Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4: When the Moon Hits Your Eye…

Do you think the estimated play time was added because of the unskippable hour long cutscene the last game had?

Because even if it is or not I do actually like that as a feature. It seems like it could be useful.

Oh man I am so excited for this!

I may not be a big fan of Naruto, but I am always a big fan of these LPs (and Chorps LPs in general). I think what I like most about these is that they present Naruto as a series that is flawed, but still both enjoyable and valuable. They really show off what made people love it when it first came out and what makes them love it to this day, and I think that is really great!

P.S. Yes, I know I am a bit late to the thread, but hey, better late than never.


:siren: UPDATE TIME! :siren:

Today, we continue our journey through Kakashi and Obito’s flashback! As Team Minato continues their mission, Rin is captured Mahiru’s allies and forced into interrogation! Kakashi won’t let this get in the way of the mission, but Obito can’t help but go and save Rin, eventually leaving on his own. Will these two ever be able to reconcile their differences? What will become of Rin? Find out all this and more in today’s episode!

Characters Introduced This Episode

A ninja from the Hidden Stone Village. During the Third Great Ninja War, he captured Rin of the Hidden Leaf Village and took them prisoner. Eventually, he would also face off against her teammates, Kakashi and Obito. Taiseki was able to use a camouflage ninjutsu that erased his scent and shadow, as well as changed how light reflects off his body to turn completely invisible.

A ninja from the Hidden Stone Village. During the Third Great Ninja War, he interrogated Rin of the Hidden Leaf Village using genjutsu. Eventually, he would also face off against her teammates, Kakashi and Obito. Kakkou used retractable arm blades to fight, making him the first Assassin.


The best stealth jutsu is one that requires you to yell “camouflage jutsu” whenever you use it.

You know it occurs to me this flashback really underplays that Kakashi’s a stickler for rules because his Dad killed himself. Also there’s no way Rin is pronounced “Reeen” right? Also man Rin does…nothing, she’s so unimportant to the grand scheme of things, and that plus “The Boy’s Battlefield” really points to a thing that Naruto has…a problem with, as a series.

That said I do like this flashback as an intro to the story!

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Without the context of Kakashi’s Dad thing, it really seems like Kakashi is just being a try hard for rules. That said its nice to see that even naruto’s dad is absolutely terrible at keeping track of things, and almost got all his students killed because he was away doing something.

They also don’t really give context for that which is that he’s helping the war effort elsewhere since he’s such a damn good ninja, and his juggling act between teacher and soldier ends up causing some bad shit.
Lots of dad problems in the world of Naruto.

I’m unsure if Naruto makes you realize that Kakashi and Obito were basically child soldiers. Because that’s messed up.

Naruto tried to present that during the Zabuza and Chunin Exam arcs but overall it dropped that theme after awhile, even though it touches on that just a bit with Kakashi and friends. It’s an unstated thing that goes unremarked upon.

If I remember correctly, the anime does handle this much better than the game though… and I can’t really blame the game since it would have to be a visual novel at this point to cover all the complex relationships unveiled during the 4th war.

So wait, in the Manga/Anime was it previously established that the person Kakashi got his Sharingan from was named Obito? Because if so, how would it not be obvious to anyone reading/watching that Tobi was Obito?

Also child Kakashi’s mask makes him look like he is really scared of catching a cold. I love it.

From the very moment Tobi first appeared in the manga, the most of the fandom assumed that he was Obito. I stopped reading years before Tobi’s mask came off, but I’m guessing it didn’t surprise most of the audience.

It was aggressively obvious to the point that people were expecting a bait and switch and it’d be Rin, even though it makes literally no sense. And yet there were some people who didn’t see it coming, for what it’s worth.

I feel bad saying it but I think Kakashi probably has the best fashion out of any ninja in the series, at least with regards to “being a ninja”.

Most people called the character Tobito, that’s how obvious it was.

I have been thinking for a while about how to respond to this information, and all I can do is either laugh or feel bad for the author. It seemed like they were trying to build up to a big reveal, but the fact that everyone already guessed it is kind of sad. :frowning:

I think it was supposed to be obvious, but he kept dragging it out far to long before delving in to his tragic backstory.

Well that makes me feel better at least.

It actually worked on me, it took so long for the reveal to come that I thought Obito was someone else, because there was no sane reason to keep his identity hidden for so long.

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All I wanted out of this series was more Shikamaru and he might as well have died after the first series ended. Man, what a drag.


Hey now, he had a really badass fight against Hidan and Kakuzu, and he stonecold killed the shit out of the guy responsible for Asuma’s death.

You wanna talk about side characters getting shafted, let’s see where the rest of the series go.