Got That New World Feeling but with an Old World Taste - Monster Hunter: World

Wow, that was just hella rude what you did to that Rathalos.

I’m impressed!

Hey everybody,

it’s been a really rough week for me, between personal mental health issues and stresses at home, I’m going to be taking a week off to try and recover, so there will be no update tomorrow.

I’m sorry that I dropped this so suddenly, and hope you’ll come join us next week for Diablos.

Oh no, it’s E3. The only way to stop a bad event is with a good event and that event is :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat:

I was pretty mean to Rathalos last time, so perhaps it’s time I get my just desserts.


Balance has been restored to the ecosystem.


The word of the day is, “oh”

Well that happened. Onward we go!

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If Zorah Magdaros dies in the everstream, the bioenergy it releases will prevent :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat: and we cannot allow that to happen.

So it’s time to put Zorah Magdaros out to sea, and we’re going to do that the only way we know how: with heavy weaponry.

This brings the first leg of the story to a close, but we aren’t done yet! There’s still all sorts of hunting to be done in HIGH RANK which means I’m going to need your help! At this point, the thread is going to on a two-week hiatus, and for the next two Saturdays, I’m going to be hosting recruitment for the LP Squad. Didn’t get in on the first run? That’s fine! You’ll have two more opportunities to come hunt with us before the thread resumes, so if you have the game on PS4, mark your calendars for Saturday the 23rd at 6:00 PM Eastern time and Saturday the 30th at 5:00 PM Eastern Time for some Hunting Action!

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And so ends the tale of the Mountain God. Smacked with cannonballs until it finally decided to go for a swim instead. And then it probably died or something. The end.

Today’s room code for people wanting to join the Squad is


Oops I got wrapped up working on my Four Job Fiesta run and I forgot. >_>

If you missed Saturday’s multiplayer session, don’t worry about it! We’re going to have to move this week’s session to Friday because I have a few commitments on Saturday, so the new time for this week will be :siren: FRIDAY, JUNE 29TH AT 7 PM EASTERN :siren:

Come join in if you’re not a member of the squad, and if you already are, come hang out and hunt some monsters!

Okay, let’s do some multiplayer. This room will run for about an hour and a half, and the room itself will be closed to new entrants at 7:30 (or roughly 35 minutes from now)

The room code is


If you’ve already signed up for the squad, then know that you’re still free to jump in!

Hey everyone,

I’ve decided to extend the hiatus for just one more week. Regular updates will resume on Saturday the 14th.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

The long-awaited day has arrived. It is finally :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat:

With the success of our mission to divert Zorah Magdaros into the sea, we’re now in High Rank, which is where the real meat of the game is.


I love that you just straight-up dunked on Tzitsi Ya-Ku to finish it off. That was some stylish play on a monster that did not deserve respect.

Tzitzi-Ya-Ku is muddying the good name of the much better monster, and on this, the founding day of Kulu Spot, could I let that stand?

Could anyone?

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I came here for one thing, and that thing is :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat:

But, uh, what’s up with this?


I suppose it’s true what they say. Hunters DO dream of electric dogs.


Just a heads-up, there will be no update today, but two updates next week. Life kinda put me in a blender this week, so I got behind on editing and subtitling. Sorry about that!

Hey, so, I’m feeling really crushed between work and this LP. I still intend to finish it, but it can’t be helped, I need time off. I’m going to take a month and try and get myself in order. Hopefully you’ll all stick around and continue Torres’ journey with me then.

I’m really sorry that it’s shaking out like this. LP Fatigue caught up to me really hard, but I definitely do want to finish this one, and we’re not too far out, but instead of completely destroying the game for myself and putting out something rushed and half-hearted, I want to take the time to get refreshed and come back with a full vigor for the game and this project.

Hey, I know this is kinda a dead thread, but I just wanna let you know that I really really liked your LP and I’ll be here for whenever you decide to come back!