Michael's Variety Stream

Hello! I’ve decided to start streaming a lot more regularly than I ever have before. And you can find me under P0LARMic.

I’ll be streaming every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evening. It’ll start between 6pm and 7pm Mountain time. But I may stream at other days and times as I feel capable. I’m going to do my best to keep to the main three days however as repetition is key! They will go for around 4 hours, but could be longer depending on how I’m feeling at the end.


  1. Don’t be an asshole. Be nice to everyone.
  2. No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. This is pretty obvious to everyone here but I still want to say it.
  3. No backseat gaming. Hints are nice but don’t tell me what to do.
  4. Most important rule is to have fun!

As it is currently Spooptober, I’m mostly streaming some scaryish games. Maining on Dead by Daylight and starting Resident Evil 7 tonight. I welcome anyone to come and just have fun in chat. I tend to be described as pretty chill, even in the face of danger. I just want to have fun myself so click HERE to join in it!

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Since I know a lot of people aren’t into the scary games, I’m going to start my stream nights with something a little more chill.
I’ll probably get around to all of these games at some point, but am interested in seeing what people would like to see me start with.
Go ahead and vote! I’ll be starting this tomorrow evening.

So Ive recently branched out what games Im playing. So if you’re interested Im doing an Ocarina of Time 3 Heart Run on Wednesday’s, and Xenoblade Chronicles Blind Play through on Fridays.