Doom II: Hell on Earth - No Place to Wreak Havoc Like Home

Doom was a success, so Id made more Doom. Thus, Doom II. Don’t need much more than that. Except maybe a double shotgun and a few more nightmarish enemies.

The Story:
Doomguy may have blasted his way through the forces of Hell both on Phobos and in Hell itself, but that didn’t stop them from invading Earth. Arsenal in hand, he must help the survivors escape the only way he knows how.

The LP:
Once again, JigglyJacob takes the lead for an All Secrets run. Myself (ThornBrain) and TorpidTypist join him on co-commentary. This is just the base game; Jacob won’t be playing the Master Levels or No Rest for the Living.


Babysitting is treacherous

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Took me all day before I could update the thread due to external hard drive failure. For now, meet a new nightmare.

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Bodies wasted in defeat
People dying on the streets

The next part may be delayed a week or two. I lost my commentary recordings for the next three parts when my external drive failed, and it may be a while before we can re-record them.

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Hiatus averted! To celebrate(?), let’s explore Doom II’s pre-nostalgia secret level.

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Us suburbanites, always gotta dodge that lava.

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Forgot to update the thread here last week. My bad.

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Jacob’s enthused about these next few levels. Final part next week!


And to do it, we had to kill a man.

Thanks for watching folks!


Good show finishing this one off! I have no idea how people found some of these secrets back in the day (though a bunch in Doom 2 are… not really secret? weird).

Also, no-one will blame you for skipping Plutonia. I’ve seen it in action and it didn’t look remotely fun.

Looking forward to seeing how Doom 64 changes things up!

Inspired by one thing you said, this took way longer than it was probably worth.

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