Aligning text to the top of talking-head portraits

Hello all. I’m looking into creating a screenshot LP, and I’d like to do the thing I’ve seen a lot of other screenshot LPs do where they use the small talking-head character portraits for in-game dialogue.

But what if I have someone that's giving a large speech, and the text next to the portrait runs on so long that it goes underneath the portrait? I'd like to get it aligned to the top of where the portrait is, if that's possible.

It wouldn’t align with the top of the portrait, but you could block quote the image and dialogue; the way it is highlighted by the forum makes it nice and clear who says what.

But what if I have someone that’s giving a large speech, and the text next to the portrait runs on so long that it goes underneath the portrait? I’d like to get it aligned to the top of where the portrait is, if that’s possible.

If Discourse can be updated to allow for indentation that should also be a good solution.

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I’m really liking how your block quote example looks visually, I might just end up going with that (and smaller portraits). Thanks for the tip!

But what if I have someone that’s giving a large speech, and the text next to the portrait runs on so long that it goes underneath the portrait? I’d like to get it aligned to the top of where the portrait is, if that’s possible.

Above post was a test to see if I could get it working like most word processors, and it looks like it worked. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Insert your image
  2. Hold Shift and press Enter (aka a line break)
  3. Type your message
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If you’re really dedicated, you could cut up each image into chunks roughly of the same height as each line (I think when I did it for a previous LP I had the height at 20px, but you may want to decrease it if the line spacing annoys you) and put text beside each line.

Here is an example of what I am talking about. You’ll have to
eyeball each sentence’s length to make sure things will fit
without a line break, but it shouldn’t be too big a deal. And if
you need more space, simply add a transparent image below
and repeat as needed, as I did here.

It’s probably more work than it’s worth and would require a good bit of tweaking to make look good (to help the text align better with the imagine I’d probably add like 10px blank space to the top of the original and start doing 16px or 20px chunks from there), but the option is there if you’re not doing a lot of portraits or can automate the process somehow.


That’s crazy. Crazy, but impressive nonetheless.