Got That New World Feeling but with an Old World Taste - Monster Hunter: World

Grats on the new LP Bo, just got finished watching it a little bit ago! I really like what you have going on with it so far and can’t wait to see where you take it goes on.

Oh this should be fun, World is super good. I don’t get a lot of quality time with my PS4 but I’ll try to come and toot (am a Charge Blade main but Hunting Horn is my next favorite and it’s fun in a group) in an SOS if the stars align before I get passed up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, the fixed version of Episode 1 is uploading now. As soon as it’s up the old version will be going down.


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Playing Monster Hunter be like:


I am loving the resemblance between Torres and some of the villagers from Dragon’s Dogma. I have no idea how intentional it is, but considering how both games love to focus on murdering monsters much bigger and much angrier than you, it feels appropriate.

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What time is it? It’s :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat:

Today we go on our first expedition and wander around with no time limit or continue count. We are also made to commit a terrible crime.

Also, here’s a quick-and-dirty overview of the Smithy! It’s not exhaustive, but it should give those of you who haven’t played a Monster Hunter game an idea of how crafting and upgrading equipment works, while catching vets who haven’t played Monster Hunter: World up a little.


That poor, poor bird. It shall live in in our hearts.

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I kinda dropped the ball on getting them uploaded to Twitch in a timely manner, but the most recent update is now on Twitch for those disinclined towards Youtube.

Sorry about the delay! :meat:

Going on record saying I hate killing this precious bird friend. Seriously, this smart bird is out there surrounded by terrifying creatures, those weird big lizards we saw at the beginning for one, and they probably all have interesting gimmicks and nasty looking claws and teeth.

Bird friend? Bird friend has a rock. And that will have to do.

Good thing we won’t have to kill 'em ever again. … Right?

It is catch-and-release from here on out for Kulu-Ya-Ku

That Kulu-Ya-Ku wasn’t just digging up some old pottery. You just set back Kulu-Ya-Ku development for decades by killing what I presume is their first, and only, archeologist.


What’s that smell? It’s :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat:

So that Pukei-Pukei we saw earlier is in the way of our investigation of Zorah Magdaros. We’ve gotta do something about that.

I also took a bit of time to talk about my observations on how Greatsword plays in our first Weapon Showcase! I must stress that these are just observations on the playstyle of the weapon, and not a full tutorial. When it comes to Monster Hunter, I’m an advocate for just picking up a weapon and putzing about with it until you have a good grip on it, so if you’re curious about Greatsword, pick it up and give it a try!


What’s cooking? Perhaps it is :meat: UPDATE DAY :meat:

It’s time to deal with “The Best Kind of Quest” (editor’s note: It’s not the best kind of quest)


“That” quest, surprisingly went well since she was more than happy carting me while the cart escaped. It wasn’t funny catching up with them, though. What? I get lost easily :frowning_face:

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Well, that’s interesting. Shows some of the unpredictability in this game. When I had this quest, a Diablos never showed up; not even sure one was on the map! Keeps things fresh.

I was stubborn and stuck to Switch-Axe throughout low rank. You really, really want a hammer for handling some problems, as this shows nicely. Heck, I probably should’ve kept changing weapons, since you can just do it whenever now, but it seemed so expensive to keep up with once early upgrades came in.

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why can’t you kick the scholar to make the cart go faster

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I’m pretty certain that quest always has those three monsters, but don’t quote me on that. Diablos only really pokes out of their nest if the wingdrakes above the sandtrap make a bunch of noise.

why can’t you kick the scholar to make the cart go faster

Seems all roads lead to the Wildspire Waste.
What a large Wildspire
…'Tis even larger up close!
Kestodon hunt in packs!


I really do love how the hammer weapons feel with regards to their movesets. Every hit feels meaty and satisfying, especially things like the Big Bang Combo and mounting finishers. When World drops on PC I’m gonna run hammer and never look back.

I know I’m doing my job correctly when I encourage people to pick up the hammer.

I mean, who wouldn’t pick a hammer? the other weapons are cool and all but sometimes all you want is to smash some skulls

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