Can we truly reclaim what we've lost? Let's Play Fellowship!

Diving into the character gen of this, looks like a lot of fun! :smile:



Danuin seems like the most broken so far, with Tesiver used to be at a similar level. Tesiver oddly enough seems to have come through the other-side as a grumpy old giant that might be wise.

Vladorz's 'Journal' - Session 1

i could not help but notice that everyone you see online is either really a dumb ass, or genius, or average intelligence

— wint (@dril) January 16, 2018

Yes in retrospect I realize that putting you all on a train was fertile ground for railroading jokes.


What I planned to do this session: Have Danuin mope and seem listless the entire session.
What I did instead: Extreme home make over.

Yesterday @Breadmaster had the audacity of accusing me of having a shitty sleep schedule. HOW DARE HE! (She says, at 6:36 AM). I’m FINE.

Anyway! It’s UPDATE time!
Session 2: Don’t Tread on Me


Bonus Audio: Jenner is bad at technology.

Danuin wasn’t as mopey and perfect goth girlfriend as she could have been, but I have two solutions for that!

  1. Do better.
  2. :arrow_heading_down:
Danuin's Journal, Entry Two:

:musical_score:“Life doesn’t give you the closure you want, only the closure you deserve.”

I wonder how it will go for Minerva, those were her people, that was one of her cities, but before we could even take a moment to breath, we had to continue on. Tea won’t wait. She seems to be taking it in good enough stride, better than me. I’ve spent, what, centuries feeling guilty, marinating in my failure. And I…

I never mourned.
Minerva… She won’t have time to mourn.

Note to self: Find her some time.

In hindsight, perhaps I should have let my miserable failures and crushing regrets guide me instead of trying to take things into my hands, I’ve made a terrible wreck of things. For a bare moment, just briefly, I thought I could finally be part of something again.
I forgot myself again, and I know I’m making excuses, but I just thought that if we could just beat Tea to whatever he is interested in then maybe…
I need to do better.

Are we sure we’re not just helping him?

Yup it's me I'm shitposting

The canon ending to the Dig Site arc:
Canon Ending


I’ll also be adding Minerva’s notes to the thread at some point. They won’t be nearly as extensive’s as Alice’s from the Ryuutama thread, because that ain’t how Minerva writes. Buuuut I felt like writing for this campaign.

Vladorz's Observations - Session 2

The Fingerlings have taken to this crude machine that we appropriated. I tell them, “Such an inefficient mode of transit! You should be more focused on planar travel, not rail travel!” But do they listen? No, of course not. Such rapscallions.
I wish the feathered one took after them more. I fear there may be no solution for a problem like her. It was fortunate she did not damage the craft (such a splendid craft it is, I doubt the students and my companions realize what a prize we have found!). I would think the scaled one would be a better influence on her, but it seems I can’t trust the two of them alone with each other anymore. Hopefully, the old one will step up and do something befitting his age. He certainly has the makings of a parental figure for the the other two. I certainly can’t be one. Such social constructs are amusing to observe, yet I still find them simply exhausting.



I hope this is readable, if not I can provide a transcript. But I much prefer the formatting I can do in word, so I’d prefer to keep it like that.

Minerva's Notes - Pre-Campaign

:tw: for lots of death talk on pages 4 & 5.

Minerva's Notes - Session 1

Minerva's Notes - Session 2


I know the fingerlings don’t look like this, but i can’t help picturing them as this.


Well, we haven’t seen what’s underneath the all concealing robes they wear just yet…


Thanks, I hate it.

i’m rather curious as to how Holly became a lieutenant for the overlord. Of all the people from the previous game i’d have pegged Jack to do a deal like that.

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Ok so we’re streaming now if you wanna watch this trainwreck in real time at

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It’s Thursday, which is not our regular update day. But I’m avoiding working on my book so you get an early update. Enjoy!
Session 3: Mine Your Own Business


The team goes into the mines, Vladorz alone and the rest of the team together. Minerva and Danuin work together to retrieve some kind of dragon soul or something while Tesiver and Vladorz stall Holly. Vladorz telefrags Holly with Wint (the drill vehicle) but loses our entire crew in the space between dimensions. The party returns to the Dig Site and explains everything, gaining our first fellowship with a community!

Bonus Audio: There was about 10+ mins of bonus content that didn’t get recorded because OBS updated and changed my settings. All I really remember is us joking that we scared Riley off by all mass liking her post in our thread. (“Senpai noticed us, and was afraid.”)

Danuin's Journal, Entry Three:

:musical_score:“Sometimes it is when we least intend it that we do the most harm.”

It is important that I remind myself that injury does not require intent, lest I excuse Vladorz. It does not matter that he wished only to handle Mistress Conifer. It was a noble goal but it does not mean he is not responsible for also losing our crew.

But I finally managed to find some time for Minerva, time for her to mourn, to begin healing. Perhaps one day I’ll feel I’ve earned the same, but not now.

Now we have been delayed, I’ll not leave our crew in some state of limbo so that we can chase Tea. Even if the majority of our party did want to set out immediately, we have no leads.

But I know how to get one.

Selynth… would you be charmed, amused, by my caring about these Flightless Ones?


I won’t always have a journal entry for Danuin alongside the video update but hey, two for two!

There’s some extra bonus content that I promised I’d add and I’ll try to have that up on Real Update Day. I’ll probably just stealth it into this post so nobody notices.

Vladorz's Observations - Session 3

I will never really fully understand the desire these creatures have for alcohol. What possesses them to seek out poisons to put inside themselves? The amount of drinking the feathered one is doing should concern me, but I’m certain the hangover will be enough of a lesson. Hopefully.
The other two seem to be in a sour mood as well, and it seems like they’re blaming me for it. Certainly, I did neglect to calibrate the warp drive properly before I used it, but they should know that accidents happen. The math doesn’t always work as well as I want it to, but I can’t dictate the rules of physics in this world, now can I?
I try and try to demonstrate that what we are doing is for the greater good, and that we can’t save everyone. The loss of Tym and the students is unfortunate, but I daresay it did not deserve such vitriol from the rest of my party.
I suppose this means I’ll have to fiddle with the warp drive and bring them back. And I bet they’ll complain if I don’t bring them back all in one piece.

Actually, bringing them back as a single mass would be easier to do… And they would still be alive, technically…


I’M SLOWLY CATCHING UP dang internet I’m stuck with is a right pain

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Quick, like her post!


Anyway, it turns out I can also shit post.
(We already knew this.)

And here’s some fan art I drew, I am not a good artist:


Session 3, or: Fefnir Realized Strength of a Hundred is a Very Good Move She Should Be Using More Often, Really

Minerva's Notes - Session 3


The halflings are probably better off in whatever dimension they got lost in, lets be honest. It gets them away from the player characters and their war with the overlord which will probably tear the dimension to shreds.