Fire Emblem: War. War is Anime

I know it’s old news, but I really can’t help but be disappointed by gender restrictions on classes, not just because it’s 2019, but also because I thought we got rid of them in Fates. It makes no sense to me why women can’t be Heroes or Grapplers or War Masters, or why men can’t ride a pegasus or be a master of all the magics.

It especially bothers me that at least one of the girls learns dark magic and she’s not allowed to be a Dark Mage. That’s just asinine.

…Oh well. On the plus side, I realized last night that getting certified in a class will raise your stats up to a baseline, so guess who suddenly wants to make a bunch of Mortal Savants?

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Fates was a bit weird since DLC classes reintroduced gender locked classes, (and also Butler/Maid, while identical, still put Forrest in a butler outfit instead of a maid outfit which is completely incorrect,) but this is a slightly weird backtrack. I’d blame time constraints if not for the fact that the “only women can ride Pegasi” thing is back in the script. Hero class being male-only makes even less sense, though, because female characters can still use Mercenary, so ???

In other news, I beat the Black Eagles route last night! I’ve still got the other routes to play, but I feel like this’ll probably end up being my favorite one. Not gonna post final thoughts yet, but I will list my paired endings:

Byleth & Edelgard
Dorothea & Petra
Hubert & Ferdinand
Leonie & Shamir
Bernadetta & Linhardt


I just wanted to put my two cents in about the writing in this game: it’s really, really good, somehow?? If you track the trajectory of writing quality in the Fire Emblem games, it kind of took a dip after Path of Radiance (although I enjoyed Radiant Dawn, and the writing in the remakes was only held back by the fact that they were rewrites of NES scripts), with Fates being one of the worst video game scripts I have ever seen, but holy shit is the script in Three Houses astounding!

I’ve been on the Blue Lions route, and Dimitri’s entire character arc is amazing! My only complaint is that maybe he returned to sanity a little to early in the plot, but that’s just my particular tastes, I think. His atonement is well-earned, I just wanted to see more of Sad Dimitri.

But in general, I think that Dimitri is a really interesting and dark take on the typical Fire Emblem lord. An optimistic and idealist young prince who loses his kingdom and must reclaim it definitely describes Marth at the very least, but you really feel the trauma that Dimitri has been through every step of the way. And I think the fact that he ultimately succeeds in his goal and regains his sanity is a strong emotional climax, not a cop-out.

I mentioned this to Fefnir, but Three Houses really feels like the game Fates wishes it was, and they didn’t have to hire some over-hyped and talentless manga writer to make that happen.

I also didn’t know that Koei Tecmo did the vast majority of work on this game, with IntSys only doing a “supervisory role,” which is vague enough to mean all sorts of things. I don’t want to be mean, but I imagine that has something to do with Three Houses being so much better than the last original Fire Emblem game.

Been playing Golden Deer route and oh boy do I have mixed feelings. But I’m really liking this game. It’s been said here before but this is a massive improvement from Fates. I really appreciate being able to talk to the characters and hear their thoughts and opinions. I like knowing them better and the fully voiced lines are great.

This game is good.

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Just beat it yesterday on Golden Deer route and absolutely stoked that there’s gay endings for some of the characters. This game is way more respectful about queer content than I thought it would be. I know it could be better but I’m just happy for these scraps.

I wish male Byleth had more and better options.


Here’s how I think Byleth’s endings with Alois and Gilbert were written.

  1. Write all the straight endings first.
  2. Alter the relationships with huge age gaps to be non-romantic.
  3. Realize that Alois and Gilbert’s endings are not romantic, so they don’t need to be altered for Male Blyeth.
  4. Write all of the gay endings.
  5. Whoops, we spent too much time on all the gay ladies.

I really don’t think Linhardt is the only gay boy in this game, but for some reason he’s the only gay boy to get an ending with Byleth. The game should have at least had gay endings for Dimitri, Claude, and Sylvain.

(This next paragraph isn’t supposed to be confrontational, but I could not write it in a way that did not seem confrontational. Sorry :frowning: )
Queer content isn’t a competition or a race. You don’t have to make the queerest game in existence to justify having queer content. I also want more, but my frustration is with mainstream content creators as a whole, and I don’t want to put all of that on Koei Tecmo’s shoulders because they happened to make a game with less queer content than I would have liked. Maybe we’ll get lucky and some of the DLC will include more endings, some of which will be queer.

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I am a good teacher


New DLC just recently got released! I recently finished it and have a couple thoughts. Anyone else finish it? Let’s fucking talk about it!

It really feels like IntSys amped up the difficulty for Cindered Shadows (CS) I found myself really struggling on two maps the golems map and the siege tome assholes map respectively

I like all the Ashen Wolves and Yuri’s combat art is really fun and useful.

Spoilers on Constance: I don’t wanna be too Woke here but I’m not the biggest fan of Constance’s surface personality vs Abyss personality shtick. As someone who occasionally suffers from personality disorder it kinda bothered me. They could have been more sensitive and thoughtful about it.

Spoilers on Hapi: Kinda curious what’s going on with Hapi because she casually mentions having experiments performed on her but she doesn’t have white hair so this must be a different kind of experimentation. I guess I’ll have to replay the base game again and unlock all her supports to learn exactly what’s up with her.

Spoilers on Yuri: Kinda pissed that he’s been a loyal agent of the church, working for Rhea and spying for her, this whole time since the church fucking sucks. I thought that since he killed a couple church folks (and that’s why he got exiled to Abyss) that he’d not be a big fan of the church but I guess not. Hopefully in other runs with other supports he learns the church is ass.

Spoilers on Rhea: Man, fuck Rhea. Her defenders always talk about how scarred and traumatized she is (and she is) to excuse her but there’s just so many things she does that seem to contradict that trauma. Like she just hands out holy relics (which are literally made from the bodies of her dead relatives) like it’s no big deal. The Chalice McGuffin in this DLC was used in the past (presumably by Rhea in another attempt to resurrect her mother Sothis) and the results were, apparently, exactly the same then as they are with Aelfric does it this time (because Rhea says this is just like last time.) So why does she keep this Chalice of Atrocities around and why does she just casually hand it out? Also, why did she perfectly preserve Byleth’s mother’s body and store her in Abyss? That’s kinda creepy. She claims it’s because she loved her and thought of her as family so she did it so she could visit her from time to time but we learn on one of the base game routes (I forget which one) that Byleth is actually the 13th attempt at resurrecting Sothis Rhea has made. Does that mean there are 11 other perfectly preserved bodies stored in Abyss? Makes you think.

General DLC story spoilers that I can’t even elude to because eluding is spoilers: Wow, Aelfric is such an incel. He really did go on an 8+ minute tangent on how Byleth’s mom friendzoned him and got with Chad Jeralt instead. It’s creepy how bad this dude wants to fuck Byleth’s mom and I hate him. I haven’t looked forward to kicking an enemys ass this much in a long time.

Spoilers over… for now. I largely had fun. I didn’t appreciate the exposition dump and really wish the game had just told me things over time. It’s kinda sloppy writing but whatever.

Wish they put in more supports. It seems weird that Ashe and Yuri don’t have a support chain. And Yuri and Claude should have one too. I was really pissed at how few supports they gave Jeritza and I really wish they would add more in general. I know writing is hard and expensive (I’m a writer!) but the supports are one of the biggest reasons why I play these games.

Thanks for reading this long ass post (assuming you read this long ass post)!