or going into the secret base for the first time. Trust me when I say that in just a few days we’ll have more potential diary entries than we can handle.

newmascotresized: This is a clue for a priority 1 entry we could get today - except I can’t do it on the emulator.

newmascotresized: If I had done Baldur’s Gate 3, we would have talked about a river already. Funny enough, that song was apparently made for an earlier cut of the game and they just kinda left it in as the character creation music.

newmascotresized: Now, at time of writing, I haven’t done this yet - but as far as I am aware, in order to do so, you have to have talked to Simon in his room and asked him about his job.

newmascotresized: While I did this on the console run (which is a few days behind due to all the reloading I had to do), I didn’t do it on the emulator run. This was a mistake.

newmascotresized: First, let’s cover the new diary entry we can get. I don’t know why this one is a priority 4, given how plot-relevant it is.

newmascotresized: One thing I forgot to show off is this weird ghost bike, which you can ride. It controls like ass, is likely to make you waste screen transitions, and doesn’t save time.

newmascotresized: We’ll meet her tomorrow. She’s the source of a few different diary entries.

newmascotresized: We can ride the bike all of this far before we have to get off it, because it can’t climb stairs. The graveyard is where we’re going to get our diary entry of last resort.

newmascotresized: This is the first day we can meet Yoh. Unfortunately, there’s no conditional dialogue that happens if you’ve already found the rocket underwater.

newmascotresized: By the way, according to the guide on Gamefaqs, Yoh’s name is actually spelled “You” in English - it’s still pronounced “Yoh”, but if you take his name at face value, you have a scene with a character named “You” talking to a character whose name means “I” or “Me”.

newmascotresized: Small aside - I’ve seen newspaper ads from about ten years after this game takes place that advertise pocket calculators at a perfectly normal price of $300 to $600. Shit was expensive.

newmascotresized: I naturally got very curious about this and looked up whether that’s even possible, and the answer is… probably not. The sources on all this stuff are kinda nebulous.

newmascotresized: There are amateur-made rockets that have reached what’s called the Karman Line - the line between Earth’s atmosphere and space, but all the instances I could find of them happened after 2000.

newmascotresized: One such rocket is the CSXT “GoFast”, which had corporate sponsorship and just barely breached the Karman line - it reached 115km above sea level, the Karman line is around 100km on average.

newmascotresized: The University of Southern California also had a rocketry program that (theoretically) got a rocket to the Karman line in 2019, though people have claimed the Air Force Academy did it earlier than that.

newmascotresized: The key difference, however, is in the size of the rocket. Both the GoFast and the USC rocket had multiple stages, and let me just show you what the USC one looked like.

newmascotresized: For reference, according to USC, the rocket they launched weighed 300 pounds.

newmascotresized: Personally, I like to imagine Yoh telling this story to his kids and explaining that “Back in '75, gravity didn’t work the same.”

newmascotresized: And that’s it. We now have a priority 4 diary entry not even 15 minutes into the day.

newmascotresized: You can get this entry at any point between today and Day 8 - and even if you’re not going for the entry, it’s still a good idea to talk to him because I think you need to in order to set a flag for later.

newmascotresized: Speaking of which, that’s why I couldn’t do the river naming thing on the emulator - I didn’t set a flag by talking to Simon during the day. I did on the console, but not on the emulator.

newmascotresized: Now for our other diary options. Both of these involve finding the 100 yen coin in the ocean, and both of them involve spending money. We do not want to do that.

newmascotresized: Speaking of which, a certain item popped up in the ice cream freezer: a model kit of the Yamato. This is what we’re saving up 350 yen to buy.

newmascotresized: Now, you might ask “Why a model of a World War 2 era battleship?” and if you’ve read the Persona 5 Royal LP I did (or are an anime fan) you probably know the answer.

newmascotresized: The answer is an anime called Space Battleship Yamato that had just finished its original run in March of 1975. It got a couple of sequels and a remake in 2012 that was kinda meh.

newmascotresized: If we’ve found the 100 yen coin and talk to Mitsuko while she’s making dinner, we get an option - we can take the dinner quiz as usual, or we can return the 100 yen coin.

newmascotresized: There are two ways we can do this. The first is to pick this option if you have over 100 yen, and the other option is to do it if you got the coin but have less than 100 yen.

newmascotresized: Technically, if you’re going for all the bottlecaps, you could spend the 120 yen here and not lose it that way. I should mention that giving back the 100 yen is a priority 5 entry, but giving it back if you don’t actually have 100 yen is a priority 3.

newmascotresized: Let me tell you what Boku’s mistake is here. Up until 1974, there were two active types of 100-yen pieces: there was a paper 100-yen bill the Japanese government stopped printing in 1974, and the 100-yen coin, which had been minted since 1957. It’s entirely possible that Mitsuko actually lost a 100-yen bill (and not the coin) but never told anyone.

newmascotresized: Speaking of which, the Japanese government minted a special 100-yen piece in 1975 for the 1975 Japan Expo in Okinawa - which you may have heard of if you’ve read 20th Century Boys.

newmascotresized: Yes, I bought a 1975 100-yen coin just for this LP.

newmascotresized: Yeah, that’s kind of a giant red flag in terms of building code violations. Not quite as bad as one house I saw where the owner (without any kind of building permit) installed a bathroom with a shower and a water line not even 5 feet from the house’s main electrical trunk, but pretty close.

newmascotresized: There are other ways we can get money, and I believe it’s still possible to get the Yamato model even if you give her the 100 yen, but… why?

newmascotresized: Well, there is one other reward. Normally, there’s no dinner dialog on Day 5, but if you turned in the 100 yen…

newmascotresized: Even Takeshi thinks we’re an absolute idiot.

newmascotresized: Apparently, there is no future in which Takeshi doesn’t blamed for something. Now let’s see what happens if we try to return the 100 yen, but we’ve already spent it all.

newmascotresized: We drink 3 sodas at 8:30 in the morning, which gives Boku another couple seconds of breath capacity. It’s funny because the only thing I want to do after drinking 3 sodas at 8:30 in the morning is lie down.

newmascotresized: This gets us the bottlecaps for the Stegosaurus, Protoceratops, and Oviraptor.

newmascotresized: Now, here’s the thing: it’s entirely plausible that Boku could have found the coin on Day 2 and already spent it before even knowing it was Mitsuko’s. You would think they’d do a special case for this.

newmascotresized: I should mention that all the lines in the game that are in parenthesis are spoken by an older guy, implying that this whole game is a flashback.

newmascotresized: I also am not sure if you can do a weird edge case of like, spending just 10 yen of the 100 yen, getting the “Oh shit I spent it” scene and then beeline to Grandpa to get 10 yen and thus have the full 100 yen again and then return it. My guess is probably not.

newmascotresized: Speaking of which, I did look after getting that 100 yen coin into seeing how much a model of the Yamato is - there’s one that retails for like $150. I’m only, uh… around 23,600 yen off at current rates.

newmascotresized: I re-played through Day 3 and 4 on the console, making sure to talk to Simon every time he’s available. I did miss a diary entry - but we can see that on the emulator.

newmascotresized: I got really, really fucking confused by this, and I spent probably a good 20 minutes running around trying to pixel-hunt where they wanted me to stand to do it… only to find out I had the wrong river.

newmascotresized: Simon’s voiceactor says that last part in almost unaccented English, and it makes me wonder if they actually got a westerner to play him.

newmascotresized: Now, I’m convinced that this is the river he’s talking about - the one that runs past the clinic and is technically visible from the bath house. It’s not.

newmascotresized: Nope, it’s this little drainage channel right here.

newmascotresized: You can very clearly tell where this is - it’s the little wooden bridge near the graveyard. I wonder if this was something that was changed in development.

newmascotresized: Anyway, that’s Day 5. There are two more entries we could theoretically get - both involve Simon, both are low priority, and neither one is time-locked.

newmascotresized: This is one of the only days we’ll have to work for a diary entry: days 6 and 7 are both going to hand us entries. We’ll see those next time, which should hopefully be faster than this update was.


newmascotresized: We’ll start Day 6 on the console, since there’s only one new diary entry today and you automatically get it first thing in the morning, right after breakfast.

newmascotresized: This is Yoshika. It’s strange that they didn’t put a thing in for if Boku already knows that Yoshika is coming - which he does, because we talked to Mitsuko about it yesterday.

newmascotresized: I don’t know why, but I just have this feeling that if this game had been localized in 2005, they would’ve had Yoshika voiceacted by whoever it was that played Ada in the PS1 version of Resident Evil 2.

newmascotresized: I love how she’s talking to Boku like he owns the place.

newmascotresized: This almost feels like a mixed-up version of Hotel Dusk. I wish we could get a scene of Boku finding and really appreciating a paper clip.

newmascotresized: And that’s it. That’s all we have to do to get a diary entry for today. It’s a priority 3, but it’s still a diary entry.

newmascotresized: One thing I found out recently, by the way, is that the PSP version of Boku 2 has a thing in the pause menu that lets you look at all of the diary entries you’ve collected on a particular day, and also lets you record all of them. It makes me wonder why we got stuck with this version.

newmascotresized: We’re going to want to talk to Yoshika every day if we can, specifically so I can show something off later.

newmascotresized: I ran around for a bit trying to see if you could see Yoshika moving her bags in, but apparently not. What I did find is that the morning glories have now flowered and have climbed all the way up the trellis.

newmascotresized: In fact, you can find Yoshika in her room almost immediately after meeting her outside, so let’s do that.

newmascotresized: Holy SHIT that’s a lot of cigarette butts. She’s only been here what, 20 minutes tops? What did she do, smoke an entire carton at once?

newmascotresized: I’d say I’m surprised she hasn’t set off every smoke detector in the house, but this is 1975. According to the National Fire Protection Association, less than a quarter of all homes in the US had smoke detectors in 1977, and they weren’t actually required in homes until the 80s.

newmascotresized: Japan may have been different, but I can’t imagine by that much.

newmascotresized: It’s not okay! She’s smoking more cigarettes than is physically possible to fit in your mouth!

newmascotresized: We’ve talked to everyone (I couldn’t find Simon today) and I massaged the doctor off-screen for money. Let’s just skip the rest of the day, and…

newmascotresized: One thing I didn’t realize right away is that Akane House only has one bath - I originally thought there was a second wing of the house I hadn’t been to yet that had the women’s bath in it.

newmascotresized: I believe the way it works is that from the morning up until around 2PM it’s the women’s bath, and from 2PM to 9PM it’s the men’s bath.

newmascotresized: This is the game telling us we need to set a plot flag - we’ll go do that right now. My plan is to do the diary entry this plot flag unlocks tomorrow, and then do the priority 1 entry that unlocks tomorrow on the 8th.

newmascotresized: To do that, we’ll need to go into the baths - which we can just kinda do, even though it’s in “women’s bath” mode. This feels like the kind of thing developers would avoid doing today, mostly to avoid players getting confused about whether or not they can even go in when it’s women’s hours.

newmascotresized: We don’t actually need to talk to Yasuko here, I just do it for completion’s sake. You can see her and Hikari down on the rocky beach during the day, but they don’t have much to say there.

newmascotresized: No, what we need to do is talk to Hikari.

newmascotresized: In case you’re wondering, the secret beach is an area that’s about as far out from Akane House as we can reach - unlike the secret bay, there’s no diary entry for going there.

newmascotresized: The reason this is important is because the secret beach is one of the locations (at least, I’m pretty sure it is) where you can catch one of the really big fish.

newmascotresized: At least she’s not asking us to go very far. I think that’s one screen over from where Hikari usually is during the day.

newmascotresized: On my first recording run, I realized here that I forgot to talk to Simon, but we don’t really need to because we can get basically the same information by talking to him now.

newmascotresized: If we go over to the guest rooms, we can find Simon drinking with Yoshika. Simon is kind of to beer what Yoshika is to cigarettes: if you look in his room, there are a shit-ton of empty Sapporo cans.

newmascotresized: I’m imagining Boku flexing his yakuza tats and asking for a Suntory.

newmascotresized: For reference, this takes place five years after Paul Simon split up with Art Garfunkel and started his solo career. I’ve never really liked Paul Simon much - I’ve listened to dad shit ever since I was a kid, and his music has always been firmly in the “too dad for me” category.

newmascotresized: This makes Simon one of the only characters in the game who has a full name, outside of Boku’s family.

newmascotresized: If you talk to Simon during the day, he’ll tell you he’s from Australia, specifically from an area of New South Wales known as Manly. I read the dialog and was about 75% sure that was not a real place. It is, in fact, a real place.

newmascotresized: Your guess is as good as mine.

newmascotresized: What is this dialog?

newmascotresized: How… how are you getting “lychee” from “Reicht”, which I presume is pronounced the same way as former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich’s last name, which sounds nothing like “lychee”?

newmascotresized: My guess is this line is here due to the whole name order differentation between Japan and the West.

newmascotresized: With this, we’re good to go to bed.

newmascotresized: It’s Day 7 on the console, which notably lacks “handy tools”. I’m… gonna skip past the event with Hikari for a moment to show you how I fuck things up.

newmascotresized: This is the secret beach. If you do any exploration of the outer bay whatsoever, you’ll probably find it pretty quickly because it’s the only place in the outer bay where Boku can get out of the water.

newmascotresized: I’ve just completed the Hikari event, and then I decide “Oh, I should show off fishing here, since this is one of the spots you can get the priority 1 diary entry fish.”

newmascotresized: My logic is “I’m going to do one cast, and the chances of it being the big fish are probably pretty slim.”

newmascotresized: Anyway, I wait for the controller to vibrate, and then I notice Boku struggling with the fishing rod. See that big circular thing in the bottom-left? We uh… we just caught the big one.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, on my first cast, I land a 52.7 cm marbled flounder. Well, guess I’m gonna have to record all of that over again.

newmascotresized: With that out of the way, let’s do the Hikari event.

newmascotresized: Me, out loud: “Women.”

newmascotresized: A lot of this is going to be kind of repetitive - this is probably because you have the freedom to ignore Yasuko on the second day, if you so choose.

newmascotresized: Kenbo can do something cool, but we can’t see it until the 12th - assuming I can fit it in. We’re going to need to reset the 9th like six times, and some of those entries might spill over.

newmascotresized: Boku looks at Kenbo, and in the voice of whoever it was that played Jonathan in Policenauts, just goes “Women, am I right?”

newmascotresized: I’m pretty sure Sakuragawa is the name of the river, which would explain why we couldn’t name it. I’ll skip some dialog here, because all Hikari does is tell us how to get through the clinic.

newmascotresized: I hope Hikari doesn’t grow up to be like this one lady I work with who loudly announces to me every time there’s a bug in her office because she wants me to “handle it”.

newmascotresized: I wish there had been a narrator line here where the narrator goes “I did not, in fact, get it.”

newmascotresized: The funny thing about this cave is that there’s no real reason we shouldn’t be able to access it, because there is an open entrance to it - the game just won’t let us go in.

newmascotresized: Hikari, it’s… it’s 9:30 in the morning. This game really wasn’t designed to be played on slow mode.

newmascotresized: [Citation Needed].

newmascotresized: This shortcut is only really a shortcut if you’re not headed back to Akane House. If you are, there’s a faster method I think I’ve mentioned, but haven’t had a reason to show off.

newmascotresized: I switched over to the emulator, which is why the aspect ratio is different. I really should’ve fixed that on my capture card.

newmascotresized: This is the faster way back home. If we hit Circle near the bee’s nest…

newmascotresized: Boku will poke it with his fishing rod.

newmascotresized: This instantly warps you back to the Japanese-style room in Akane House, right in front of the altar. I can’t believe we killed Boku.

newmascotresized: Anyway, there’s… another entry we can get that I was going to save for the 8th, mostly because I didn’t see how plot-relevant it could possibly be. Once I did it, I decided that we’re just going to do it today.

newmascotresized: To do this, we need to go to the clinic around 4PM, but before 6PM as the doctor locks the clinic at that point.

newmascotresized: Normally, this door is shut, but for some reason it’s slightly open today. I’m… not entirely sure how I feel about this. You’ll see what I mean.

newmascotresized: I can tell you for sure that the patient is not there during the day - I checked.

newmascotresized: We never learn what her name is, and as far as I’m aware there is no way to talk to anyone else about her.

newmascotresized: I should mention that the only way you can know this is here, outside of sheer luck, is to have Hikari tell you about it in her fortune telling… or using a guide like I’m doing.

newmascotresized: Huh, she’s referring to it in the past tense… and no one else has ever seen her… and the time of day…

newmascotresized: So yeah, this is the reason I’m not a big fan of this event. She’s pretty clearly meant to be a ghost, and we’ll have an idea of who she probably is in just a minute when I go to set up a plot flag.

newmascotresized: Now, it’s not the fact that there’s a supernatural entity in an otherwise totally mundane game that gets me - it’s the whole dancing around the issue of whether or not she exists that does.

newmascotresized: I mean, what’s the alternative? Boku is making this up, even though we’ve never seen him do that? The first game did have an ending (not the only one) where it’s revealed that the future Boku narrating everything is actually a writer and the game is his novel, but that’s not the case here.

newmascotresized: Anyway, now that we’ve gotten the two big diary entries out of the way, we need to set up a plot flag by talking to the doctor at his house after dinner.

newmascotresized: We can meet Yasuko on the way there.

newmascotresized: Boku looks at her and goes “I know!” and then breaks into the clinic to do an exclusive report on the ghost that he later sells for a Pulitzer.

newmascotresized: Huh… he has a wife?

newmascotresized: Hmm… a younger woman, probably wearing traditional clothes…

newmascotresized: “She would… bounce boobily everywhere she went.”

newmascotresized: Yep, it’s safe to say that girl is his wife. This is another spot where they ABSOLUTELY should have had conditional dialog if you’ve already seen her.

newmascotresized: There’s one more entry we could get today, but I’ll leave it for the start of the next update. We’re probably going to skip the 8th (since we’ve already seen the entry I was going to get) and go right on to the 9th.


newmascotresized: Before we go into Day 8, there’s a couple of things from Day 7 I missed.

newmascotresized: I forgot to talk to Simon.

newmascotresized: Normally, I play with the voices off - this isn’t intentional. What happens is that during dialog, you can press Circle to turn the voiceacting off, and X to turn it back on. Unfortunately, Circle also happens to be the button that advances text.

newmascotresized: Anyway, on this one line I happened to hit X by accident and heard how Yoshika pronounces Simon’s name - she pronounces it like “lychee” but with an R where the L is.

newmascotresized: That explained a lot.

newmascotresized: When I’m recording this game, I do this thing where I poorly imitate the voice of the future Boku and say dumb shit - and right here I’m like “In 1975, the cigarette companies hadn’t started putting rat poison in the tobacco, so smoking was actually good for you. That’s why everyone did it.”

newmascotresized: There was a point last update when I had the game on 2x speed while walking back to the house from seeing the ghost, and I’m doing the Boku voice going “HOLY SHIT! STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES! I JUST SAW A FUCKING GHOST! SOMEBODY CALL AN EXORCIST! CALL THE FUCKING FBI! I’M GONNA SELL THIS SHIT AND GET A FUCKING PULITZER!”

newmascotresized: I imagine that Simon’s bag is full of beer and cigarettes, and then a single boomerang he has “just in case”.

newmascotresized: I somehow missed a screenshot here, but it’s Simon explaining what the word “mysterious” means.

newmascotresized: Me: “She’s a yokai, isn’t she? I mean, we’ve got ghosts at this point, so why not?”

newmascotresized: And now, on to the 8th. The 8th is the first day in a while where we actually have dialog at breakfast.

newmascotresized: This is… kind of inaccurate, as we’ll see in a bit.

newmascotresized: This is one of the bits of the game that’s a bit weird - there are two regions of the map that are entirely cut off without a bridge, but there are people (well, one guy) who live on the other side, and they’ve both been inaccessible for potentially weeks now.

newmascotresized: If we go upstairs, Yoshika is in the guest kitchen cutting up cucumbers. She’ll offer Boku a slice every time you talk to her, and someday I want to see a Youtube video titled “Eating 2.1 million cucumber slices crashes Boku no Natsuyasumi 2”.

newmascotresized: Yoh also has some new dialog that gives us just a bit of information.

newmascotresized: I guess I was wrong when I said that we only get full names for Simon and Boku’s family.

newmascotresized: Day 8 has no new diary entries, so we’re going to get one that we could have gotten yesterday. First though, let’s go find Genta.

newmascotresized: For reference, the fastest way to get here is through the back door of the clinic - you use the same route we took with Hikari yesterday, except you go away from the beach once you cross the river.

newmascotresized: You’d think there would be a home store… I dunno, somewhere.

newmascotresized: Let me explain this one. The word Genta uses is “okami-jiji”, which is the Japanese word for “wolf” and “jiji”, which is a childish word used to describe an older man.

newmascotresized: The guide on GameFAQs refers to him as “Uncle Wolf”, and I think I like that translation better, so I’ll refer to him by that name from here on out.

newmascotresized: What I’d like you to do is remember how this screen looks, so you can see what it looks like when we come back tomorrow.

newmascotresized: This sounds like the way my grandfather used to work this one electrical panel in his basement, where he’d just jam a screwdriver in between two detached but otherwise live wires.

newmascotresized: I do not remember for the life of me what that panel was for, just that I saw him do that a few times. It’s a small miracle he lived to be 83.

newmascotresized: There’s not much left to do except get our diary entry. The only problem is…

newmascotresized: Normally, once Yoshika arrives, she plays the guitar in the late afternoon outside of the dining room. For some unknown reason, she’s not there today.

newmascotresized: This means I had to resort to a backup entry (one we’ve already seen) on the emulator. I did, however, go talk to the ghost some more.

newmascotresized: By the way, the reason I’m doing this is because eventually, we’ll get a scene with the ghost that leads to a second priority 1 entry. Unfortunately, we can’t get that one until Day 10.

newmascotresized: On the way back, I check on the doctor.

newmascotresized: He’s asleep for the entire day. Admittedly, if I had been alive in 1975, I probably also would sleep all day because I imagine 1975 was boring as fuck.

newmascotresized: It’s Day 9. The bridge is fixed, and this unlocks three new diary entries. I haven’t gotten here on the console yet, but if you’ve watered the morning glories every day up to this point, you already have a priority 1 diary entry before you’ve even finished breakfast.

newmascotresized: This immediately reminded me of the horror manga “Ura Baito: Toubou Kinshi” (Eng: Grey Part-Time Jobs: No Escape) which has a character who detects evil shit by smelling.


newmascotresized: Ura Baito has a pretty dedicated fan translator.

newmascotresized: This is another “someone shows Boku around” event. If the guide is correct, you do not have to do this event today, so if you got the morning glories as your diary entry, you can just roll with that instead.

newmascotresized: In unrelated news, every house in the area lost phone service overnight - not that it matters, since none of the houses here have a phone.

newmascotresized: Sounds legit.

newmascotresized: This tree is a place we’re going to want to visit every day. This is one of those instances where the shortcut Hikari showed us is useful: you can swim to the secret beach and then run down here.

newmascotresized: If you look closely at the previous screen, there’s a beehive you can use to warp back afterward.

newmascotresized: Takeshi and Shigeru just kinda fuck off, leaving Boku alone. Let’s just give this tree a couple of kicks.

newmascotresized: Hell yeah. This beetle is going to come in very useful starting tomorrow.

newmascotresized: Coming to Okusawa in general is pretty time-consuming, given that it has a bunch of screens and you have to travel a bit just to get here.

newmascotresized: Here’s the dickish part. There is a priority 3 entry for finding the valve in this very rocket - but if we were to keep going with Takeshi and Shigeru, we’d get a priority 1 that automatically overwrites it.

newmascotresized: Fortunately, Hilltop gave me the entry for this one, so we’re set.

newmascotresized: This is another spot that needs variable dialog - probably one if you’ve met Yoh but haven’t found one of the valves yourself and a second if you’ve found Valve A already.


newmascotresized: We now have two out of the three rocket valves - the third one is in a place we can’t reach yet. Theoretically, we could finish the rocket valve plot on the 15th.

newmascotresized: I have to wonder - did Genta build that bridge, too?

newmascotresized: Shouldn’t have looked.

newmascotresized: This is the reason we want to do this diary entry today, and is also probably how Uncle Wolf was getting in and out. It always seemed weird to me that Boku couldn’t just jump that gap.

newmascotresized: We COULD go explore the wasabi field. However, there’s a good reason not to - swimming in the lake there is a priority 1 diary entry which can be done at any time. We’re saving that one for a bit.

newmascotresized: Now, what if we simply ignored the plot and did some thoroughly irrelevant bullshit? Remember how I talked to the doctor on Day 7 and said I was setting up a plot flag?

newmascotresized: If we talk to Nagisa today, we uh… find out information we already know. He’s depressed because he’s seeing his wife’s ghost.

newmascotresized: Yep! That’s a priority 5 diary entry. If you got the morning glory entry today, you can still get this one up until the 13th.

newmascotresized: As a bonus, let’s talk to the ghost. I should mention that I did talk to Simon today (he doesn’t have much to say) and Yoshika (who is still cutting up a cucumber) but there’s not much there.

newmascotresized: Honestly, I think I kinda hate this. This whole plot line would’ve been way more interesting if they didn’t have to keep skirting around shit we already know or have a pretty good reason to suspect.

newmascotresized: See, I think for a story like this to work, you need a way of addressing the reader directly and conveying the shit Boku wouldn’t understand, and this game just can’t do that.

newmascotresized: I want to grab the writer by the shoulders and go “FUCK OFF WITH THIS SHIT”.

newmascotresized: I’m going to skip the dinner conversation - it’s just a hint about the “depressed doctor” entry we just saw - and advance the game on the console. We still have one more entry to get, after all.

newmascotresized: On the console, I get to Day 8 and start struggling to think of another diary entry I can get, since there are a lot of them I got on the console that I intentionally didn’t get on the emulator.

newmascotresized: Then I remember - we never got the entry for the secret base. I still don’t wind up getting it, but we get something else instead.

newmascotresized: I mean, it’s really obvious and also right in front of the house.

newmascotresized: I get the feeling that Boku’s cousins are idiots.

newmascotresized: Getting to the second floor is another one of the game’s major goals. We could accomplish this as early as Day 10 - and we might actually make that on the emulator.

newmascotresized: My recommendation is that around Day 7, you want to start kicking the beetle trees every day. Keep any Sawtooth Stags over 40mm, toss the rest. You’re going to need a small army.

newmascotresized: I’m going to skip some of the explanatory dialog - this is where you come to fight bugs. I wind up doing a little bit of this on the console, and definitely will on the emulator with that one we just caught.

newmascotresized: Bug fighting is automatic - you can poke your bug, which reduces its health but I think makes it do more damage or something. We don’t want to do that.

newmascotresized: You can see that our Sawtooth is kicking Takeshi’s ass because he poked his.

newmascotresized: Your beetle wins if it reduces the other beetle’s stamina to 0, or if it pushes it off the ring or flips it over. Every win extends your beetle’s stamina meter a bit. You do lose a bit of stamina every time you fight, which I think recovers overnight.

newmascotresized: I get our Sawtooth to 3 wins and then lose by throw. This will help when we have to fight the boss (yes, there is a boss) on Day 10.

newmascotresized: One thing I should note is that if you lose to a beetle, that beetle will also lose stamina on successive fights - meaning you can keep throwing beetles at it until it dies. This is why we want the army of 40mm Sawtooths.

newmascotresized: Doing a beetle fight for the first time is a priority 1 entry, so I didn’t get the one for going to the secret base. We’ll get that on the emulator at some point.

newmascotresized: Finally, we reach Day 9 on the console. The morning glories have blossomed… and at this point, I assume all you have to do in order to get the diary entry is simply water them. I then waste an entire day so I can go to sleep, only to find out that there’s an extra step.

newmascotresized: You have to go up and have Boku look at the morning glories first.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’re going to massage a ghost.


newmascotresized: On my first recording attempt at Day 10, I found out the hard way that the conversation you have with Genta (the one next to the phone pole) on Day 8 is actually required for him to chop down the phone pole. This game really is a pain in the ass sometimes.

newmascotresized: I mean, I guess it makes sense that a middle-aged guy would say “I’m gonna build a bridge” and then stand out in the middle of nowhere until a small child speaks to him. It’s like how my boss at work says “I’m gonna go get lunch” and then comes back three hours later having not gotten lunch.

newmascotresized: I spend the re-record of Day 8 amassing an army. Once we reach Day 10, we’re gonna call in the fucking brick squad on Takeshi’s ass.

newmascotresized: I also spend some time filling out Boku’s bug collection. The problem with doing this is that the bugs are kind of poorly documented in English and I think some have very specific conditions to catch and/or only rarely show up.

newmascotresized: One thing I should mention is that you can store beetles in the bug collection - this can be used to have more beetles than the bug box can normally hold. I haven’t tested to see if it will let you hold more than one of each type of beetle, but we have a small reserve here for Day 10.

newmascotresized: The rare ones are marked with a star next to their name. This one, as far as I know, can only be caught on the hill near Yoh’s house after 4 PM.

newmascotresized: I also make sure to grab the diary entry for finding the treehouse. Ideally, I would’ve grinded our army somewhat, but I had already caught a bunch of bugs and didn’t want to reset.

newmascotresized: I unfortunately do not have the same luck I did on the emulator run on Day 9 with the tree in Okusawa, but we still catch ourselves something good enough to at least be a lieutenant.

newmascotresized: Oni Stags are tiny, but we get a crown one and… yeah, I’m thinking this is gonna be our general. I will call him Napoleon.

newmascotresized: What’s funny is that I accidentally dove into the lake, reset the game, and when I came back I got Napoleon again.

newmascotresized: While Napoleon has an insane stamina bar, he gets his ass kicked by pretty much anything because of how small he is. I win one and lose one, and then use a 48mm Sawtooth to fuck shit up.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, Boku then decides to throw himself into the lake while I go check for evening bugs in Okusawa. Seriously, pressing circle on any screen in Okusawa will cause Boku to throw himself in.

newmascotresized: We reach Day 10, and I go for the boss fight.

newmascotresized: You see up in the corner, how it says “Strong” now? There’s three “ranks” of beetle - “Weak”, “Strong”, and “King”. To get to the boss, we have to beat all of Takeshi’s other bugs.

newmascotresized: Now, here’s the problem. I immediately go for the army strat - we’re going to launch bugs at this thing, starting with the weakest ones.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, I then find out that losing the fight? Yeah, that makes his bug level up. As it turns out, the army strat only applies to the boss fight - this is just a regular maxed-out Sawtooth Stag.

newmascotresized:There’s this bit of dialog when I go to massage the doctor, which indicates that yep, that’s a ghost alright.

newmascotresized: And unfortunately, this is where I find out the guide is wrong. The earliest day you can massage the ghost is Day 11. This leads to us getting a generic entry because fuck me.

newmascotresized: If we talk to her a second time, she starts singing.

newmascotresized: I don’t know if this is an actual children’s song. I’m guessing it probably is, and it’s meant to let the player know roughly when the ghost died. We’ll get a better idea of that when we do the massage.

newmascotresized: I’m gonna have to reload the game and get a backup entry - I think I can still do the thing for swimming to Yoh’s house on the console. Probably.

newmascotresized: I did, however, go forward to Day 11 so we can see the actual event, which I’ll put right here. This is the last major event with the ghost - I believe she disappears after this.

newmascotresized: Uh… can you even massage a ghost? How does that work?

newmascotresized: Hoo boy, it’s time for some more explanation of Japanese currency. First, let’s look at the 50-yen coin. It’s an inventory item, and doesn’t count as cash.

newmascotresized: “Antique” is taking it a little far. The 50 yen coin first started production in 1955, with the first design (that’s the one you’re seeing on the inventory screen) lasting until 1958.

newmascotresized: The government redesigned the coin entirely in 1959, mostly because it was deemed to be too similar to the 100 yen coin (both were the same size and had a similar design). The coin was redesigned a second and final time in 1967.

newmascotresized: You can see why Boku would find it strange.

newmascotresized: Anyway, I spent most of Day 11 grinding beetles.

newmascotresized: Miayma Stags are found only in Okusawa, and are pretty overpowered: they have a really high offense stat and are more likely to do special moves, but don’t gain stamina as far as I can tell.

newmascotresized: I also get 10 wins on this random Sawtooth, which allows us to name it.

newmascotresized: “Joe” being an option is almost certainly a reference to the boxing manga Ashita no Joe, which ran from 1968 to 1973.

newmascotresized: Naming a bug is a priority 2 diary entry, but unfortunately I had it get overwritten by the ghost’s coin (which is a priority 1). I have to re-record anyway, so I’ll end this update on Day 11 and let the thread decide the name for the Sawtooth.

newmascotresized: I also get the Miyama to 10 wins pretty easily, so you can decide on a name for it, too.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll meet Yasuko’s mother. We’ll also have an adventure with Yasuko’s dog.


newmascotresized: Re-recording was a complete pain in the ass. This is mostly because I decided to do beetle fights, only to realize that beetle fights fucking suck.

newmascotresized: There is this little bit of dialog I missed on Day 10, which confirms that Uncle Wolf/Okamijiji is in fact Yoh’s dad. I guess living in the woods in your charcoal cabin was what very divorced dads did in the 1970s.

newmascotresized: There’s also this conversation I completely forgot about at night.

newmascotresized: Wasn’t this Lisa’s entire plotline in Innocent Sin? The answer is yes, yes it was.

newmascotresized: I had to look this one up. “Jaja-uma” is a term that (apparently) was originally used to describe a horse with a wild temperament. It has a second meaning, which is used to describe “wild” or “unruly” women.

newmascotresized: Anyway, as it turns out, there IS a unique diary entry we can get on Day 10 that I wasn’t even aware of. If you look at the morning glories again, Boku will remark that “the other morning glories have bloomed”.

newmascotresized: I’m not sure if this is a glitch with the translation patch or not - this particular entry is only supposed to happen if the two vines on the left and in the middle bloom before the one on the right does, but I’ll take it.

newmascotresized: Day 11 is pretty much the same as last time - I do some beetle grinding and finally get good RNG that allows me to get the Sawtooth (which I name “Black Emperor”) to 25 wins. I also get a BIG! Red-Footed Stag (“Red Lightning”) that I grind to 10 wins.

newmascotresized: For reference, Tibet declared independence from China in 1913, and was then brutally subjugated by China in 1951.

newmascotresized: On Night 11, Yasuko and Hikari come to use the bath again. There’s no new dialog here, so I’ll skip it.

newmascotresized: Fuck Shigeru and his overpowered bullshit bugs.

newmascotresized: Shizue is one of the more annoying diary entries to get - there’s one just for meeting her, which we absolutely need to do to set a plot flag. However, there’s a second entry on the same day that overwrites it.

newmascotresized: And thus, the first furry convention was invented.

newmascotresized: They’re also called killer whales because they kill every Sega game they’ve ever appeared in.

newmascotresized: Simon, please shut up about your weird vore fantasies.

newmascotresized: God dammit this is a sex thing, isn’t it.

newmascotresized: And now, on to Day 12. There are four new entries we could get today. We will be getting three, as I want to save one for the 14th and another for a later day. But first… it’s time for revenge.

newmascotresized: The Queen Rhino has a stamina bar that surpasses even Black Emperor’s, and starts at the highest skill level. Turns out the army strat still doesn’t work on bosses.

newmascotresized: Here’s the trick: you have to wait for Takeshi to poke his beetle. This lowers its overall stamina, and since one of the Queen Rhino’s special moves can cause it to automatically lose, we’re at a huge advantage.

newmascotresized: Black Emperor increases his record to 26 and 0.

newmascotresized: Get shit on, kids.

newmascotresized: Getting to Mount Totten is another major goal in this game. Hopefully, with the way I have Black Emperor trained, we’ll destroy our way to the top.

newmascotresized: Boku should “accidentally” push Shigeru off the platform.

newmascotresized: We can’t do this yet. In fact, there are TWO more bosses we have to down - one becomes available on the 22nd, and the other the day after you beat the second boss. This means I have to sit through even more beetle grind.

newmascotresized: The guide recommends that you have around 60 wins on a single beetle before trying to fight the other bosses.

newmascotresized: This is one of the diary pages Hilltop had to do some pretty extensive edits to. Let’s get on to something a little more plot-relevant.

newmascotresized: And now we have our objective - we need to meet Shizue when she gets here… or we could go have an adventure with Yasuko’s dog. We’ll do the dog first, because I’m going to save that entry for a later date but I’ll show it off now.

newmascotresized: From the 12th until the end of the game, you can walk up to Kenbo and hit Circle to take his leash off. I’m not sure how you’d know to do this without asking Hikari.

newmascotresized: Kenbo runs off toward the clinic, and even though we can’t really follow him, I already know where he’s going.

newmascotresized: Boku falls over in surprise.

newmascotresized: This is a priority 2 entry, and is the highest-priority entry (barring something like fighting the queen beetle) that we can get today. Now that all the side entries are out of the way, it’s time for plot.

newmascotresized: Shizue arrives around noon, and can be found on the balcony, which is just beyond the guest rooms.

newmascotresized: The funny part about this is that there’s a far more famous Shizue in gaming these days - that being one of the main characters in Animal Crossing. If you’ve played it in English, you know her as Isabelle.

newmascotresized: My theory is that this Shizue and the Animal Crossing one are the same person, she’s just some kind of really fucked up werewolf who ages backwards.

newmascotresized: I mean, it might be because there’s no apparent space for her. Hikari and her grandfather have half the house, Yasuko has the other half.

newmascotresized: On my final recording run, I do beetle grinding and discover that Black Emperor has reached his limits. Machine Gun Buddy is Takeshi’s next mid-boss, and Black Emperor can never beat it.

newmascotresized: The reason is that when you have a size difference of something like 10mm, you get to a point where the smaller bug can’t fight back and will burn stamina until it is pushed out of the ring.

newmascotresized: This is where I discover how you cheese the beetle fights. Once you beat a bug, Takeshi and Shigeru will put it up for trade. You can do this to easily get a huge Sawtooth and then train that up.

newmascotresized: There is one caveat, though: they will use any bugs we trade to them in battle, so we don’t want to, say, give them Black Emperor. That would be a mistake.

newmascotresized: The trick to trading, by the way, is that the game MASSIVELY overvalues the rarer beetles: if you get a Gold Oni Stag or a Red-Foot Stag, you can trade them for bugs that would easily destroy them.

newmascotresized: This is what I mean when I say stamina doesn’t matter - you can have the best Oni Stag in the world and Great Joe here will crush the shit out of it by size alone.

newmascotresized: While waiting for Shizue, I get a BIG! Gold Oni Stag. This will be perfect trade bait for later. These spawn on the tree near Akane House, but are a rare spawn.

newmascotresized: For our final possible diary entry (barring one that I may have gotten accidentally offscreen after another hour of beetle grind), we need to talk to Yasuko in her room at night.

newmascotresized: I think one of my biggest problems with this game is that there are a lot of plot ideas that would work far better if Boku was older, and this is one of them.

newmascotresized: The problem I have is that you can clearly tell the writers are trying to communicate to the player that Fumi is a town with a lot of problems in this game about happy fun 1975 summer vacation time, and I feel like having a more dramatic and emotional plot would’ve been the better way to go.

newmascotresized: There’s one other thing I want to show off - what happens if you talk to Shizue at night.

newmascotresized: See, if the whole Dark Id thing taught me anything, it’s that this isn’t true. That guy had friends (well, at least online) who were better people than he was.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll help a calico cat find her friend.


newmascotresized: It’s Day 13, and we have a priority 1 entry to get, along with a priority 2 that we can only get today. We also need to continue the beetle grind.

newmascotresized: We can get the priority 2 entry without ever leaving Akane House. All you have to do is go upstairs.

newmascotresized: Now that we’ve talked to everyone, we can go talk to Takeshi and Shigeru again…

newmascotresized: We’re going to grab this entry even on the final run because it gets us a picture, but it’s the least plot-important entry we can get today. Let’s move on to our final run.

newmascotresized: I grab the photo (as it turns out, all you have to do is talk to Takeshi twice) and then use our shortcut to Yoh’s house.

newmascotresized: And now we know why we need those three rocket valves. We can get the third one pretty soon and hand them in.

newmascotresized: If he’s anything like my dad (who would be probably Yoh’s age at this point), probably not. My dad once spent three days putting in a homemade central vacuum system into his woodworking space. This is the kind of thing he does for fun.

newmascotresized: I’m going to skip some lines here, because this event is kind of meant to be a backup in case you didn’t do the event with Yasuko on Day 4. Yoh tells us his entire backstory with Yasuko, which is identical to when we heard it from her.

newmascotresized: That’s phase one of the entry done. We now have to wait until nightfall, so I go grind some beetles offscreen and continue to suffer.

newmascotresized: Not much happens in bug fighting, except that I trade for this oni stag with a shit-ton of stamina. I might try to use this against Machine Gun Buddy at some point.

newmascotresized: I massage the doctor, bringing us up to a total of 300 yen. We can’t massage Mitsuko tonight, but we should have the Yamato in a couple of days.

newmascotresized: Today is the last day we can talk to the ghost, so let’s do that.

newmascotresized: At the risk of dating the LP, she’s thinking about how her outfit makes more sense than Maria’s in the recently-revealed footage of the godawful Silent Hill 2 remake.

newmascotresized: I don’t know if this is some kind of traditional thing, but it just seems odd to assume a grandson wouldn’t also move away. I mean, it would make sense in today’s world where no one can afford a house.

newmascotresized: Oh, I get it. This is one of those “Who will be left to carry on the name?” bits. What’s funny is I almost blamed Shinzo Abe for this being in the game, but he wasn’t in office yet when this released.

newmascotresized: Granted, Junichiro Koizumi was just as much of an asshole.

newmascotresized: We don’t have much else to do before dinner - Simon’s not around, Yoshika has a toothache, and I’m not going to risk any more beetle fights.

newmascotresized: Hoo boy. This is a thing I think the developers only put in because it was in the first game.

newmascotresized: And this would be why we can’t talk to the ghost after today. Honestly, this would be a much more interesting game if you had to stop the monk somehow so that the doctor can see his wife.

newmascotresized: Let’s get to our main event.

newmascotresized: “Tests of Courage” are a stereotypical summer vacation thing you see a lot in manga. They usually involve kids going into abandoned buildings or other “creepy” spots at night.

newmascotresized: I’ve been in a couple of abandoned houses where people have died, and they’re really not that scary. I mean, apart from that one guy who had a fridge that hadn’t been cleaned out in probably months. That shit was BAD.

newmascotresized: Now, you’d think that this would be reason Shizue doesn’t want to stay here - but we’ll find out what the real reason is when the monk comes tomorrow in a scene that is completely missable.

newmascotresized: Is this going to be a confession?

newmascotresized: He’s sitting under a waterfall to see if he can become even more divorced. We can’t meet him for a while yet - he doesn’t show up until the 19th, even though we can get to his house on the 15th.

newmascotresized: The big idea is he wants a diary entry.

newmascotresized: We helped the calico cat find her friend. I wonder if Yasuko will get around to finishing that story.

newmascotresized: It’s Day 14, and I got fucked trying to do bug grinding (Machine Gun Buddy bullshitted me to death three times), so let’s just get an entry and get this done.

newmascotresized: It’s really odd to me how they have a monk that just kinda goes door to door doing religious services, and this is something people want.

newmascotresized: I can’t believe Mitsuko just killed Genta.

newmascotresized: There’s a cut here to about half a minute of Yasuko and Hikari walking around in swimsuits, which is why today is not a good day for bug grinding - the cutscene isn’t skippable.

newmascotresized: It is absolutely canon that the monk just came back from the United States, and the factory he visited was Frank’s. Yes, Frank is still alive in 1975 despite the fact that he was over 50 in 1929.

newmascotresized: This is where we get a scene that’s completely missable and also rather plot-important.

newmascotresized: There is a very limited time window (it takes another hour or so for the monk to get here) to see the Sagara family standing around their family’s grave site.

newmascotresized: Yep! Shizue isn’t divorced, her husband is dead, and she’s coming back for Obon to visit his grave. This is why she didn’t want to stay in the house, because he designed it when it was rebuilt.

newmascotresized: It feels like there should be some other way to discern this, but looking back, there’s nothing really pointing to it where I could go “Okay yeah this is foreshadowing”.

newmascotresized: Anyway, what’s supposed to happen today is that you get an automatic priority 3 diary entry at dinnertime. However, I found something both of the guide authors on GameFAQs missed.

newmascotresized: Remember how I said yesterday was the last day we could talk to the ghost? I was wrong.

newmascotresized: Holy shit, is this an actual payoff at the end of a full week of talking to the ghost? I don’t know what the exact requirements to unlock this are, but I’m guessing at a minimum it requires the “met the ghost for the first time” entry and probably the 50-yen coin entry as well.

newmascotresized: I believe this is the only way we can learn what Yasuko’s father’s name was.

newmascotresized: I should also mention that the entire time, the song Yasuko plays on her record player at night (which is in fact Gymnopedie No. 1) plays even though Yasuko isn’t home.

newmascotresized: I thought this might have been a lead, so I did go and check - but no, you can’t meet the ghost of Yasuko’s dad.

newmascotresized: And that’s it. Neither of them even acknowledge that Boku is there.

newmascotresized: I’m glad I’ve been playing this like that one Dark Seed 2 longplay and obsessively talking to everyone every day.

newmascotresized: There is a second entry we could get today, but it’s not worth a re-record. We’ll see the event that spawns it anyway, since it’s automatic.

newmascotresized: We will be grabbing that fucking axe first thing. This is how you unlock the last area of the game. I should mention that you can in fact unlock the last area without the axe if you wait until the 19th.

newmascotresized: Day 15 is going to be a wind sprint - there’s an entry for opening access to the new area, a second entry for actually going there, and two that you can get almost immediately after entering.

newmascotresized: It is also the first day on which, assuming you have not gotten any generic diary entries, you can guarantee yourself the best ending.

newmascotresized: This is kind of a badly-translated line for the sole reason that it’s really hard to look up what they’re talking about, though part of that is Google’s fault for being shit.

newmascotresized: What they’re lighting off is a kind of firework called senko hanabi - you can see a video of them in action here. They’re made from a small amount of black powder rolled into tissue paper that acts as a wick.

newmascotresized: The reason you’d only hold one at a time is because the sparks come from the powder melting down into a superheated liquid blob - you can see this in the video. If the blob drops off the tissue paper wick, the show’s over.

newmascotresized: I should mention that they do make senko hanabi with multiple “heads”.

newmascotresized: This is what I meant when I was talking about the blob dropping off the wick.

newmascotresized: By the end of the night, we have nearly enough to buy the Yamato model.

newmascotresized: I think we’re also pretty close to getting the extra bit from Yoshika - but we won’t see that for a while. Next time, we’ll unlock the final major area of the game.


newmascotresized: Day 15 is going to be like doing wind sprints - we’re going to make some progress, skip the rest of the day, reset, and then go a bit further.

newmascotresized: Like any good wind sprint, we start by running backwards from the starting line, because this is how we catch Hikari at the park. I think you can do this at any point pre-dinner, which is why I waited this long.

newmascotresized: Hikari goes down near the abandoned house.

newmascotresized: She then looks around.

newmascotresized: Boku probably should’ve taken his shirt off to increase his camo index. I have no idea how Hikari doesn’t spot him, given that she’s heading in his direction.

newmascotresized: She looks around again…

newmascotresized: And then heads off without having spotted Boku. Witnessing this scene is a priority 2 entry.

newmascotresized: The one-eyed cats remind me of the manga Kuro, by a group called Soumatou. These days, they’re doing a much more popular manga called Shadows House, which is… honestly pretty good.

newmascotresized: Here’s the first real leg of today’s wind sprint. It took me a minute to see the axe.

newmascotresized: Now it’s time to actually USE the axe.

newmascotresized: Before we can, we run into Mitsuko. Fortunately, she won’t try to stop Boku if he has the axe. I should also clarify what Mitsuko is talking about.

newmascotresized: The Japanese government observes the end of World War 2 on August 15th, otherwise known as V-J Day. The reason it’s the 15th (as opposed to the 14th, which is when the announcement of Japan’s surrender was first announced in the US) is because of the International Date Line.

newmascotresized: There isn’t, as far as I know.

newmascotresized: This would be in 1868, for reference. I saw a post on one of my socials once about “Meiji-era Texas” and it makes me want a western taking place in the US where all of the characters are samurai.

newmascotresized: The end of the film has a group of cowboys landing on the shores of Japan (they got very lost) and being very confused.

newmascotresized: I mean, I dunno. I feel like anime culture has turned oni into anime girls enough times that it’d work like that whole “collective unconscious morphogenetic field” shit that let Morgana turn into a car because of My Neighbor Totoro.

newmascotresized: What I’m saying is that you’d probably hear a lot more “Demons in!” than people throwing beans if oni ever showed up.

newmascotresized: What we want to do now is head toward Yoh’s house, but take the path to the side just before reaching his house.

newmascotresized: There’s a very conspicuous dead tree with a very conspicuous seam in it.

newmascotresized: Now, I was under the impression (from the guide on GameFAQs) that there were two entries here: one for cutting down the tree and a second for crossing it. That is incorrect. There is only one entry, and it’s specifically for crossing.

newmascotresized: The next leg of wind sprints is getting the rocket valve - thankfully, Hilltop gave me the entry for that one so I don’t have to do a recording run just to get that and skip the rest of the day.

newmascotresized: Fukurou has all kinds of new bugs in it.

newmascotresized: This screen is where we find the third and final rocket valve. The problem is that the game cuts to the “I found the rocket valve” screen so fast that it’s difficult to capture where it is.

newmascotresized: If you look at that bridge in front of Boku, the one made of three pieces of plywood, it’s under the middle piece of plywood.

newmascotresized: Here’s another spot where I found out the guide author on Gamefaqs neglected to mention an important detail. See, you CAN get the diary entry for turning all three valves in today… except you can only turn one in per day.

newmascotresized: I fucking HATE when games do this.

newmascotresized: So yeah, guess we’re not getting that entry today. At least we can get the one for finding Rocket Valve C, which is a priority 4.


newmascotresized: There is one more entry we can get in Fukurou today, and that requires us to go to Yoh’s dad’s divorce cabin. Because this is the entry I’m probably going to stick with, I’m going to grind beetles first, since there’s no long cutscenes today to get in the way of me reloading the game a bunch.

newmascotresized: After no fewer than SIX FUCKING RELOADS, I manage to beat Machine Gun Buddy. Through sheer fucking luck, it ran through the entire pink health bar without using an instakill, and then Great Joe decided to use the first special in six rounds to kill it.

newmascotresized: Naturally, I immediately trade for it.

newmascotresized: Unfortunately, tragedy strikes today. What happened is this: I had the game set on Quick at the end of Day 14. The game saves your preferred speed option, and I forgot to set it back.

newmascotresized: This means I forget to give the rocket valve to Yoh, because by the time I get back from Fukurou I have JUST ENOUGH TIME to book it to the ghost for her very last conversation.

newmascotresized: I get a BIG! Little Stag from the tree here, which is unfortunately fucking useless. Little Stags work like this: they have a special move called “Living Bomb” which is a guaranteed instakill if it hits. Living Bomb has something like a 90% chance of failure, and if it fails, the Little Stag goes into a “Give up” state and fucking dies.

newmascotresized: See this water wheel here? That’s our diary entry for today.

newmascotresized: I’m not entirely sure why a charcoal burning cabin would have a water wheel.

newmascotresized: Today is the last day of Obon, and so it’s the last day the ghost can be here.

newmascotresized: I mean, if Shadow Hearts 3 was any indication, they’d have to send Frank in to kill her a second time if she overstayed.

newmascotresized: A scene like this really needs more melodrama.

newmascotresized: I have a quick chat with Yoshika, most of which is not interesting. Unfortunately, because I missed massaging the doctor, we’re going to need to wait another day to get the Yamato.

newmascotresized: I missed a line at the start of Day 16 - the line is Genta saying that Shizue is leaving on the mid-day boat today. You can probably guess what we’re going to do.

newmascotresized: Maybe that’s why the economy sucks, no one knows how to use a typewriter.

newmascotresized: We can talk to Shizue on the balcony, so let’s do that.

newmascotresized: Personally, I hate the ocean.

newmascotresized: I mean, if I was stuck in a town with an apparent full-time population of eight, I’d probably hate it too. I’m not sure there’s even eight full-time residents, since I was counting the nurse at the clinic.

newmascotresized: I have this problem all the time because of people and/or dogs being loud.

newmascotresized: And now we know Shizue’s entire backstory.

newmascotresized: Shizue does seem like kind of an irredeemable bitch, but there’s a scene we haven’t gotten to yet that will make things a little clearer.

newmascotresized: She leaves right after that line, and that’s our diary entry.

newmascotresized: This is a priority 2 entry, but it’s not the one I want to get today. What we actually want to do is go nowhere near the dock all day, and then go into Shizue’s room (that’s Room #3) after she leaves.

newmascotresized: I bet I know what that key is to. It kind of makes no sense that Shizue left it here (where it could potentially not be found for a while) instead of somewhere that Yasuko could find it.

newmascotresized: We can also talk to Yoshika next door for a little more information.

newmascotresized: Let’s go take that key over. Doing so is a priority 3 entry for some reason, even though it’s resolving a plot thread we ran into right at the start of the game.

newmascotresized: We did it! The plot door is open!

newmascotresized: Honestly, as underwhelming as this scene is, I do kind of like it.

newmascotresized: This is a hint for a priority 1 entry we can get tomorrow.

newmascotresized: Next time, we’ll buy the Yamato. No, I’m not going to spend $150 on an actual Yamato model. Even if I did, I’d have nowhere to put it and have nowhere to build it.


newmascotresized: The next two days in-game are going to be on the boring side. We don’t get anything plot-relevant until the 19th, so I’m going to do one run of the 17th and 18th.

newmascotresized: On my re-record of the 16th, I discover a bug. Remember how I said that the conversation at dinner on the 16th, the one about the baby fish, was the trigger for a priority 1 entry?

newmascotresized: As it turns out, this entry triggers if you go swimming at all on the 16th, even if you do it before anyone says anything at dinner. I got this using the shortcut to Yoh’s house to turn in the rocket valve.

newmascotresized: The 17th is a day where I almost get a generic entry because the guide author is, once again, wrong.

newmascotresized: Anyway, the entry I was intending to get is for “becoming the doctor’s grandson”, which is supposed to happen between the 16th and the 20th. It doesn’t happen today.

newmascotresized: Instead, we get this generic dialog about the doctor being happy because he just met his wife again, which we know about but that the game never acknowledges.

newmascotresized: If I was writing this, I would have put in a conditional entry that requires seeing the ghost, getting the 50-yen piece, and then seeing the event with the doctor and the ghost on the 16th. Talking to the doctor at home after that would have him realize that Boku might have written some of that in his diary, and he tells Boku to tear out the pages about the ghost and write something else instead.

newmascotresized: Then again, if I was writing this, I probably would’ve had the overarching story being an older Boku reading through his childhood homework assignment diary, and then at the end the pages about the ghost would fall out - kind of like the “Bargain” chapter in Return of the Obra Dinn.

newmascotresized: I don’t even know what Uncle Wolf looks like, but I’m imagining that he’s some kind of fantasy druid or ranger or something and then just kinda stopped because the fantasy economy ran out in the 60s.

newmascotresized: That’s another manga I’d love to see, is one about a modern-day onmyouji who has no actual magical powers or anything - he only has a job because of an oversight by the government.

newmascotresized: Realizing that I wasn’t going to get the grandson entry, I used our pocket entry - the Yamato. Let’s fucking do this.

newmascotresized: This game is a lot like the Yamato in that it sank hours ago and I’m stuck until the next major plot beat. Fortunately, we’re going to have two priority 1 entries in a row over the next two days.

newmascotresized: We’ll start with Day 18. Today, we hand in the final rocket valve to Yoh, cementing ourselves solidly into the best ending.

newmascotresized: Love that callback to the entry for meeting Yoh for the first time that most people probably are not going to get because it’s a priority 5.

newmascotresized: The thing is, there’s no good reason for us to do this today, because there’s an automatic diary entry at dinner.

newmascotresized: Mitsuko’s birthday is a priority 3 entry.

newmascotresized: My mom just had her birthday recently. Her birthday consists of me taking her to a garden store and buying her expensive plants.

newmascotresized: I mean, my parents also do their ritual of buying an ice cream cake and then eating that entire ice cream cake before the day is over.

newmascotresized: This is the first diary entry I’ve seen that looks and reads like something an actual 9-year-old would make. Also, Boku’s drawing of Mitsuko makes her look a lot like an Earthbound sprite.

newmascotresized: This conversation is a diary entry by itself, but it’s also a reference to a real-life event that’s probably still well known in Japan but not as much outside the country.

newmascotresized: The event in question is known as the “300 million yen heist” and occurred in 1968. It is, to this day, one of the biggest cash heists ever to occur in Japan. It’s kind of their equivalent to the D.B. Cooper case in the US.

newmascotresized: The story goes like this. You have a car full of bank employees, who are carrying 300 million yen in cash to a Toshiba factory. They get stopped by what appears to be a cop on a marked police motorcycle, who tells them that their car has a bomb on it.

newmascotresized: Naturally, the employees get out of the car, and then the “cop” jumps in and drives off. The police never found the robber, and no one was ever formally charged. In real life, the statute of limitations expired on December 10, 1975 - seven years from the date of the crime.

newmascotresized: I went and did the calculations on how much gold we’re talking about here, because I wanted to know how much 50 million yen in gold would weigh. It’s kind of hard to find currency conversion values from before 1970, but I found one from a professor at the University of British Columbia that lists it as around 360 yen per US dollar in 1968.

newmascotresized: This means we’re looking at roughly $138,888.89 in 1968 dollars.

newmascotresized: I found a chart of historical gold prices (these are in troy ounces, which are about 10% heavier than an actual ounce) and while I have no idea how accurate they are, let’s just assume they’re accurate for sake of argument.

newmascotresized: The chart lists the average price of gold at $39.31/troy ounce in 1968. By 1975, that value had more than tripled to $160.86 an ounce. Doing the math tells me that the robber would have stolen 3,533.17 troy ounces of gold. Converting that to pounds… gives us almost 221 pounds of gold if we assume everything is at 1968 values.

newmascotresized: If we assume instead that it’s 1975 values, where the yen is much closer to 300 yen per dollar, we instead get 1,036 troy ounces of gold valued at $166,666.67, or just under 65 pounds.

newmascotresized: Oh, right. There’s something I should mention - I missed a diary entry a few in-game days ago about Genta: he used to be a carpenter under a well-respected master, but stopped for some reason.

newmascotresized: I feel like if you got robbed by somebody who can carry 221 pounds of gold bare-handed, you probably should just let them have the gold. I mean, presumably the thief in this universe used a car like the real 300 million yen heist, but my mental picture is an end boss from one of the Yakuza games carrying 221 pounds of gold on his back in a burlap sack.

newmascotresized: The only other event we give a shit about today is this one, which the guide lists as “Yoh and Yasuko reconcile” and I thought was going to be some huge payoff. Instead, it’s a recap event.

newmascotresized: This is the point at which this event becomes a recap of stuff we already know. I’m going to just skip all of that.

newmascotresized: That seems like the most bizarre thing to remember. I have virtually no memory of grade school at all. Hell, if you ran a parade of people I went to high school with past me, I probably wouldn’t remember a single one.

newmascotresized: Yoh’s hopes and dreams have been crushed, even though we know Yasuko thinks about him all the time.

newmascotresized: It’s at this point I run into bad game design. See, with every other conversation in the game, you can talk to the person a second time to get a little extra dialogue - this is true even if there’s something else you can do with that person, like Mitsuko’s dinner quiz or massaging the doctor.

newmascotresized: I’ve been doing this the entire game and simply removing the seams. However, if we try that this time…

newmascotresized: Boku immediately hands in Rocket Valve C and we lose the diary entry. At this point, I go “Fuck this game” and go play Elden Ring for like two weeks, only to find out that the DLC kinda sucks. It’s not horrible overall, but it REALLY drags at certain points.

newmascotresized: “It’s like they just remembered that this game was supposed to have a plot”. Next time, we’ll open the final area of the game and maybe get some payoff to the plot.


newmascotresized: I apologize for the delay. At this point, I’m just looking to finish the game. I have two other games I desperately want to dunk on.

newmascotresized: I had to re-record the 19th again, and there’s a diary I entry I technically missed, but then realized you can’t get on the 19th because of the entry about the stolen gold.

newmascotresized: At this point, we have enough entries left to finish the game, and we’re already locked into the good ending, so I’ll do the event for it but not the entry.

newmascotresized: If we go to the cabin in Fukurou, we can meet Yoh’s dad.

newmascotresized: I, uh… so you’re telling me that Yoh’s dad was just kinda somewhere for the past month?

newmascotresized: He’s divorced. Alternatively, he’s what the kids would call a “gooner”, and this is his “gooncave”.

newmascotresized: Or he’s Japanese Hank Hill. That too.

newmascotresized: I stopped invading people in Elden Ring for this quality content. You know what, I’m going back to invading.

newmascotresized: I was expecting there to be a different cutscene for going to bed for this, but no. Just like Hashino, whatever dipshit wrote this game was a master of “tell, don’t show”.

newmascotresized: Our first entry is right outside. Apparently, the family car fell into the sea overnight, which… you know, how exactly do they get this thing in and out of the house? We never see a connection to the actual road.

newmascotresized: This is a priority 5 entry, and let me tell you exactly why that’s bullshit. When I was a kid, maybe two years older than Boku, my parents rented a beach house for a week. Weirdly enough, my third-grade teacher was staying next door.

newmascotresized: The house had this gigantic tree in the back yard, and one day my mom is outside with my third-grade teacher and remarks how much it would suck if that tree were to fall over, because it would almost certainly crush one of the houses.

newmascotresized: That night, a freak thunderstorm rolled in, and probably around 10 or 11pm, the tree fell directly onto the house we were staying in. I remember being told at the time that a branch had penetrated the roof a few feet from my head.

newmascotresized: The only thing I can recall about that trip, at all, is the day the tree fell on the house. Then again, maybe it’s only priority 5 because of how easy it is to get.

newmascotresized: The only other diary entry we can get today isn’t until after dinner. Because we have all of three days until Takeshi’s next beetle boss is available, I did the queen beetle off-screen.

newmascotresized: We could have gone into the cave today, but doing so is a diary entry and I want to wait on that until tomorrow since I beat the queen beetle again on this recording run.

newmascotresized: Our priority 1 entry tonight is probably the weakest priority 1 in the game, next to the free one we got on the first day.

newmascotresized: To do this, all we have to do is find Hikari in her garden.

newmascotresized: Yes, clearly this invisible cat has died and we are burying it in an invisible grave that looks no different than undisturbed ground, so that all her vegetables can be full of dead cat.

newmascotresized: This is the entire event. They didn’t even bother to change the background to have a grave in it, like they did with the entry where we buried that thing in the woods.

newmascotresized: Welp, that’s it for the 20th. There is one other thing we can do that will shed some light on the plot, and that’s a completely optional conversation with Yasuko.

newmascotresized: Hmm… I wonder if what he found was around 220 pounds of gold, or 64-point-something pounds if we’re talking 1975 prices.

newmascotresized: I restarted the PS2 so I could verify my recording and then spent like 20 minutes trying to get it to read the hard drive because something got moved slightly. For a moment, I had the faint glimmer of hope that the hard drive had died and I was finally free.

newmascotresized: The 21st hands us a priority 4 diary entry, which feels like it should be a lot higher given what we’re about to see.

newmascotresized: If you’ve been following the story, it’s pretty clear who Taniguchi actually is.

newmascotresized: We’re going to go with this diary entry for today. However, there’s one more thing we can do.

newmascotresized: I didn’t realize what she was doing until I re-recorded this day after missing a dialog line at dinner. Let’s see what happens if we try and find her in the morning.

newmascotresized: Yep! Yoshika’s a fucking cop!

newmascotresized: Well, now we know why she’s really here, and what Simon thought was so strange about her. I believe this is the last part we need to get her piece of the ending.

newmascotresized: Man, Boku’s cousins are dumb as rocks.

newmascotresized: Mitsuko and Genta are almost as useless as the parents from Omori. I read an LP of that last week and I really wish I had LPed that game.

newmascotresized: We can talk to Taniguchi at night, so let’s do that and find out what his deal is.

newmascotresized: I guess this would explain why the gold was buried underwater, but I would think hiding 65 pounds of gold would be an ordeal for even an experienced diver.

newmascotresized: I already like Taniguchi more than most of the characters in this game.

newmascotresized: I’d like to point something out. In reality, the man behind the 300 million yen heist did it without killing or injuring anyone.

newmascotresized: On the morning of the 22nd, we spawn in only to find Yoshika standing in a bikini directly in front of the camera.

newmascotresized: What I don’t get is why they would expect Taniguchi to do anything until the statute of limitations is up, at which point he would become untouchable short of the usual cop bullshit (resisting arrest, etc.)

newmascotresized: Speaking of cops, I’m strongly considering doing Police Quest 4 next, and in that game you’ll get to learn all about the biggest bastard cop there ever was.

newmascotresized: Anyway, let’s get to what is supposedly the big emotional payoff. To do that, all we need to do is skip to dinner. I will do this entire section without commentary.

newmascotresized: And that’s that. Mitsuko’s voiceactress kinda chews the scenery during it. Personally, it’s kind of disappointing. Maybe it’s one of those things you have to have kids yourself to appreciate.

newmascotresized: I feel like this may have been done specifically because of the first Boku game - in the first game (at least, from what I’ve heard), Boku’s older male cousin died in an accident as a kid.

newmascotresized: I did a whole thing on this back in the Persona 5 Royal LP - there’s this secular tradition (which is not part of the Shinto religion) to donate certain amounts based on dumb kanji puns. Comparatively, 100 yen is a lot to donate, especially in 1975.

newmascotresized: I did a couple of re-recording runs to try and beetle grind, then lost all will to continue. I did get some of the optional dialog, one of which kind of pisses me off. We’ll start with that one.

newmascotresized: Now, what I’m not going to show is the FIFTEEN FUCKING TEXT BOXES where Uncle Wolf goes on to talk about how he’s Yoh’s dad as if Boku has never met Yoh before.

newmascotresized: That shit pissed me off - how the fuck could you be this late into the game and not know who Yoh is? Why did they not put a variable in for this shit?

newmascotresized: There’s also some dialog for Taniguchi when Yoshika is playing her guitar.

newmascotresized: I wish Taniguchi had a larger role in this game. We can talk to him again after dinner.

newmascotresized: I’ll start recording again soon, but fucked if I’m touching that dogshit beetle minigame one more time. Next time, we’ll basically reach the end-game.