Oh Great, ANOTHER Mega Man Game - Let's Play Mega Man X5

Ah finally, the end of an era…What do you mean there’s 3 more games after this? Shut up.

Mega Man X5. A rather…Contentious title. Originally intended to mark the end of the X saga, X5 was supposed to be the prelude to the Zero subseries of the Mega Man franchise, but Capcom decided to say nuts to the idea and continue the series anyway, resulting in 2 legendarily awful games, and 1 good one. Regardless, X5 has its fair share of ups and downs, and is usually considered at best, to be one of the most ‘Fine’ games in the saga.

Is that reputation deserved? …Yeah kinda, but let’s break it down and find out together what makes X5 its own thing compared to the rest of the series.

A New Journey begins! Time to save the world from Sigma once again, for the la-SHUT UP, ALIA

It’s finally time for the most important Maverick in the history of the series. It’s DUFF, MCWHALEN

Let’s talk about RNG deciding your game ending. WHY

And now…botching your time based events. Oops

Good…GOD this armor blows.

Zero. You are in my way.

Its time we end this. For real. This is the End. No More X Games Ever Happened.