Jenner's Thread to be Gay in, AKA Let's Watch Revolutionary Girl Utena!

The thread that will never die.

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Jenner I will fight you.

Wait, is the implication that Chu Chu also dabs and has a fidget spinner, or is his presence just a coincidence? Heā€™s about the size of an average fidget spinner, so how would that even work? Is he just supposed to be Anthyā€™s fidget spinner??

Iā€™m really glad that those three no-name students are included, but Ruka isnā€™t. Fuck Ruka.

Chu-Chuā€™s presence in that spot depends entirely on whether the ā€œvapesā€ category includes single vapings. Chu-Chu has absolutely done a vape. That being said, I highly doubt Chu-Chu vapes regularly. It was a one-time anime shenanigan.

The word ā€œvapeā€ has lost meaning now that Iā€™ve contemplated Chu-Chuā€™s existence for an extended period of time.

Ruka isnā€™t included because heā€™s fucking dead.

If Souji can be a ghost so can Ruka!

Jokes on all though because Ruka never even existed. :ghost:

I have a confession, I have no idea what dabbing is.

Edit: Utena bot is back.


One more thing, I subjected Jenner to this on Friday and Iā€™m surprised she didnā€™t post it.

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Chu Chu Dab

I didnā€™t realize this diagram had canonical support for it.


I just want everyone to know that I got the game working tonight with a lot of help from @heyboots but the game audio is really desynced. As soon as I figure out how to fix that weā€™ll begin our shenanigans.

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Weā€™ll figure it out. Against all expectations to the contrary, Jenner is actually better at messing with video than I am.

I think I figured it out.

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This Twitter thread, and all the content linked throughout it, belongs in this thread. Please take the time to read it.

Indeed. Revolutionary Girl Utena is real good.